Usor:Andrew Dalby/Cibi
- #Fercula, Fercula F-L, Fercula M-P, Fercula R-Z, #Materies etc., #Potiones, #Vinum, #Species, #Homines et loci, #Varia
- Usor:Andrew Dalby/Ostreae
[recensere | fontem recensere]Ajiaco
[recensere | fontem recensere]See Wikipedia The renowned scholar Fernando Ortiz compared Cuban national identity to the cooking of ajiaco, an African stew of starchy tubers, indigenous ají (chiles), and Spanish beef ... (Pilcher 2014)
- Fernando Ortiz, “Los factores humanos de la cubanidad,” in Etnia y sociedad, ed. Isaac Barreal (Havana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1993), 1–20
- Jeffrey M. Pilcher, ‘Latin American food between export liberalism and the Vía Campesina.’ In: Paul Freedman et al., eds, Food in Time and Place: the American Historical Association companion to food history (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2014): 120–141
- c. 1599 : Gaspar Afonso, "Relaçam da viagem e successos da nao S. Francisco no anno de 1596" in Bernardo Gomes de Brito, ed., História trágico-marítima (Olisipone, 1735-1736) vol. 2 p. 416 (“hagiaco”)
Alae squalorum
[recensere | fontem recensere]Alliata alba
[recensere | fontem recensere]- c. 1335 : Maynus de Mayneriis, Opusculum de saporibus (Lynn Thorndike, "A Medieval Sauce-Book" in Speculum vol. 9 (1934) p. 187 JSTOR; cf. Terence Scully, "The Opusculum de saporibus of Magninus Mediolanensis" in Medium aevum vol. 54 (1985) p. 186 JSTOR)
[recensere | fontem recensere](vide Google)
- saec. XIV : Llibre de sent soví (Joan Santanach i Suñol, ed., Robin M. Vogelzang, interpr., The book of Sent Soví: medieval recipes from Catalonia [2008] pp. 74-75, no. xvi) ("ametllat")
- saec. XIV : Libro per cuoco vel Anonimo Veneziano no. 41 (Ludovico Frati, ed., Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Liburni, 1899) no. 80 Textus a Thoma Gloning divulgatus) ("mandolata")
Askipicium esocis
[recensere | fontem recensere]Salmon in aspic. Cf. Askipicium
- Tacuinum sanitatis. Argentorati, 1531 (p. 71 cum imagine apud Google Books) ("askipicium ... esocte")
- Ckbk from La Varenne via Anne Willan
- Epicurious
- La Boucanerie d’Henri
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1810 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 7 (1810) pp. 133-135
Astacus Courchamps
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1839 : Maurice Cousin de Courchamps, Néo-physiologie du gout par ordre alphabétique, ou, Dictionnaire génerál de la cuisine française ancienne et moderne. Lutetiae, 1839 (Textus apud Google Books)
- 1867 : Le calendrier gastronomique pour l’année 1867: les 365 menus du baron Brisse: un menu par jour Textus alibi
- 1868 : Les 366 Menus du baron Brisse: édition nouvelle des 365 menus Textus
- 1873 : Alexandre Dumas, Grand Dictionnaire de cuisine (Lutetiae: Lemerre, 1873) pp. 634-635
- 1963 : Elizabeth David, "Whisky in the Kitchen" in The Compleat Imbiber no. 4 (1963); reimpressa in Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (1984) ("Lobster Courchamps")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- saec. XIV : Llibre de sent soví (Joan Santanach i Suñol, ed., Robin M. Vogelzang, interpr., The book of Sent Soví: medieval recipes from Catalonia [2008] pp. 104-107, no. xxxi-xxxii) ("avenat")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Fontes antiquiores
- ante 1309 : Tractatus de modo praeparandi et condiendi omnia cibaria II.1-6, V.7 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus ("lardum baconis")
- David Downie, A Taste of Paris: a history of the Parisian love affair with food (Novi Eboraci: St Martin's Press, 2017 ISBN 978-1-250-08293-0) pp. 150-162 passim (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Downie cites Les dons de Comus, also Scappi
Bossex leporinus
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1511 : Nicole de la Chesnaye, La Condamnacion de bancquet. Lutetiae, 1511 (P. L. Jacob, ed., Recueil de farces, soties et moralités du quinzième siècle [Lutetiae, 1859] p. 312) editio 1876 ("boussac, montée avec dodine")
cf. Hares in talbotes
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1806 : Stendhal, journal, see dict.
- 1849 : Gulielmus Makepeace Thackeray, "The Ballad of Bouillabaisse" in Punch (vol. 16 p. 67 apud Google Books) (cf. P. Douhaire, "Thackeray" in Le Correspondant [1864])
- 1859 : Joseph Méry, "La Bouille-abaisse" in Charles Monselet et al., La Cuisinière poétique (Lutetiae: Lévy) pp. 9-13
- 1861 : Gulielmus Makepeace Thackeray, "A Mississippi Bubble" in Cornhill Magazine vol. 4 (1861) (p. 755 apud Google Books)
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 101-102
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1805 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 3 (2a ed. 1805) p. 207
Brodium album
[recensere | fontem recensere]- c. 1335 : Maynus de Mayneriis, Opusculum de saporibus (Lynn Thorndike, "A Medieval Sauce-Book" in Speculum vol. 9 (1934) p. 187 JSTOR; cf. Terence Scully, "The Opusculum de saporibus of Magninus Mediolanensis" in Medium aevum vol. 54 (1985) p. 185 JSTOR)
- "Le bœuf à la Chateaubriand" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 11 (2012?)
Capsicum Cincinnatiense
[recensere | fontem recensere]Cincinnati chili
- Calvin Trillin, American fried (Novi Eboraci, 1974) cap. 7-8
Caput aprinum vel porcinum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- c. 1240 : Gualterus de Bibbesworth, Le Tretiz (MS. T) 821-822 (Andrew Dalby, interpr., The Treatise of Walter of Bibbesworth [Totenais: Prospect Books, 2012. ISBN 978-1-903018-86-6] pp. 142-145) ("la teste du sengler enarmé")
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 308)
Caput monachi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina V.5 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus
Caput Turci
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ante 1300 : Coment l'en deit fere viande e claree no. 26 (Constance B. Hieatt, R. Jones, "Two Anglo-Norman culinary collections" in Speculum vol. 61 (1986) pp. 859-882 JSTOR) ("teste de Turk")
- ante 1325 : Doctrina faciendi diversa cibaria no. 27 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 43-58) ("Test de Turt")
- Nicola McDonald, "Eating People and the Alimentary Logic of Richard Coeur de Lion" in Nicola McDonald, ed., Pulp Fictions of Medieval England: Essays in Popular Romance (Mancunii: Manchester University Press, 2004) pp. 124-150 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
Cf. Iuscellum falsae testudinis
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.404, 6.11 ("qui ... vedellinas testas cum pelle cosinat", "te rogo per testam coctam cum pelle vedelli)
- 1654 : Iosephus Cooper, The Art of Cookery Refin'd and Augmented, containing an Abstract of Some Rare and Rich Unpublished Receipts of Cookery collected from the Practise of that Incomparable Master of These Arts, Mr. Jos. Cooper, Chiefe Cook to the Late King. Londinii: R. Lowndes (pp. 9-10 apud Google Books) ("How to stew a calves head")
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 17-18, 210-211, vol. 5 pp. 323-324, vol. 6 pp. 256-257
- Justin McCurry, "Japan’s island-shaped curry inflames tensions with Korean neighbours" in The Guardian (12 Octobris 2021)
Caseus e cramo
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Grimod??
- Elizabeth David, "Pleasing Cheeses" in Nova (Octobri 1965); reimpressa in Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Nicetas Choniates, Historia Urbs Capta 1.5
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Eruditio
- "Cervellatum" in Marianne Bouchon, "Latin de cuisine" in Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi vol. 22 (1952) pp. 63-76
- Praecepta
- saec. XIV : Libro per cuoco vel Anonimo Veneziano (Ludovico Frati, ed., Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Liburni, 1899) no. 125 Textus a Thoma Gloning divulgatus) ("cervellade bressane")
- 1604 : Lancelot de Casteau, Ouverture de cuisine lib. 2 "pour faire cervelade fin"
- Fontes antiquiores
- Shakespeare, Henry IV part II
- saec. 16 : The Image of Hypocrisy (F. J. Furnivall, ed., Ballads from Manuscripts vol. 1 [1868] p. 218)
- Praecepta
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 193, 194 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("chewetes on flesshe day, chewetes on fyssh day")
- 1594 : The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin (Londinii: Richard Jones, 1594) Textus ("chewites of veale")
- 1596 : Thomas Dawson, The Good Housewife's Jewel. 2a ed. Londinii, 1596 (prima ed. 1585) Textus ("To make oister chewets")
- 1673 : William Rabisha, The Whole Body of Cookery Dissected (Londinii: E. Calvert, 1673) pp. 154, 165 ("To make chewets of salmon; To make a dish of chewits")
- 1895 : Jean De Gouy, La Cuisine et la patisserie bourgeoises en Belgique et à l'étranger. Bruxellis (p. 157 apud Google Books) (petits pâtés au godiveau")
- 2012 : Andrew Dalby, Maureen Dalby, The Shakespeare Cookbook (Londinii: British Museum Press. ISBN 9780714123356) pp. 82-83
Civerium anatinum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1381 : Diversa servicia no. 52 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 59-79) ("mallard in cyvey")
Civerium capreolinum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- saec. XIV : Libro per cuoco vel Anonimo Veneziano (Ludovico Frati, ed., Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Liburni, 1899) no. 14-16 Textus a Thoma Gloning divulgatus) ("civiro overo savore negro a cengiaro ... a ceruo, etc. ... a carne de cavriolo o de livore")
Civerium cervinum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- saec. XIV : Libro per cuoco vel Anonimo Veneziano (Ludovico Frati, ed., Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Liburni, 1899) no. 14-16 Textus a Thoma Gloning divulgatus) ("civiro overo savore negro a cengiaro ... a ceruo, etc. ... a carne de cavriolo o de livore")
Civerium cuniculinum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina ubi diversitates ciborum docentur II.46 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus ("De civerio leporis vel cuniculi")
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 27 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("conyngges in cyvee")
Civerium piscium
[recensere | fontem recensere]- c. 1300 : Enseignements 220 (Grégoire Lozinski, ed., La Bataille de Caresme et de Charnage [Lutetiae: Honoré Champion, 1933] pp. 181-187) alibi "seiches en chivé d'oignons")
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 115, 122-123 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("plays, sooles, tenches in cyvee")
[recensere | fontem recensere]-
- 1381 : Diversa servicia no. 11 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 59-79) ("colys")
Pigeon à la crapaudine
- David Downie, A Taste of Paris: a history of the Parisian love affair with food (Novi Eboraci: St Martin's Press, 2017 ISBN 978-1-250-08293-0) pp. 153, 162 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Downie cites Voltaire
Cremor oryzae
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "cremor oryzae ... crême de ris": Philippus Laurentius Geiger, Carolus Fridericus Mohr, Pharmacopoea universalis. Heidelbergae: Winter, 1845 (p. 207 apud Google Books)</ref>
- 1767 : L'Avantcoureur vol. 9 no. 27 (6 Iulii 1767) (pp. 422-424 apud Google Books)
Cuniculi e gravato
[recensere | fontem recensere]- c. 1240 : Gualterus de Bibbesworth, Le Tretiz (MS. T) 830-831 (Andrew Dalby, interpr., The Treatise of Walter of Bibbesworth [Totenais: Prospect Books, 2012. ISBN 978-1-903018-86-6] pp. 104-105) ("conys en gravé")
- Praecepta
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 28 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("Conynggys in gravey")
- 1381 : Diversa servicia no. 10 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 59-79) ("Conyngges in gravey")
- c. 1420 : Liber cure cocorum (Richard Morris, ed., Liber cure cocorum [Londinii: Philological Society, 1862] p. 8)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1859 : Charles Asselineau, "Le Cabaret de la pomme de pin" in Charles Monselet et al., La Cuisinière poétique (Lutetiae: Lévy) pp. 76-78
Farts of Portingale
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Fontes antiquiores
- saec. 16 : The Image of Hypocrisy (F. J. Furnivall, ed., Ballads from Manuscripts vol. 1 [1868] p. 218)
- Praecepta
- 1591 : A. W., A Book of Cookrye 2a ed. London: Edward Allde, 1591 (prima editio, 1584) Textus ("To make Farts of Portingale")
- 1594 : The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin (Londinii: Richard Jones, 1594) Textus ("farts of Portingale; fystes of Portingale")
- 2012 : Andrew Dalby, Maureen Dalby, The Shakespeare Cookbook (Londinii: British Museum Press. ISBN 9780714123356) pp. 54-55
Faux grenon
[recensere | fontem recensere]- c. 1300 : Enseignements 62 (Grégoire Lozinski, ed., La Bataille de Caresme et de Charnage [Lutetiae: Honoré Champion, 1933] pp. 181-187) alibi
- ante 1431 : Iohannes de Bockenheim, Registrum coquinae MS BNF latin 7054 Editio ("vigitellos de Porco")
- Diego Zancani, "Notes on the vocabulary of gastronomy in literary works from Boccaccio to Giulio Cesare Croce" in The Italianist vol. 30 suppl. 2 (2010) pp. 132-148, praecipue p. 138
Cf. en:Fiadone, es:Flaó, en:Flaouna
- Acta Sanctorum 16-20 Iunii p. lxii in notis Danielis Papebrochii ("formam ... flatonis seu fladonis, placentae Teutonibus Vlade dictae")
- Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 5.469
[recensere | fontem recensere]Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Andrew Dalby/Cibi spectant. |
- Busbequius
- Franciscus Rabelaesus, Gargantua cap. 25
Inter meliores cibos circa Villam Francam in Rutenis productos enumerantur:
- "Pagus Villae Francae omasa vitulina offert caseolosque caprinos et focacias" (Le Villefranchois offre ses tripous, tripes de veau, ses cabécous, fromages de chèvre, et sa fouace, variété de brioche).[1]
- "Fougasse" in Pierre Rézeau, ed., Dictionnaire des régionalismes de France (Bruxelles: Duculot, 2001) pp. 486-489
- Magyaros rablóhús
- 1875 : Andrew F. Crosse, "Wild boar hunting in Hungary" in The Argonaut vol. 5 (1875) ("It was now time for lunch. We soon had a good fire blazing, and prepared some 'robber's steak', which consists of slices of beef, bacon and onions skewered alternately on a piece of stick ... This preparation ias sprinkled with salt and pepper, and then roasted quickly over the glowing embeers of the wood fire. I can assure you it is most toothsome food -- I cannot sayy dish, for the dinner was in a certain sense à la Russe, there being no dishes on the table; everybody had his own 'stick'. When the galvanic pile got cold, then the holder thereof twisted and twirled it again over the hot embers, letting the fried fat fall on a hunch of bread. Our repast was washed down with Imperial Tokay!" (pp. 193-200, vide p. 198 apud Google Books)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Fontes antiquiores
- c. 1240 : Gualterus de Bibbesworth, Le Tretiz (MS. T) 836 (Andrew Dalby, interpr., The Treatise of Walter of Bibbesworth [Totenais: Prospect Books, 2012. ISBN 978-1-903018-86-6] pp. 150-151) ("crespes e friture")
- Eruditio
- "Fristella" in Marianne Bouchon, "Latin de cuisine" in Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi vol. 22 (1952) pp. 63-76
- Praecepta
- saec. XIV : Libro per cuoco vel Anonimo Veneziano (Ludovico Frati, ed., Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Liburni, 1899) no. 26-29 Textus a Thoma Gloning divulgatus) ("fritelle")
- 1381 : Diversa servicia no. 19, 40 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 59-79) ("fruturs")
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 153-157 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("frytour")
and cf. en:Frittole (doughnut)
- Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.38
[recensere | fontem recensere]- c. 1240 : Gualterus de Bibbesworth, Le Tretiz (MS. T) 823 (Andrew Dalby, interpr., The Treatise of Walter of Bibbesworth [Totenais: Prospect Books, 2012. ISBN 978-1-903018-86-6] pp. 144-145) ("veneysoun ho la formentee")
- Praecepta
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 1 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("frumente")
- 1381 : Diversa servicia no. 1, 89 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 59-79) ("furmenty; for to make formenty on a fichssday")
- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 132-133 n.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1810 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 7 (1810) pp. 8-16, cf. vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) p. 141
- 1669 : Kenelm Digby; George Hartman, ed.? The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened. Londinii: Henry Brome, 1669 (pp. 241-242 apud Google Books) (Portuguez eggs)
Gooseberry fool
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Dalby
- "Syllabubs and Fruit Fools" in Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Fontes antiquiores
- 1511 : Nicole de la Chesnaye, La Condamnacion de bancquet. Lutetiae, 1511 (P. L. Jacob, ed., Recueil de farces, soties et moralités du quinzième siècle [Lutetiae, 1859] p. 311) editio 1876
- Eruditio
- "Alexandre Dumas et le haricot de mouton" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 6 (2011)
- Praecepta
- saec. XIV : Llibre de sent soví (Joan Santanach i Suñol, ed., Robin M. Vogelzang, interpr., The book of Sent Soví: medieval recipes from Catalonia [2008] pp. 160-161, no. lix) ("arricoc")
Hares in talbotes
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 26 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("hares in talbotes")
- 1381 : Diversa servicia no. 9 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 59-79) ("haris in talbotays")
Hillae e capsicis
[recensere | fontem recensere]Chili dog
- Calvin Trillin, American fried (Novi Eboraci, 1974) cap. 7-8
- 1807 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 5 (1807) pp. 102-109 "Des potages farineux")
- Sylvia Wu, Madame Wu's Art of Chinese Cooking (Monicopoli: Charles, 1973) p. 52 editionis 1976; Exemplar mutuabile editionis 1976 (sunt qui "Madam" loco "Madame" primam editionem intitulant)
- 1807 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 5 (1807) pp. 302-304
An cum Korma coniungenda?
- Margareta Aslan, "Turkish Flavours in the Transylvanian Cuisine (17th-19th Centuries)" in Angela Jianu, Violeta Barbu, edd., Earthly Delights: Economies and cultures of food in Ottoman and Danubian Europe, c. 1500-1900 (Leiden: Brill, 2018) pp. 99-126 ad p. 114
- Margareta Aslan, "Turkish Flavours in the Transylvanian Cuisine (17th-19th Centuries)" in Angela Jianu, Violeta Barbu, edd., Earthly Delights: Economies and cultures of food in Ottoman and Danubian Europe, c. 1500-1900 (Leiden: Brill, 2018) pp. 99-126 ad p. 115
Lemon curd
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Elizabeth David, "I'll be with you in the squeezing of a lemon" in Wine and Food (Martio 1969); reimpressa in Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)
Pulmentum fabarum. An eadem res?
- "Docta fuit grassos manibus componere gnoccos, Tortas, tortellos, maccum, muliebre polenta": Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 6.537-538
cf. Rivus Morentini
- David Downie, A Taste of Paris (Novi Eboraci: St Martin's Press, 2017) pp. 102-105 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- "Toulouse-Lautrec et le lièvre à la royale" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 5 (Novembri 2010)
- "Lièvre à la royale : la part du Lion d’or, restaurant étoilé de Romorantin" in Nouvelle république (1 Novembris 2020)
- "Championnat du monde du Lièvre à la royale"
Loup en croute
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Trillin 1978 (1994 pp. 247-250)
- cf. en:Salt crust but also Byzantine dinner!
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Adam Reiner, "Getting Lost in the World’s Largest Stack of Menus" in Taste (1 Ianuarii 2023)
[recensere | fontem recensere]An relevat "salsiccia de mortadello" (metaphora sexualis ut videtur) in Iohannes Boccacius, Decameron conclusio?[2] Cf. mortadella in Magister Martinus. Sed mortadella mox in botulum conversa est. Vide John Florio’s Dictionary (1611), s.v. Mortadelle: a kind of Sauseges very hard and salt [sic]. Also a kind of meate of compressed flesh of veal.
- Eruditio
- "Mortarellus, Mortarolum" in Marianne Bouchon, "Latin de cuisine" in Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi vol. 22 (1952) pp. 63-76
- Praecepta
- saec. XIV : Llibre de sent soví (Joan Santanach i Suñol, ed., Robin M. Vogelzang, interpr., The book of Sent Soví: medieval recipes from Catalonia [2008] pp. 116-117 et 184-185, no. xxxvii et lxxi) ("morterol; morterol de cabrit")
- saec. XIV : Libro per cuoco vel Anonimo Veneziano (Ludovico Frati, ed., Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Liburni, 1899) no. 45, cf. 46 Textus a Thoma Gloning divulgatus) ("mortarolo per xii persone")
- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina I.12, II.63-64, V.4 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus ("Mortarellus, mortarolum")
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 46-47, 128 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("mortrews, mortrews blank, mortrews of fyssh")
- 1381 : Diversa servicia no. 5, 48 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 59-79) ("mortrellus, mortrellus blanc")
- saec. XIV exeunte : Utilis coquinario no. 26 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 61-91) ("mortreux of fisch")
- 1604 : Lancelot de Casteau, Ouverture de cuisine textus "Pour faire mortadelle ... Pour faire mortadelle d'esturgion"
[recensere | fontem recensere]"Musacas": ita Hispanice, cf. "... pizzas y musacas (lasaña sin pasta)"
- Martin Dwyer, "George Perry-Smith’s Moussaka" (28 Februarii 2008)
- 1870 : Urbain-Dubois, Cosmopolitan cookery: popular studies (Londinii: Longmans, 1870) no. 1051; versionis Francogallicae editio 3a 1872 no. 1033 ("Mussaca, Moldavian fashion. Moussaka à la Moldave")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Le nougat" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 17 (2013?)
Ostreae Roffignac
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Mary Land, Louisiana Cookery (p. 159 apud Google Books)
- "Let Us Now Praise Famous Oyster Dishes"
Ova spongia Boulestin
[recensere | fontem recensere]Omelette Boulestin There is one thing above all you must avoid when making an omelette," advised the chef in a thick Anglo-French accent, "and that is an inferiority complex." He recommended a thick iron pan — "extremely hot," heated empty for "a good twenty minutes" so that most of the cooking takes place off the fire — and insisted the eggs be beaten lightly with a fork, and only at the last minute. A decisive flick of the wrist will help you turn the edges inward; the final product is shaped with the fork, "and the omelette" he said, "white, perfect, slides silently onto the dish." The chef’s name is Xavier Marcel Boulestin, and the show, Cook's Night Out, aired on the BBC in January of 1937, for the benefit of those poor British souls whose at-home kitchen staff had vamoosed for the evening. If that sounds a little niche, consider that a television just then cost an inflation-adjusted price of more than seven thousand dollars; only the super-rich could afford them. Boulestin’s omelette, white and perfect, is considered to be the very first dish ever cooked on television. (source: Bustillos) Cf. more than one omelette recipe in Simple French Cooking for English Homes. Londinii: Heinemann, 1923 (fide ckbk), among them Omelette à l'oseille.
Myself, My Two Countries: As a teen growing up in the country, he would bicycle with friends to lunch at some distant village inn: "An omelette, a sauté of chicken, a salad, cheese and a drink of the local wine... is there even now a better meal?" (source: Bustillos)
- Maria Bustillos, "The Chef for Every Age: Before Anthony Bourdain, Mario Batali, or even Alice Waters, there was X. Marcel Boulestin" (6 Iulii 2016) apud Eater Inter fontes nostros
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 39-40
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1654 : Iosephus Cooper, The Art of Cookery Refin'd and Augmented, containing an Abstract of Some Rare and Rich Unpublished Receipts of Cookery collected from the Practise of that Incomparable Master of These Arts, Mr. Jos. Cooper, Chiefe Cook to the Late King. Londinii: R. Lowndes (pp. 82-83 apud Google Books) ("How to make pancakes")
Vide Du Cange s.v. "charpa": "panetarius panem coctum, gruellos, mapas, manutergia ..."
- 1669 : Kenelm Digby; George Hartman, ed.? The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened. Londinii: Henry Brome, 1669 (pp. 167-168 apud Google Books) (Pan cotto, as the Cardinals use in Rome)
[recensere | fontem recensere]Vide it:Panissa, commons:Category:Panissa Vercellese; from "panicum"; search "panicia" and "panicia mensa"
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 2.211 et alibi ("panizza", interdum "pannizza"; Mullaney translates "minestrone")
- Fried Panissa: a specialty from Liguria
- "Panizza" apud Treccani
Pastillum sive copum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- saec. XIV : Libro per cuoco vel Anonimo Veneziano (Ludovico Frati, ed., Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Liburni, 1899) no. 48-52 Textus a Thoma Gloning divulgatus) ("pastero")
Pastillum sive copum avium vivarum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina II.29 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus
Copum sive pastillum de lacte
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina III.4 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus
Phasianus Sanctae Alligantiae
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1825 : Ioannes Anthelmus Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût (Lutetiae, 1826) vol. 1 vol. 2 varietates 12, cf. meditationes 6.39
- Escoffier GC
- p. 217
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Celsus, Petronius, Apicius
- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina II.68 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus
- c. 1335 : Maynus de Mayneriis, Opusculum de saporibus (Lynn Thorndike, "A Medieval Sauce-Book" in Speculum vol. 9 (1934) pp. 187-188 JSTOR; cf. Terence Scully, "The Opusculum de saporibus of Magninus Mediolanensis" in Medium aevum vol. 54 (1985) pp. 193-194
- JSTOR) ("piperatum croceum bullitum; piperata nigra, crocea")
Piscis patataeque frictae
[recensere | fontem recensere]Fish and chips
- Jimi Famurewa, "The Fryer’s Delight: Chippies might be in deep water but this old delight is still bubbling away" in Evening Standard (29 Iunii 2022)
- Tom Lamont, "A funeral for fish and chips: why are Britain’s chippies disappearing?" in The Guardian (20 Iulii 2023)
- John K. Walton, Fish and Chips and the British Working Class, 1870-1940
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Elizabeth David, "Pizza" in Sunday Times (1 Decembris 1957); reimpressa in Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)
[[Antoninus enuo ab anno 1824 usque in 1829 iuxta Iacobum de Rothschild operam dedit. Ibi anno 1829 ad cenam Sydney, domina Morgan convocata est, quae famam Carême iam cognovit.[3] Dum colloquium post cenam tenebant hic praeceptum bellariorum ad eam praebuit.[4] Quae in libro France in 1829-30 convivium verbis generosis descripsit:
- Cena ad stationem anni, ad tempus quo vivimus, ad spiritum aevi convenit. Sapor antiquae scientiae in nullo ferculo sentitus est: afuerunt iura aromatibus plena, gravata fusca, gustus cayennae pimentaeque, tinctus kecap nucumque conditorum. Destillationes delicatissimorum ciborum, summa arte chemica extractae, fundum omnium constituit. Quaeque caro aroma sua, quaeque herba viriditatem suam praebuit.[5]
Po' boy
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Michael Mizell-Nelson, "French bread" in Susan Tucker, ed., New Orleans Cuisine: Fourteen Signature Dishes and Their Histories (University Press of Mississippi, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60473-645-8) pp. 38-53
- Barry Popik, "Po’ Boy or Poor Boy (sandwich)", "Pour le Bois (sandwich) & Pourbois (unsupported “po’ boy” French etymologies)"
- Steven Morris, "Devon pub reaps Twitter storm after adding ploughperson’s to menu" in The Guardian (28 Martii 2022)
Porcina pastillata
[recensere | fontem recensere](pork pie)
- c. 1335 : Maynus de Mayneriis, Opusculum de saporibus (Lynn Thorndike, "A Medieval Sauce-Book" in Speculum vol. 9 (1934) p. 187 JSTOR; cf. Terence Scully, "The Opusculum de saporibus of Magninus Mediolanensis" in Medium aevum vol. 54 (1985) p. 188 JSTOR) "Carnes porcinae pastillatae"
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1859 : Louis de Dax, "Puchero espagnol" in Charles Monselet et al., La Cuisinière poétique (Lutetiae: Lévy) pp. 79-81
Pudingum montis Salvatoris
[recensere | fontem recensere]Pouding Salvator
- 1905 : Iosephus Favre, Dictionnaire universel de cuisine pratique (2a ed.) vol. 4 pp. 1646-1647
- 1
- 2
Pullina pastillata
[recensere | fontem recensere](chicken pie)
- ante 1250 : Libellus de arte coquinaria codex "K" vel Hauniensis f. 146r (M. Kristensen, ed., The socalled Harpestreng cookbook (13th century) = Das sog. Harpestreng-Kochbuch [13. Jh.]: Codex K: Harpestræng. Hauniae, 1908-1920) Textus
- c. 1335 : Maynus de Mayneriis, Opusculum de saporibus (Lynn Thorndike, "A Medieval Sauce-Book" in Speculum vol. 9 (1934) p. 187 JSTOR; cf. Terence Scully, "The Opusculum de saporibus of Magninus Mediolanensis" in Medium aevum vol. 54 (1985) p. 102 JSTOR) "Gallinae pastillatae"
- ... Velabrian: caseus, Mart. 13, 32, 2; cf. id. ... 13, 32, 2: massa recocta foco Velabrensi ...
- "mascherpam ... caldam" macaronice Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 6.224, cf. 8.20, sicut Lombardice hodie mascherpa vel mascarpa(it)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- saec. XIV : Llibre de sent soví (Joan Santanach i Suñol, ed., Robin M. Vogelzang, interpr., The book of Sent Soví: medieval recipes from Catalonia [2008] pp. 128-129, no. xliii) ("resoles")
Salsa salvatgina
[recensere | fontem recensere]- saec. XIV : Llibre de sent soví (Joan Santanach i Suñol, ed., Robin M. Vogelzang, interpr., The book of Sent Soví: medieval recipes from Catalonia [2008] pp. 58-59, no. viii) ("salsa salvatgina")
Salsicia Bononiensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1604 : Lancelot de Casteau, Ouverture de cuisine lib. 2 "Pour faire saulsisse de Bologne ... Saulsisse de Bologne de poisson"
- Elizabeth David, "Pizza" in Sunday Times (1 Decembris 1957); reimpressa in Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)
Could combine with Pissaladière as the Italians do
- Margareta Aslan, "Turkish Flavours in the Transylvanian Cuisine (17th-19th Centuries)" in Angela Jianu, Violeta Barbu, edd., Earthly Delights: Economies and cultures of food in Ottoman and Danubian Europe, c. 1500-1900 (Leiden: Brill, 2018) pp. 99-126 ad p. 116
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 53-54
Solea Normannica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Sole normande: un classique des pays de l'Ouest"
- 1838 : Le Journal de Rouen (verificandum)
- 1867 : Jules Gouffé, Le Livre de cuisine (Lutetiae: Hachette) Textus
cf. "ragoût de matelote normande" in L'Art de la cuisine française au dix-neuviême siècle "1835"? antea? postea? cf. "flondre à la crème" in "Repas normand" in Amand Masson de Saint Amand, Lettres d'un voyageur à l'embouchure de la Seine (1828) p. 229
- Frank X. Tolbert, A Bowl of Red: A Natural History of Chili con Carne (2a ed. Garden City Novi Eboraci: Doubleday, 1972) pp. 130-136
- Barry Popik, "Son-of-a-Bitch Stew (Son-of-a-Gun Stew)" (2006)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "suffocare" (see Casaubon's Athenaeus 395f-396a; compare DMBLS "suffocale" and "suffocacium")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Fontes antiquiores
- c. 1240 : Gualterus de Bibbesworth, Le Tretiz 709-710 (Andrew Dalby, interpr., The Treatise of Walter of Bibbesworth [Totenais: Prospect Books, 2012. ISBN 978-1-903018-86-6] pp. 104-105) ("Du sueth l'em fet sueaus, Un manger bon et beaus")
- Praecepta
- saec. XIV ineunte : BL Royal 12.C.xii no. 23 (Constance B. Hieatt, R. Jones, "Two Anglo-Norman culinary collections" in Speculum vol. 61 (1986) pp. 859-882 JSTOR) ("Swade")
- ante 1325 : Doctrina faciendi diversa cibaria no. 23 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 43-58) ("Suade")
Suet blanc
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ante 1300 : Coment l'en deit fere viande e claree no. 24 (Constance B. Hieatt, R. Jones, "Two Anglo-Norman culinary collections" in Speculum vol. 61 (1986) pp. 859-882 JSTOR) ("Suet blanc")
- ante 1325 : Doctrina faciendi diversa cibaria no. 44 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 43-58) ("Suot blanc")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Dalby
- "Syllabubs and Fruit Fools" in Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Serge Bourgeat, Catherine Bras, "Entre ancrage local, mondialisation culturelle et patrimonialisation… Une géographie de la tartiflette" (2021) apud Géoconfluences
[recensere | fontem recensere]Potagium de carne humana
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 98
[recensere | fontem recensere]- saec. XIV : Libro per cuoco vel Anonimo Veneziano (Ludovico Frati, ed., Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Liburni, 1899) no. 94-114 Textus a Thoma Gloning divulgatus) ("torta")
- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina ubi diversitates ciborum docentur V.6-10 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus ("Torta parmesana [etc.]")
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 161, 163, 164, 172-178 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("crustardes, tartes [etc.]")
- Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 6.537-538, cf. 1.483 "Docta fuit grassos manibus componere gnoccos, Tortas, tortellos, maccum, muliebre polenta"
[recensere | fontem recensere]Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Andrew Dalby/Cibi spectant. |
Inter meliores cibos circa Villam Francam in Rutenis productos enumerantur:
- "Pagus Villae Francae omasa vitulina offert caseolosque caprinos et focacias" (Le Villefranchois offre ses tripous, tripes de veau, ses cabécous, fromages de chèvre, et sa fouace, variété de brioche).[7]
Venatio e frumentato
[recensere | fontem recensere]- c. 1240 : Gualterus de Bibbesworth, Le Tretiz (MS. T) 823 (Andrew Dalby, interpr., The Treatise of Walter of Bibbesworth [Totenais: Prospect Books, 2012. ISBN 978-1-903018-86-6] pp. 144-145) ("veneysoun ho la formentee")
Venter porcinus
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina ubi diversitates ciborum docentur II.48 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus ("De ventre porcino implendo")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina II.60 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus
- ante 1449 : Burchiello, sonnet 50, fide Zancani
- c. 1470 : Maestro Martino (Gillian Riley, interpr., Maestro Martino: Libro de Arte Coquinaria (CD-ROM. Quercupoli: Octavo, 2005. ISBN 1-891788-83-3) fide Zancani
- Diego Zancani, "Notes on the vocabulary of gastronomy in literary works from Boccaccio to Giulio Cesare Croce" in The Italianist vol. 30 suppl. 2 (2010) pp. 132-148, praecipue p. 139
Viande de Cypre
[recensere | fontem recensere]- c. 1240 : Gualterus de Bibbesworth, Le Tretiz (MS. T) 830-831 (Andrew Dalby, interpr., The Treatise of Walter of Bibbesworth [Totenais: Prospect Books, 2012. ISBN 978-1-903018-86-6] pp. 104-105) ("viande de Cypre enfoundree")
- Praecepta
- saec. XIV ineunte : BL Royal 12.C.xii no. 28 (Constance B. Hieatt, R. Jones, "Two Anglo-Norman culinary collections" in Speculum vol. 61 (1986) pp. 859-882 JSTOR) ("viaunde de Cypre")
- ante 1325 : Doctrina faciendi diversa cibaria no. 28, 56 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 43-58) ("viaunde de Cypre; mete of Cypree")
- saec. XIV exeunte : Utilis coquinario no. 21 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 61-91) ("viaunde of Cypre")
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 100-101 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("vyaunde Cypre")
[recensere | fontem recensere]Vinegreta (ita Dacoromanice; Francogallice vinaigrette) ...
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 62 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("vinegrate")
- "La blanquette d’agneau" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 9 (2011?)
== Vitulia Orloff Cf. Urbanus Dubois
- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 32-33
Welsh rabbit
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1825 : Ioannes Anthelmus Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût (Lutetiae, 1826) vol. 1 vol. 2 varietates 3
- "De la zlabya au cornet glacé" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 12 (2012?)
Materies etc.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 376)
[recensere | fontem recensere]Agresta[8]
- saec. XIV exeunte : Llibre d'aparellar de menjar textus (Joan Santanach i Suñol, ed., Robin M. Vogelzang, interpr., The book of Sent Soví: medieval recipes from Catalonia [2008] pp. 192-193) ("agràs")
- Perrine Mane, "Raisin, vin, vinaigre, verjus dans les traités culinaires… ou « Dans la vigne tout est bon »" in L'Atelier du Centre de recherches historiques no. 12 (Vignes et vins au Moyen Âge. Pratiques sociales, économie et culture matérielle. 2014)
Amylum vignae radiatae
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Cf. vigna radiata
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Recipes from the Garden of Contentment [Great Barrington Massachusettensium: Berkshire Publishing, 2018] (p. 39 apud Google Books))
Aroma vanillae naturale
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1810 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 7 (1810) pp. 47-58
Latin name?
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 2.280 "scalognas" acc. pl.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] pp. 428-431 et alibi)
- 1812 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 8 (1812) pp. 62-64
[recensere | fontem recensere]Aspic. Cf Askipicium esocis (supra)
- Tacuinum sanitatis. Argentorati, 1531 (p. 71 cum imagine apud Google Books) ("askipicium")
- Maria Lucia De Nicolò, Del mangiar pesce fresco, 'salvato', 'navigato' nel Mediterraneo Alimentazione, mercato, pesche ancestrali (secc. XIV-XIX) (Bononiae, 2019) pp. 129-131 et alibi Textus ("askipecia")
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 132-140, 159
Bramley's Seedling
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Elizabeth David, "Big Bad Bramleys" in The Spectator (26 Octobris 1962); reimpressa in Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Frank X. Tolbert, A Bowl of Red: A Natural History of Chili con Carne (2a ed. Garden City Novi Eboraci: Doubleday, 1972) p. 129 Exemplar mutuabile
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "L’évolution du statut de la viande de chien en Chine" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 21 (2015)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 96-97
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 106-107 ("coq vierge")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 31-32
Carabasses (marrow? gourd?)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- saec. XIV exeunte : Llibre d'aparellar de menjar textus (Joan Santanach i Suñol, ed., Robin M. Vogelzang, interpr., The book of Sent Soví: medieval recipes from Catalonia [2008] pp. 210-211) ("carabasses")
(vide Google); Chondrus crispus
- "Agar-agar, carraghénane et goémon blanc" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 11 (2012?)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] pp. 416-417 et alibi)
Coffeum suppositicium
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1810 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 7 (1810) pp. 47-58
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Caro columbina": Polybi De diaeta salubri sive de victu privatorum libellus (1561) (f. 58r et index apud Google Books)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 426)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 羽族單 = Birds)
Corium casei soiae
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 豆腐皮 = Tofu skin, 素燒鵝 = Roast Vegetarian Goose)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "[Deus] Qui te pavit heremo carne coturnina, Melle, manna, poculis de rupe petrina": M. L. Colker, ed., "Latin Psalter in Rhythmic Verse" in Sacris erudiri vol. 30 (1987/1988) p. 408.
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 304)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 煨鵪鶉,黃雀 = Braised Quail and Siskin)
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 112-114
[recensere | fontem recensere]-,,
- 1767 : L'Avantcoureur vol. 9 no. 10 (9 Martii 1767), no. 27 (6 Iulii 1767) (pp. 151-153, 422-424 apud Google Books) de primis popinis restaurativis; de confecturis Barrensibus
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 4 (1806) circa p. 100 de confecturis Barrensibus
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Crudivorisme, les mordus du crus" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 16 (2013?)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 醬瓜 = Soy-Pickled Cucumbers)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 304 et alibi)
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 33-34
Cuttlefish roe
[recensere | fontem recensere]There is confusion between this and mullet roe
- commerical image
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 海蝘)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 30-31
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Tamales and Enchiladas" in Frank X. Tolbert, A Bowl of Red: A Natural History of Chili con Carne (2a ed. Garden City Novi Eboraci: Doubleday, 1972) pp. 118-129 Exemplar mutuabile
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Sollicitant altrae teneros componere gnoccos, qui per formaium rigolant infrotta tridatum": Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.48, cf. 1.38, 6.537
Herefordshire redstreak
[recensere | fontem recensere]The best apples make the best cider, as pearmains, pippins, golden-pippins and the like. Codlings make the finest cider of all ... Red streaks are the best for cider to keep; ginet-moils the next, then pippins.[15]
seu ficatum?
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.414-415 ("Est qui copertos redeselli veste figatos Voltat in argutis lardo cridante padellis")
[recensere | fontem recensere]
- saec. XIV : Libro per cuoco vel Anonimo Veneziano (Ludovico Frati, ed., Libro di cucina del secolo XIV (Liburni, 1899) no. 80 Textus a Thoma Gloning divulgatus) : verificanda: Zancani ait:
- Tria is also found, as a dish from Genoa, in the fourteenth-century collection of recipes Il libro della cucina del sec. XIV, p. 87: ‘De la tria Genoese per li ’nfermi. Metti la tria nel latte de l’amandole bullito, e un poco di sale, e dà a mangiare’ (‘Genoese tria for the sick. Put the tria in boiled almond milk, with a little salt, and serve’). Cf. Spanish and Portuguese aletria (Zancani nota 34)
Laoganma (embamma)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- en:Tao Huabi et en:Lao Gan Ma
- Helen Sullivan, "‘China’s hottest woman’: the driving force behind crunchy chilli sensation Lao Gan Ma" in The Guardian (5 Novembris 2022)
- Situs proprius
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 32-33
[recensere | fontem recensere](p. 91 apud Google Books)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] pp. 295, 545 et alibi)
Cf. polenta
- Angela Jianu, Violeta Barbu, edd., Earthly Delights: Economies and cultures of food in Ottoman and Danubian Europe, c. 1500-1900 (Leiden: Brill, 2018) pp. 104, 416, 428-454
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "mascarponem" et "mascarponis casei" in interrete legimus
Medulla bubula
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 386)
Melimelata aurantiorum
[recensere | fontem recensere]Orange marmalade
- 1655 : W. M. [W. La Montague?], The Queen's Closet Opened (Londinii: Nathaniel Brook) p. 247, 249
"melituttae (Pfefferküchen)": Gesner, Historia animalium vol. 4 p. 1282
NB: sunt et alii, quaere "Migliaccio" apud it:wiki
- Burchiello sonnet 30 fide Zancani
- Artusi
- Diego Zancani, "Notes on the vocabulary of gastronomy in literary works from Boccaccio to Giulio Cesare Croce" in The Italianist vol. 30 suppl. 2 (2010) pp. 132-148, praecipue pp. 138-139
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1806 : Thénard in Bull. de la Soc. de méd. vol. 3 p. 35 citatio
- 1825 : Ioannes Anthelmus Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût (Lutetiae, 1826) vol. 1 vol. 2 meditatio 4.28
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 雞蛋 = Chicken Eggs, Side dishes 37-38)
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 124-129; vol. 8 (1812) pp. 49-52
Macaronice: an alibi melius?
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.469 ("Persuttos huc terra suos Labruzza recarat")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 426)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 野雞五法 = Five Ways of Cooking Pheasant)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Docta fuit grassos manibus componere gnoccos, Tortas, tortellos, maccum, muliebre polenta": Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 6.537-538
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1805 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 3 (2a ed. 1805) p. 84
[recensere | fontem recensere]- a dish composed of various ingredients hashed together, a ragout, Ap. Met. 8, 31, 21 [L&S]; "a ground spice or herb" [OLD]
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 68-70, 155
Pulvis dulcis
[recensere | fontem recensere]NB: est etiam "pulvis dulcis" apud alchemistas
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1806 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 4 (1806) p. 123 ff.
Caul. An "reticellum"?
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.414-415 ("Est qui copertos redeselli veste figatos Voltat in argutis lardo cridante padellis")
Saccharum acerneum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Bonnie Brown, David Segal, "Sugaring Off: a glimpse of New England maple sugaring" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 247-254 apud Google Books)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ante 1636 : Francesco Carletti, Ragionamenti di Francesco Carletti Fiorentino sopra le cose da lui vedute ne'suoi viaggi (Florentiae: G. Manni, 1701) pp. 109-110 ("... ridotti in forma di pasta la distendono sotilmente formandone stiacciate rotonde, e grosse quanto la constola d'un coltello; e messele tra due teglie infocate, l'arrostiscono, e cosï calde le mangiano con gran gusto, intinte in una lor' certe salsa, fatta di pepe rosso, sale, e acqua, che serve loro di companatico. Usano ancora mangiarlo nella sua pannocchia quando è fresco e tenero di latte messo a bollire nell' acqua, ovvero arrostito sotto la brace, ed è molto gustevole e buono")
- Wendy Franco et al., "Survival of Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus in Mexican Red Salsa in a Food Service Setting" in Journal of Food Protection vol. 73 (2010) pp. 1116-1120
- Li Ma et al., "Survival and Growth of Salmonella in Salsa and Related Ingredients" in Journal of Food Protection vol. 73 (2010) pp. 434-444
Slip-coat cheese
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1669 : Kenelm Digby; George Hartman, ed.? The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened. Londinii: Henry Brome, 1669 (pp. 267-272 apud Google Books)
Suppressata rarius Italiane
- Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.470 ("recarat huc ... supressadas Napoli gentilis")
Surculi vignae radiatae
[recensere | fontem recensere]- cf. Vigna radiata
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Toblerone gets more gappy, but its fans are not happy"
- "Matterhorn no more: Toblerone to change design under ‘Swissness’ rules"
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1812 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 8 (1812) pp. 4-10
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] pp. 294, 428, 537 et alibi)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] pp. 417, 428)
- 1552 : Formula:Baldo ("varios ... recoltos: Navones, ravas verzasque, cucumera, zuccas, Porra, favam frescam, remolazzos, aya, civollas")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 117-119, 132-140
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 117-119, 132-140, 166
- Pedro Sánchez de Aguilar, Informe contra los adoradores de ídolos del Obispado de Yucatán (1639) textus
[recensere | fontem recensere]-
- 1804 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) pp. 204-207
Bullans iuniperatum
[recensere | fontem recensere]Ramos gin fizz
- 1902 : James S. Zacharie, New Orleans guide (Novae Aureliae: Hansell) p. 58 editionis 1902 ("Saloons. Ramos ... Celebrated for its Gin Fizz")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ante 1300 : Coment l'en deit fere viande e claree no. 28 (Constance B. Hieatt, R. Jones, "Two Anglo-Norman culinary collections" in Speculum vol. 61 (1986) pp. 859-882 JSTOR) ("Claree")
- ante 1309 : Tractatus de modo praeparandi et condiendi omnia cibaria I.14, I.17-18(Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus ("claretum")
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 205 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("clarrey and braggot")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 240 (editio 1a: 2007)
Vide disputationem meam
- "defrutum Anglicum": Anders Otto Lindfors, Fullständigt swenkst och latinskt lexicon vol. 2 (1824) (p. 281 apud Google Books)
- 1804 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) pp. 144-162, 203-204; vol. 4 (1806) p. 89; v0l. 5 (1807) pp. 69-72, 329; vol. 6 (1808) pp. 271-272
- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 217 (editio 1a: 2007)
Elixir (temetum)
[recensere | fontem recensere]Liqueur
- 1806-1812 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 4 (1806) p. 78 ff.; vol. 6 (1808) pp. 34-39, 62-66, 264-271; vol. 7 (1810) pp. 16-21, 151-160, 244-250; vol. 8 (1812) pp. 168-171, 260-271
- Brian Tasch, Corpse revived
- "A Tasting Guide to Gentian Liqueurs" (2020)
Elixir amarum
[recensere | fontem recensere]Bitters
- 1939 : Charles H. Baker Jr, The Gentleman’s Companion, Volume II: being an exotic drinking book (Novi Eboraci: Derrydale Press) pp. 150-154
- Brad Thomas Parsons, Bitters: a spirited history of a classic cure-all. Berkeleiae: Ten Speed Press, 2011
- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar. 2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0 (editio 1a: 2007)
- David Wondrich, Noah Rothbaum, edd., The Oxford Companion to Spirits and Cocktails. Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press, 2021. ISBN 978-0-19-931113-2
- Hellfire bitters
- Jessie Kissinger, "Make Your Own Hellfire Bitters (Then Drink Them)"
Fen jiu
[recensere | fontem recensere]It is black in colour; the taste very sweet and fresh. But its excellence is really beyond anything that can be put into words. I was told that at Li-shui when a girl is born they always make a jar of this wine, using high quality dark cooked-millet. They do not open it till the girl's wedding dav, so that it is drunk at the earliest fifteen or sixteen years after it is made. When the jar is opened, half has evaporated. What remains is so thick that it is like glue in the mouth and its perfume is so strong that it can be smelt even outside the room: Waley (1956) p. 197. Chen p. 399 says fen jiu is from sorghum (certainly it sometimes is), and calls this custom nüzhen jiu "daughter's innocence jiu"
Gallicauda Martinez
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Amanda Schuster, "Sipping in season: the Martinez cocktail"
Gallicauda Praesidis
[recensere | fontem recensere]Presidente
- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 215 (editio 1a: 2007)
Gallicauda principis Walliae
[recensere | fontem recensere]Prince of Wales's cocktail
- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 229 (editio 1a: 2007)
[recensere | fontem recensere]Mezcal
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Mari Carmen Serra Puche, Jesús Carlos Lozano Arce, "Producción, circulación y consumo de la bebida del mezcal arqueológico y actual" in J. Long Towell, Amalia Attolini Lecón, edd., Caminos y mercados de México (Mexicopoli: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2009 ~)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1805 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 3 (2a ed. 1805) p. 78
- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 212 (editio 1a: 2007) ("Amer Picon")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ante 1309 : Tractatus de modo praeparandi et condiendi omnia cibaria I.14, I.17-18(Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus ("Confectio pigmenti uel clareti")
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 117-119, 132-140
[recensere | fontem recensere]Pisco punch:
- Guillermo Toro-Lira, Alas de los querubines (2006)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 117-119, 132-140
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 84-87
Rob Roy
[recensere | fontem recensere]- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 203 (editio 1a: 2007)
Spiritus cerasorum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Fontes antiquiores
- 1804 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) p. 101; vol. 8 (1812) pp. 97-108
Spiritus cerasorum marasca
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1805 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 3 (2a ed. 1805) p. 194; vol 4 (1806) p. 78; vol. 6 (1808) pp. 34-37
Stinger (gallicauda)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 246 (editio 1a: 2007)
- 1930 : Jere Sullivan, The drinks of yesteryear: a mixology Textus
Vischium Americanum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Vischium Kentukiense
- Henry Crowgey, Kentucky Bourbon: The Early Years of Whiskeymaking. University Press of Kentucky, 1971
- Stephanie Stewart-Howard, Kentucky Bourbon & Tennessee Whiskey. Rowman & Littlefield, 2015
- Michael R. Veach, Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey: An American Heritage. University Press of Kentucky, 2013
- Vischium e secale
- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 182 (editio 1a: 2007)
[recensere | fontem recensere]Vina Latina
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Germania (some more German and Austrian and Hungarian in Zückert)
- vinum Kostheimense Plenck 321
- vinum Rudesheimense Schosulan 30
- vinum Raventhalense Schosulan 31
- vinum Neuendorffense Schosulan 31
- vinum Palatinum Pfalz Schosulan 31
- vinum Wormacense Schosulan 31
- vinum Forstianum Schosulan 31
- vinum Edinghofense Schosulan 31
- vinum Ambacense Schosulan 31
- vinum Roterianum Schosulan 31
- vinum Dusemundense Schosulan 31
- vinum Zeltingense Schosulan 31
- vinum Neccarinum Plenck 322, Schosulan 31, seu Neckarinum
- vinum Heilbsomense Schosulan 31 (?Heilbronnense)
- vinum Eslingense Schosulan 31
- vinum quod Wela profert Schosulan 31
- vinum Moenanum Schosulan 40
- vinum Wertheimense Schosulan 31
- vinum Klingenbergense Schosulan 31, 40
- vinum Michelbacense Schosulan 40
- vinum Bohemicum Plenck 331
- vinum Saxonicum Plenck 331
- vinum Silesiacum Plenck 331
- vinum Lusaticum Plenck 331
- vinum Helveticum Plenck 331
- vinum Marchicum Plenck 332
- vinum Sabaudicum Schosulan 15
- Austria
- vinum Austriacum
- vinum Neoburgense Plenck 322
- vinum Wisenburgense Plenck 322
- vinum Nusbergense Plenck 322
- vinum Baumense Plenck 322
- vinum Pumperskirchense Plenck 322
- vinum Maurense Plenck 322
- vinum Krinzingense Plenck 322
- vinum Modlingense Plenck 322
- vinum Edenburgense Plenck 322
- vinum Rezense Plenck 322
- vinum Tulnense Plenck 322
- vinum Wachauense Plenck 322
- vinum Claustroburgense Schosulan 33
- vinum Grincingense Schosulan 33
- vinum Veltlinense
- vinum Tyrolense Plenck 330
- Italia
- vinum Montis Pulciani Puliciani Plenck 330
- vinum de Tabiano
- vinum Sancti Severini
- vinum Syracusarum seu de Siracusa]]
- vinum de Sancto Albano Schosulan 23
- Hispania
- Hungaria
- Vinum Hungaricum
- vinum Soproniense Plenck 324
- vinum Rustense Plenck 324 seu Rustianum Schosulan 17
- vinum Razeldorfense Plenck 324
- vinum Nesmillinum Plenck 324
- vinum Waradinum Plenck 324
- vinum Oreschanum Plenck 324
- vinum Budense Plenck 324, Schosulan 50
- vinum Neostadiense Plenck 324
- vinum Agriense Plenck 324
- vinum Sicksardiense Plenck 324
- vinum Sancti Georgii Edenburger Ausbruch, S. Jörgen Ausbruch, in comitatu Posoniensi Plenck 328
- vinum Sermiense
- Armenia
- Francia
- Gilles Caster, "Le vignoble suburbain de Toulouse au XIIe siècle" in Annales du Midi]" vol. 78 (1966) pp. 201-217
- vinum Auxitanum said to be in Provence
- vinum Pontac (? chateau Pontac-Lynch in Margaux) Plenck 325
- vinum Carboniense cf. Carbon-Blanc
- vinum Belnense in Bordeaux: where? [18]
- vinum Pregniacense Chaptal 76
- vinum Longonense Chaptal 77
- vinum Podensacense Chaptal 77
- vinum Queyriense Montis Ferrati Chaptal 78
- vinum collium Rhodanensium (cf. "qua Rodanus descendit, apricis ab utraque ripa collibus" (p. 358 apud Google Books)
- Africa Australis
- vinum Capense seu Capitale
Vinum Africanum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Jean-Pierre Brun, Archéologie du vin et de l'huile dans l'Empire romain (Lutetiae: Errance, 2004) pp. 184-259
- Hildebert Isnard, La Vigne en Algérie. Lutetiae, 1947
- Robert Lequément, "Le vin africain à l'époque impériale" in Antiquités africaines vol. 16 (1980) pp. 185-193
- Patrick E. McGovern, Armen Mirzoian, Gretchen R. Hall, "Ancient Egyptian herbal wines" in PNAS (13 Aprilis 2009)
[recensere | fontem recensere]? Mangiaguerra
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.505
- 1596 : Andreas Baccius, De naturali vinorum historia. Romae pp. 326-327
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1600 : Olivier de Serres, Le Theatre d'agriculture et mesnage de champs (Lutetiae) p. 145
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- saec. XIII exeunte : La Desputoison du vin et de l'iaue (Achille Jubinal, ed., Nouveau recueil de contes, dits, fabliaux, et autres pièces inédites des XIIIe, XIVe et XVe siècles vol. 1 [Lutetiae, 1839] pp. 293-311
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1596 : Andreas Baccius, De naturali vinorum historia. Romae p. 312
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1588 : Iulianus Palmarius, De vino et pomaceo (Parisiis: apud Guillelmum Auvray) p. 29
Vinum Austriacum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1875 : Henry Vizetelly, The wines of the world characterized and classed, with some particulars respecting the beers of Europe (Londinii: Ward, Lock, 1875) pp. 63-80
vinum Bacharacense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- (p. 19) "Bacheracense"
- 1618 : Casparus Laudismannus, Consilium integrum et perfectum de exoticis linguis Gallica et Italica recte et eleganter addiscendis. Stetini: Typis Rhetianis (p. 381 apud Google Books) "Baccaracense"
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 543 apud Google Books) "Bacharacense"
- 1798 : Christophorus Mayr, Dispensatorium universale. 1798 (p. 212 apud Google Books) "Bacheracense"
- vinum Baccaracense, Baccheracense Plenck 321
- Plinius, Naturalis historia
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins v. 24 (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- Elizabeth David, "Golden Delicious" in The Spectator (10 Ianuarii 1964); reimpressa in Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)
Vinum Barsacense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Claude Peyroutet, "Crus Classés de Sauternes & Barsac en 1855"
Du Cange
- c. 1300 : Galfredus de Waterford, Servatius Copale, interprr., Segré de segrez cap. 64 (Albert Henry, ed., "Un texte œnologique de Jofroi de Waterford et Servais Copale" in Romania no. 425 (1986) pp. 1-37) (vin de la Rochelle bastart)
- Visant l'année 1297, J. Craeybeckx écrit (p. 105, note 102) : « vins bâtards se trouvant à La Rochelle, ville devenue un important entrepôt de produits méridionaux. Les Flamands allaient y chercher entre autres du vin bâtard espagnol ». J. Craeybeckx, Un grand commerce d'importation : les vins de France aux anciens Pays-Bas (XIHe-XVIe siècle), Paris, 1958
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 480 apud Google Books) ("Vinum Bastardum seu spurium")
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1537 : Carolus Stephanus, Vinetum (Parisiis) f. 72v ([vina] Bellovaca)
- 1537 : Carolus Stephanus, Vinetum (Parisiis) f. 72v ([vina] Biturica)
Blanquette de Limoux
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1633 : Guillaume Catel, Mémoire de l'histoire du Languedoc (Tolosae: Bosc) p. 43
Cabernet Pfeffer
[recensere | fontem recensere]Idem quod Mourtaou?
Vinum Californiense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "An Overlooked, Historic California Grape Gets a New Life"
- Maynard A. Amerine, "An Introduction to the Pre-Repeal History of Grapes and Wines in California" in Agricultural History vol. 43 (1969) pp. 259-268 JSTOR
- Julius L. Jacobs, "California's Pioneer Wine Families" in California Historical Quarterly vol. 54 (1975) pp. 139-174 JSTOR
- Thomas Pinney, The makers of American wine. Berkeleiae: University of California Press, 2012
[recensere | fontem recensere][19] Vinum costeriarum Nemausensium(fr)
- 1600 : Olivier de Serres, Le Theatre d'agriculture et mesnage de champs (Lutetiae) p. 145 (vins-clerets de Cante-perdrix terroir de Beaucaire)
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins v. 24 (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 500 apud Google Books) (vinum Carcassonense)
- 1825 : Ioannes Anthelmus Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût (Lutetiae, 1826) vol. 1 vol. 2 meditatio 11.55
Vinum Castrocharolini
[recensere | fontem recensere]Brugis annis 1374 et 1375 Philippus Audax bonitatem vinorum comitatus et ducatus Burgundiae regibus Francorum Carolo VI et Anglorum Eduardo III magnifice demonstravit, inter quae Castrocharolini:
- "hos omnes principes inter se disputantes sua in urbe Brugensi recepit eosque per totam, quam ibi consumpsere, hiemem ad convivia opipare apparata accersivit, in iisque epulis maximam vini Belnensis, Arbosiensis et Castro-charolini suppeditavit copiam. Sic nimirum Burgundiae dux esse se suavium vinorum (tam comitatus quam ducatus) facile principem voluit convivis suis perspectum".[20]
- 1566 : Guillaume Paradin, Annales de Bourgongne (Lugduni: par Antoine Gryphius, 1566) p. 369
- 1702 : Ioannes Baptista de Salins, Defensio vini Burgundiani adversus vinum Campanum. Parisiis (p. 9 apud Google Books)
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.505-506 ("vernacia Voltae Affuit et qua se Bressana Celatica vantat"
- 1825 : Ioannes Anthelmus Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût (Lutetiae, 1826) vol. 1 vol. 2 meditatio 11.55
- 1588 : Iulianus Palmarius, De vino et pomaceo (Parisiis: apud Guillelmum Auvray) p. 29 (Coussimium regibus dicatum)
- 1600 : Olivier de Serres, Le Theatre d'agriculture et mesnage de champs (Lutetiae) p. 145 (vin de clos du roi à Couci)
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (pp. 502, 506 apud Google Books) ("Vin de Coussi" ... "Vinum Cociacense oder Vin de Coucy")
vinum Colmariense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1596 : Andreas Baccius, De naturali vinorum historia. Romae: ex officina Nicholai Mutii p. 350
- 1600 : Olivier de Serres, Le Theatre d'agriculture et mesnage de champs (Lutetiae) p. 145 (vins-blancs ... de Cornas)
vel Corsicum?
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 4.327, cf. 1.511 ("expugnant ... Gregum zaynis Corsumque caraffis")
- 1807 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 5 (1807) pp. 149-155 ("Du vin cuit")
vinum Franconicum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1596 : Andreas Baccius, De naturali vinorum historia. Romae p. 338
- Plenck
- 1798 : Christophorus Mayr, Dispensatorium universale. 1798 (p. 212 apud Google Books) "vinum Franconicum, cuius optima species est vinum Herbipolense montanum, Steinwein"
- vinum Steinense Schosulan 32
- vinum Herbipolense montanum Plenck 323
- saec. XIII exeunte : La Desputoison du vin et de l'iaue (Achille Jubinal, ed., Nouveau recueil de contes, dits, fabliaux, et autres pièces inédites des XIIIe, XIVe et XVe siècles vol. 1 [Lutetiae, 1839] pp. 293-311
- c. 1300 : Galfredus de Waterford, Servatius Copale, interprr., Segré de segrez cap. 64 (Albert Henry, ed., "Un texte œnologique de Jofroi de Waterford et Servais Copale" in Romania no. 425 (1986) pp. 1-37
- 1537 : Carolus Stephanus, Vinetum (Parisiis) f. 72v ([vina] Vasconica)
- 1588 : Iulianus Palmarius, De vino et pomaceo (Parisiis: apud Guillelmum Auvray) p. 31 ("quae Vasconia profert")
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1537 : Carolus Stephanus, Vinetum (Parisiis) f. 72v ([vina] Gastinia)
vinum Graecum in Italia natum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Cato
- Palladius
- vinum Graecum Campaniae
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 4.327, cf. 1.503-504 ("expugnant ... Gregum zaynis Corsumque caraffis")
- 1596 : Andreas Baccius, De naturali vinorum historia. Romae pp. 216-221
- vinum Graecum de Summa
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.501-504
- 1596 : Andreas Baccius, De naturali vinorum historia. Romae pp. 216-219 ("Graecum de Summa vinum")
- 1766 : J. de Blainville, Reisebeschreibung durch Holland, Oberdeutschland und die Schweiz, besonders aber durch Italien. 5 voll. in 9 fascc. Lemgo: Meyer, 1764-1767 (vol. 3 p. 418 apud Google Books)
- 1784 : Iosephus Iacobus Plenck, Bromatologia seu doctrina de esculentis et potulentis. Lovanii: van Overbeke (p. 401 apud Google Books) "vinum Graecum di Somma"
- 1785 : Christian Friedrich Germershausen, Der Hausvater. Lipsiae: Junius (vol. 4 p. 508 apud Google Books) "vinum Graecum Vesuvii"
- 1798 : Christophorus Mayr, Dispensatorium universale. 1798 (p. 213 apud Google Books) "vinum Graecum di Somma"
- John Abbott, "Haut-Brion celebrates 350th anniversary of Samuel Pepys connection in Cambridge" in Decanter (Aprili 2013)
- "Off to the Exchange with Sir J Cutler and Mr Grant to the Royal Oak Tavern in Lumbard Street ... and there drank a sort of French wine called Ho Bryan, that hath a good and most particular taste that I never met with."
- Pepys 10 Aprilis 1663
- Album
- Paul de Cassagnac
- P. Morton Shand, A book of French wines
- Grant Richards, Housman 1897-1936 (Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press, 1942) p. 252
vinum Guransonis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Grégoire Berche, "Les campagnes viticoles du Jurançonnais: dynamiques des vignerons indépendants au sein d’un système productif en recomposition" (2018) apud Géoconfluences
- Grégoire Berche, "Le petit vignoble de vin liquoreux de Jurançon : un produit et des Hommes innovants ?" in Revue de géographie historique no. 19/20 (2021)
vinum Hochheimense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- (p. 19) "Hochheimense"
- 1798 : Christophorus Mayr, Dispensatorium universale. 1798 (p. 212 apud Google Books) "Hochheimense"
- 1842 : Jonathan Pereira, The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 2a ed. Londinii (vol. 2 p. 1671 apud Google Books) "The Rhine wines (vinum Rhenanum), of which Hock (vinum Hochheimense) is the most familiar example"
- 1875 : Henry Vizetelly, The wines of the world characterized and classed, with some particulars respecting the beers of Europe (Londinii: Ward, Lock, 1875) pp. 39-40
- "Hock" in Jancis Robinson, The Oxford Companion to Wine (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 1994) p. 493 (3a ed., 2006) ed. 3 pirated
vinum Iohannisbergense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- (p. 19) "Johannesbergense"
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 543 apud Google Books) "Johannisbergense"
- 1588 : Iulianus Palmarius, De vino et pomaceo (Parisiis: apud Guillelmum Auvray) p. 30 ("vinum Isancinum")
- 1808 : Jean-Antoine-Claude Chaptal et al.; Iosephus Voltiggi, interpr., Tractatus de vitis cultura arteque parandi vinum. Viennae [i.e. Vindobonae] 1808 (vol. 1 pp. 87-88) ("Iransia ... vina")
vinum Klingenbergicum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1618 : Casparus Laudismannus, Consilium integrum et perfectum de exoticis linguis Gallica et Italica recte et eleganter addiscendis. Stetini: Typis Rhetianis (p. 381 apud Google Books) "Klingenbergicum"
vinum Kostheimense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 542 apud Google Books) "Kostheimense"
- 1798 : Christophorus Mayr, Dispensatorium universale. 1798 (p. 212 apud Google Books) "Kostheimense"
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 500 apud Google Books) (vinum Languedocicum seu Occitanicum)
- 1787 : Thomas Jefferson, Memorandums Taken on a Journey from Paris into the Southern Parts of France and Northern of Italy (Julian P. Boyd, ed., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson vol. 11, 1 January–6 August 1787 [Princetoniae: Princeton University Press, 1955] pp. 415–464) textus; manuscriptum
Cf. Vinum Malvasiae; malvasia [23]
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.497-500
- 1600 : Olivier de Serres, Le Theatre d'agriculture et mesnage de champs (Lutetiae) p. 145 (malvoisie de Candie)
- 1757 : Hygiene dogmatico-practica rationem conservandae sanitatis corporis humani ... exponens. Francofurti: Gaum (p. 198 apud Google Books) ("ex Candia, Epira, et ex Morea Malvatica oriunda sunt")
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 494 apud Google Books) ("Vinum Marceminum")
- 1757 : Hygiene dogmatico-practica rationem conservandae sanitatis corporis humani ... exponens. Francofurti: Gaum (p. 199 apud Google Books) ("marceminum")
vinum Mediolanense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins v. 20 (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 494 apud Google Books) ("Vinum Mediolanense")
Vinum Mendaeum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Deipnosophistarum epitome 784c (Gulick vol. 5 p. 54; Olson [Teubner ed.] vol. 3 pp. 271-272)
- Λύσιππον τὸν ἀνδριαντοποιόν φασι Κασσάνδρῳ χαριζόμενον, ὅτε συνῴκισε τὴν Κασσάνδρειαν, φιλοδοξοῦντι καὶ βουλομένῳ ἴδιόν τινα εὑρέσθαι κέραμον διὰ τὸ πολὺν ἐξάγεσθαι τὸν Μενδαῖον οἶνον ἐκ τῆς πόλεως φιλοτιμηθῆναι καὶ πολλὰ καὶ παντοδαπὰ γένη παραθέμενον κεραμίων ἐξ ἑκάστου ἀποπλασάμενον ἴδιον ποιῆσαι πλάσμα. (vide notas criticas)
- 1600 : Olivier de Serres, Le Theatre d'agriculture et mesnage de champs (Lutetiae) p. 145 (musquats et blanquetes de Miravaux)
- 1600 : Olivier de Serres, Le Theatre d'agriculture et mesnage de champs (Lutetiae) p. 145 (vins-clerets ... de Montellimar)
- 1537 : Carolus Stephanus, Vinetum (Parisiis) f. 73r ([vina] Mommartyriana)
- 1588 : Iulianus Palmarius, De vino et pomaceo (Parisiis: apud Guillelmum Auvray) p. 29 ("quod in Monte Martyrum nascitur")
- 1600 : Olivier de Serres, Le Theatre d'agriculture et mesnage de champs (Lutetiae) p. 145
- saec. XIII exeunte : La Desputoison du vin et de l'iaue (Achille Jubinal, ed., Nouveau recueil de contes, dits, fabliaux, et autres pièces inédites des XIIIe, XIVe et XVe siècles vol. 1 [Lutetiae, 1839] pp. 293-311
- ante 1505 : Regimen sanitatis Salerni. Parisiis: Jehan Petit, 1505 (quaternion b iv verso apud Google Books) ("vinum quod vulgo muscadelum sive muscadetum dicitur")
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.508-509 "moscatella"
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 483 apud Google Books) ("vinum Muscatellum")
- 1757 : Hygiene dogmatico-practica rationem conservandae sanitatis corporis humani ... exponens. Francofurti: Gaum (p. 200 apud Google Books) ("muscatinum")
- fr:Buzet (AOC) ?
- 1537 : Carolus Stephanus, Vinetum (Parisiis) f. 72v ([vina] Neracia)
- 1600 : Olivier de Serres, Le Theatre d'agriculture et mesnage de champs (Lutetiae) p. 145
vinum Niersteinense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 539 apud Google Books) "Niersteinense"
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins v. 16 (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- saec. XIII exeunte : La Desputoison du vin et de l'iaue (Achille Jubinal, ed., Nouveau recueil de contes, dits, fabliaux, et autres pièces inédites des XIIIe, XIVe et XVe siècles vol. 1 [Lutetiae, 1839] pp. 293-311
vinum Palatinum; vinum Stradae Montanae
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1618 : Casparus Laudismannus, Consilium integrum et perfectum de exoticis linguis Gallica et Italica recte et eleganter addiscendis. Stetini: Typis Rhetianis (p. 381 apud Google Books) "in Electorali Palatinatu crescens vinum, quod nominatur Gensfusrer"
- 1798 : Christophorus Mayr, Dispensatorium universale. 1798 (p. 212 apud Google Books) "vinum Stradae Montanae in ducatu Palatino, cuius optimae species sunt vinum Auerbacense et Bensheimense"
- vinum Palatinum Schosulan 31
- "Hessische Bergstrasse" in Jancis Robinson, The Oxford Companion to Wine (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 1994) p. 492 (3a ed., 2006) ed. 3 pirated
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins v. 21 (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1596 : Andreas Baccius, De naturali vinorum historia. Romae p. 312
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 494 apud Google Books) ("Vinum Parmense")
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 480 apud Google Books) ("Vinum Petri Simonis, Peter-Simons-Wein, vino di Pere-Simenez")
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins v. 21 (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (pp. 493 apud Google Books) ("vinum Gattum circa Placentiam, Placentzer oder Placentiner-Wein, vino di Piacenza")
vinum Politianum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1596 : Andreas Baccius, De naturali vinorum historia. Romae p. 301 "vina M[ontis] Politiani"
- 1798 : Christophorus Mayr, Dispensatorium universale. 1798 (p. 213 apud Google Books) "vinum montis Pulciani"
Vinum Rheingauense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Fridericus Hofmannus, Fundamenta Medicinæ, ex principiis mechanicis et practicis in usum Philiatrorum succincte proposita. 1703 (p. 156 apud Google Books) ("vinum Rhe[n]anum praecipue Rincaviense")
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 543 apud Google Books) ("vinum Rhenogoviense, Rhingauer-Wein")
- 1767 : Ioannes Michael Schosulan, Dissertatio Inauguralis Medica De Vinis. Viennae [Vindobonae]: Trattnern, 1767 (p. 30 apud Google Books) "vinum Rhingaviae"
- 1798 : Christophorus Mayr, Dispensatorium universale. 1798 (p. 212 apud Google Books) "Rheingauense"
- 1875 : Henry Vizetelly, The wines of the world characterized and classed, with some particulars respecting the beers of Europe (Londinii: Ward, Lock, 1875) pp. 39-46
- Rueil-Malmaison
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 505 apud Google Books) (vinum Ruellinum, oder Vin de Ruelle)
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 504 apud Google Books) (vinum Santonianum, oder der Vin de Saintogne)
Vinum Sauternense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Claude Peyroutet, "Crus Classés de Sauternes & Barsac en 1855"
- Apotheca vinorum excellentissima domini Boulestin intacta manebat. Ibi latuit grex lagenarum parvarum vini Rayne-Vigneau(fr) – anni nativitatis obliviscor. Statuimus cenam nostram neque vino Portugallico neque elixire quodam sed hac potione complere, quam sensim et sensualiter delibuimus.[26]
vinum Selestadiense
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1596 : Andreas Baccius, De naturali vinorum historia. Romae: ex officina Nicholai Mutii p. 350
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins v. 25 (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- c. 1300 : Galfredus de Waterford, Servatius Copale, interprr., Segré de segrez cap. 64 (Albert Henry, ed., "Un texte œnologique de Jofroi de Waterford et Servais Copale" in Romania no. 425 (1986) pp. 1-37) (vin blanc de Saint Milion)
- Yuan Mei, Praecepta ex horto plenitudinis: It is black in colour; the taste very sweet and fresh. But its excellence is really beyond anything that can be put into words. I was told that at Li-shui when a girl is born they always make a jar of this wine, using high quality dark cooked-millet. They do not open it till the girl's wedding dav, so that it is drunk at the earliest fifteen or sixteen years after it is made. When the jar is opened, half has evaporated. What remains is so thick that it is like glue in the mouth and its perfume is so strong that it can be smelt even outside the room: Waley (1956) p. 197</ref>
- 1223/1224 : Henricus de Andeliaco, La Bataille des vins (Alexandre Héron, Oeuvres de Henri d'Andeli, trouvère normand du 13e siècle [Rotomagi, 1880] pp. 23-30, 87-129)
- 1537 : Carolus Stephanus, Vinetum (Parisiis) f. 72v ([vina] Suessionensia)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Liebling, Between meals pp. 72 ff. et alibi
Trebianum, Trebiana
[recensere | fontem recensere]- (p. 410 apud Google Books): vinum de Trebiano
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.507-508 "tribiana"
- saec. XIII exeunte : La Desputoison du vin et de l'iaue (Achille Jubinal, ed., Nouveau recueil de contes, dits, fabliaux, et autres pièces inédites des XIIIe, XIVe et XVe siècles vol. 1 [Lutetiae, 1839] pp. 293-311
- "vernacium" Petrus de Crescentiis 4.4 fide Du Cange
- c. 1300 : Galfredus de Waterford, Servatius Copale, interprr., Segré de segrez cap. 64 (Albert Henry, ed., "Un texte œnologique de Jofroi de Waterford et Servais Copale" in Romania no. 425 (1986) pp. 1-37
- 1353 : Iohannes Boccacius, Decameron 8.3
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 1.505, 5.115-117 ("vernacia Voltae Affuit et qua se Bressana Celatica vantat"; "bonae ... vernazzae trenta barillas")
- 1748 : Georg Heinrich Behr, Zwey Bücher Von der Materia medica. Argentorati (p. 494 apud Google Books) ("Vinum Vernacium")
- 1757 : Hygiene dogmatico-practica rationem conservandae sanitatis corporis humani ... exponens. Francofurti: Gaum (p. 199 apud Google Books) ("vernacense")
Vischium secalinum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 182 (editio 1a: 2007)
[recensere | fontem recensere]Musk mallow
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] pp. 411, 427)
- 1572 : Henry Hawks in Richard Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation (1a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1589) p. 547 (sapotes)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 鱘魚)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 100
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 蘑菇 = Mushrooms) 口蘑 koumo
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 小松菌 = Little Pine Mushrooms)
- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015. ISBN 978-0-399-53287-0) p. 249 (editio 1a: 2007)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 159
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 芹 = Celery)
- L'alose est peut-être le plus beau des poissons de nos marchés. Sa robe est somptueuse, étincelante, de toutes les couleurs du prisme; on la croirait couverte de gemmes les plus rares[27]
- Henry Fernando Dzul-Cauich et al., "Elección diferencial de frutos en dos especies simpátricas demonos y murciélagos frugívoros en el sureste de México" in Acta biologica Colombiana (2018?)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 156
huauhtli, alegría
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 89-92
- 1588 : Thomas Hariot, A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia, of the commodities there found and to be raysed ... (Londinii) editio fac-simile 1903:
- There is an hearbe which in Dutch is called melden. Some of those that I describe it unto take it to be a kinde of orage [orach]. It groweth about foure or five foote high: of the seede thereof they make a thicke broth and pottage of a very good taste: of the stalke by burning into ashes they make a kinde of salt earth, wherewithall many use sometimes to season their brothes; other salte they knowe not. Wee ourselves used the leaves also for pot-hearbes.
- Justine Woodard McKnight, "A Study of Native American Plant Use, based on a review of early historic comments on subsistence and technology" in Charles LeeDecker et al., Archaeology of the Puncheon Run Site (Dover: Delaware Department of Transportation, 2004/2005) vol. 2 p. E30
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 莧菜 = Amaranth)
Is this the "migrating ducks ... ( canates )" of Kennedy, Art .. Mexican ... intro.?
- 1568 : William Turner, The First and Seconde Partes of the Herbal ... with the Third Parte. Coloniae Agrippinae vol. 3 pp. 4-5
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Scaleless Aquatic Creatures 1-3)
- ante 1374 : Ni Zan, Yunlintang yinshi zhidu shi (Teresa Wang, E. N. Anderson, "Ni Tsan and his Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating" in Petits Propos Culinaires no. 60 (1998) pp. 24-41)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 羽族單 = Birds)
- 1544 : Guilielmus Turnerus, Avium praecipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincta historia. Coloniae (Textus apud Google Books) sig. E1 v ("Duplo fere superiore [i.e. alauda] minus est, et rostro tenui, et carne longe suavissima")
- Cf. Holothuria fuscogilva
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 海參三法)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 185-186
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) p. 345 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 馬蘭 = Indian Aster)
- Pablo R. Stevenson et al., "Fruit Preferences of Ateles belzebuth in Tinigua Park, Northwestern Amazonia" in International Journal of Primatology vol. 31 (2010) pp. 393-407
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 379)
- cf. en:Conpoy
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 江瑤柱)
- 1300/1309 : Liber de coquina ubi diversitates ciborum docentur I.11 (Marianne Mulon, "Deux traités inédits d'art culinaire médiéval" in Bulletin philologique et historique (jusqu'à 1610) du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques [1968 (1971)] vol. 1 pp. 369-435) Textus ("De spiniargiis et atriplicibus")
- Wood ear, Judas's ear
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 海參三法, 煨木耳香蕈)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 177
- 1544 : Guilielmus Turnerus, Avium praecipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincta historia. Coloniae (Textus apud Google Books) sig. B4 r-v (A nostris hodie branta et bernicla vocatur ... caro anseriná paulo insuavior est, et divitibus minus appetita)
aroma ad socolatam accommodandam
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 104
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Side Dishes 14-18)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 瓢兒菜 = Tatsoi)
- Bok choy
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 台菜 = Green Vegetables)
- Napa cabbage
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 黃芽菜 = Napa Cabbage, 黃芽菜煨火腿 = Napa Cabbage Hearts Braised with Ham, 芋煨白菜 = Taro Braised with Napa Cabbage, 醃冬菜、黃芽菜 = Pickled Winter Cabbage and Napa Cabbage)
Choy sum
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 青菜 = Taicai, 臺菜心 = Taicai Hearts) (nomen anbiguum)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 163, cf. 121
- ante 1374 : Ni Zan, Yunlintang yinshi zhidu shi (Teresa Wang, E. N. Anderson, "Ni Tsan and his Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating" in Petits Propos Culinaires no. 60 (1998) pp. 24-41)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 吐蛈 = Mud Snails)
Muscovy duck
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 96, 124
piztle, sapayul: aroma ad socolatam accommodandam
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 104, 137, 144
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 162
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 100
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- Sword beans
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Recipes from the Garden of Contentment [Great Barrington Massachusettensium: Berkshire Publishing, 2018] (p. 19 apud Google Books))
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 186-187
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 152-153 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 189 (verificanda)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 383 et alibi)
- snakehead: fortasse et Channa maculata
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 班魚, 假蟹)
- an recte identificatur?
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 白魚 = Redfin Culter, 魚圓 = Fish Balls)
- Praecepta culinaria
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 108 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("rygh in sawse")
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 118, 151, 159, 163, 181
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 184-185 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Lucius Beebe, The provocative pen ... pp. 204-205 (or is this Larus argentatus q.v.?)
- Phoebe Weston, "Collecting ‘gourmet’ eggs from black-headed gulls should be banned, says RSPB" in The Guardian (3 Maii 2023)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 181-182
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 180-181 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
teinacaztli: aroma ad socolatam accommodandam
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 104
- 1598-1600 : Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (2a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1598-1600) voll. 1-2 vol. 3 p. 752
Chinese mud snail
- Tu Benjun, 海味索隐 Haiwei suoyin ("Historia saporum marinorum"). Inter has sapores, cochlea Cipangopaludina chinensis stylo poetico in carmine 吐铁歌 Tutie ge laudatur, paludum oryzicolarum meridianarum incolae, mense Maio collectae.[28]
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 162
- Grenadier anchovy; fortasse et C. macrognathos
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Recipes from the Garden of Contentment [Great Barrington Massachusettensium: Berkshire Publishing, 2018] (p. 35 apud Google Books) et 刀魚二法)
- Martialis 13.67: "Inguina torquati tardant hebetantque palumbi: Non edat hanc volucrem qui volet esse salax"
- 1544 : Guilielmus Turnerus, Avium praecipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincta historia. Coloniae (Textus apud Google Books) sig. D1 v
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 100
- Praecepta culinaria
- 1377/1400 : Forme of cury no. 107 (Constance B. Hieatt, Sharon Butler, edd., Curye on Inglysch [Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1985] pp. 93-145) ("congur in sawse")
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 蘑菇 = Mushrooms, 炒雞腿蘑菇 = Stir-fried Shaggy-mane Mushrooms, 燕窩 = bird's nest): 雞腿蘑 jituimo
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 156
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 572 et alibi)
- 1599-1603 : Ulysses Aldrovandus, Ornithologiae libri XII (Bononiae 1599-1603) textus vol. 1 vol. 2 vol. 3 (citatio verificanda)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 95, 124
- Martialis 13.76
- 1544 : Guilielmus Turnerus, Avium praecipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincta historia. Coloniae (Textus apud Google Books) sig. H1 v
- 1555 : Conradus Gesnerus, Historiae animalium liber III, qui est de avium natura (Tiguri: apud Christoph. Froschoverum, 1555) textus apud e-Rara
- Perdix rustica vel rusticula Plinii (inquit Turnerus in epistola ad me) ab Anglis vocatur rala. Est autem rala duplex, altera cibum e ripis fluminum petit, altera degit in ericeto in locis sylvestribus. Aquaticam illam Coloniae diu alui, et male volare deprehendi, et egregie pugnacem. Rostrum et crura erant rubra, plumae multis maculis respersae. Montana vero illa et sylvestris crura habet multo breviora aquatili, et plumas undique magis cinereas, sed rubra interdum crura habet et rostrum. Avis utraque apud nos regium epulum ... vocatur. Haec ille.
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 149, 163
? = Ctenosaura pectinata
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 155
cayua, caigua
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 38
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 159
ueinacaztli: aroma ad socolatam accommodandam
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 104
Ordo : Asterales
Familia : Asteraceae
Genus : Cynara
Species : Cynara cardunculus
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 51-53 (verificandum)
et al.
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 94
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 175-176
- en:Nine-banded armadillo#Hoover hog
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 156
- "The Chili Powder Men" in Frank X. Tolbert, A Bowl of Red: A Natural History of Chili con Carne (2a ed. Garden City Novi Eboraci: Doubleday, 1972) pp. 128-129 Exemplar mutuabile
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 380)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 素燒鵝 = Roast Vegetarian Goose)
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 108-109
- 1582 : Carolus Clusius, Aliquot notae in Garciae Aromatum historiam; Descriptiones nonnullarum stirpium, et aliarum exoticarum rerum, quae à ... Francisco Drake ... observatae sunt. Antverpiae: Plantin (pp. 31-32 apud Google Books) ("Winteranus cortex")
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 186
Cf. Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 101-102 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Jules Janick, Harry S. Paris, "The Cucurbit Images (1515–1518) of the Villa Farnesina, Rome" in Annals of Botany vol. 97 (2006) pp. 165-176
Vide Usor:Andrew Dalby/Cenae notabiles#Ultima cena Francisci Mitterrand die 31 Decembris 1994 habita
- ante 1374 : Ni Zan, Yunlintang yinshi zhidu shi (Teresa Wang, E. N. Anderson, "Ni Tsan and his Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating" in Petits Propos Culinaires no. 60 (1998) pp. 24-41)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 159
Euschistus taxcoensis, Edessa spp., Euschistus spp.
[recensere | fontem recensere]jumiles of Kennedy, Art ... Mexican ... intro.
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 387)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 158
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 177
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- Agar
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Side Dishes 28-29)
- Chrysanthemum greens
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 蓬蒿菜 = Chrysanthemum Greens)
- 1544 : Guilielmus Turnerus, Avium praecipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincta historia. Coloniae (Textus apud Google Books) sig. E7 v (de Anglia Orientali? vide Raven (1947) p. 67)
Apud Sinas his diebus Haliotis discus hannai et Haliotis diversicolor
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 鰒魚)
- 1810 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 7 (1810) pp. 179-182
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 158
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 176
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 海參三法)
- Water deer
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 獐肉, cf. 鹿筋二法, 鹿肉)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 鰱魚豆腐 = Silver Carp with Tofu)
- en:Iguana meat
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 155
- Slender shad: on Tu Benjun Ulrich says Chinese herring (leyu 鰳魚 or 勒魚, Ilisha elongata
- 1596 : Tu Benjun, Minzhong haicuo shu (Ulrich Theobald, "Minzhong haicuo shu 閩中海錯疏" apud ChinaKnowledge
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 蝦子勒簽鯗 = Shrimp on Shad Xiang)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 188
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) p. 255 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 165
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 149, 153, 164
Theobald says dotted gizzard shad (banji 斑鰶, Konosirus punctatus)
- 1596 : Tu Benjun, Minzhong haicuo shu (Ulrich Theobald, "Minzhong haicuo shu 閩中海錯疏" apud ChinaKnowledge
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 蓬蒿菜 = Chrysanthemum Greens)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 萵苣 = Celtuce)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 瓠子,黃瓜 = Calabash and Cucumbers)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 176
- Plinius, Naturalis historia Pliny writes of them as food (in flavour excellent ... another bird ... excellent for food in saffron sauce)
- Martial 7.87
- 1544 : Guilielmus Turnerus, Avium praecipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincta historia. Coloniae (Textus apud Google Books) sig. F3 r
- Edgar F. Cifuentes et al., "Dieta de los churucos colombianos (Lagothrix lagothricha lugens) en relación con la productividad de frutos en el Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de Los Guácharos" (2013)
- Mónica A. Ramírez et al., "Seed Dispersal by Woolly Monkeysin Cueva de los Guacharos National Park(Colombia): An Amazonian PrimateDispersing Montane Plants" in N. B. Grow et al., edd., High Altitude Primates, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects vol. 44
- Pablo R. Stevenson, "Pulp–seed attachment is a dominant variable explaininglegitimate seed dispersal: a case study on woolly monkeys" in Oecologia vol. 166 (2011) pp. 693–701
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 171
- Andrzej K. Kuropatnicki, "A surfeit of lampreys – a true story or a myth?" in Food, culture & society (2024) DOI
- 1562 : Guilielmus Turnerus, The Seconde Parte of William Turners Herball. Coloniae: Arnold Birckman ff. 29v-30r (agarik) (Agarik is soulde very dere bothe in Itali, France, Germany and England. Wherfore they that would take ye paynes to sayle to Norway (whiche is nerer unto England then is ether Rome or Compostella) they myght bryng many thynges from thence more profitable for the realme of England then that which some bring from the above named places ... It is taken with malvasei when a man hath consumption or tisyck ...)
- Yellow croaker dahuangyu 大黄魚
- 1596 : Tu Benjun, Minzhong haicuo shu (Ulrich Theobald, "Minzhong haicuo shu 閩中海錯疏" apud ChinaKnowledge
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 黃魚, 台鯗 = Taixiang)
- Seu Pseudosciaena polyactis; Small yellow croaker xiaohuangyu 小黃魚
- 1596 : Tu Benjun, Minzhong haicuo shu (Ulrich Theobald, "Minzhong haicuo shu 閩中海錯疏" apud ChinaKnowledge
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Recipes from the Garden of Contentment [Great Barrington Massachusettensium: Berkshire Publishing, 2018] (p. 11 apud Google Books) et 台鯗 = Taixiang)
- Holger Rasmussen, "The collecting of seagulls' and lapwings' eggs" in Alexander Fenton, Janken Myrdal, edd., Food and drink and travelling accessories: essays in honour of Gösta Berg (Edinburgi: John Donald, 1988) pp. 61-67
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 185
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 218-219 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 157
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- Lily bulb
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Recipes from the Garden of Contentment [Great Barrington Massachusettensium: Berkshire Publishing, 2018] (p. 19 apud Google Books))
- 1544 : Guilielmus Turnerus, Avium praecipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincta historia. Coloniae (Textus apud Google Books) sig. C3 v ("Triplo pluris quam gallinago apud nos venditur, tantopere eius caro magnatum palatis arridet")
- OED 1544 Proclam. Henry VIII lymyttyng Pryces Vitailes 21 May p. i Goodwithez fat, not aboue the price of .xii.d. the pece; 1616 B. Jonson Epicœne i. iv, in Wks. I. 538 Halfe a dosen of phesants, a dosen or two of godwits; a1682 Sir T. Browne Norfolk Birds in Wks. (1835) IV. 319 Godwyts..accounted the daintiest dish in England; and, I think, for the bigness, of the biggest price.
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 150
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 150
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- Loosestrife greens
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 珍珠菜 = Loosestrife Greens)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
aroma ad socolatam accommodandam
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 104
- 1572 : Henry Hawks in Richard Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation (1a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1589) p. 547 (mamios)
- 1589 : Richard Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation (1a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1589) p. 765 (mameas)
- Dalya Alberge, "Five ice-age mammoths unearthed in Cotswolds after 220,000 years" in The Guardian (19 Decembris 2021)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 166
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 155
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 423)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 424)
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 132-133
Dungeness crab
- Trillin 1978 (1994 p. 170 ff.)
- 1582 : Carolus Clusius, Aliquot notae in Garciae Aromatum historiam; Descriptiones nonnullarum stirpium, et aliarum exoticarum rerum, quae à ... Francisco Drake ... observatae sunt (Antverpiae: Plantin) (pp. 24-26 apud Google Books)
- 1589 : Richard Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation (1a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1589) supplementum post p. 643 fol. 8v (sago)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 175 (M. setosa dubitanter)
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) p. 377 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Ramon Antonio Vargas, "Family of US woman who died from ingesting kratom wins $11m damages" in The Guardian (30 Iulii 2023)
- 1568 : William Turner, The First and Seconde Partes of the Herbal ... with the Third Parte. Coloniae Agrippinae pp. 15-16
- Jules Janick, Harry S. Paris, "The Cucurbit Images (1515–1518) of the Villa Farnesina, Rome" in Annals of Botany vol. 97 (2006) pp. 165-176
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Recipes from the Garden of Contentment [Great Barrington Massachusettensium: Berkshire Publishing, 2018] Scaleless Aquatic Creatures 10-12)
- cum aliis speciebus
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 羊肚菜 = Morels)
- 1544 : Guilielmus Turnerus, Avium praecipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincta historia. Coloniae (Textus apud Google Books) sig. B5 v ("Hic tanto amore suos pullos prosequitur, ut cum pueris per funes in corbibus ad auferendos eos dimissis, acerrime non sine vitae periculo conflictetur. Nec silentio praetereundum est, ex adipe huius anseris (est enim insigniter adiposus) unguentum a Scotis ad multos morbos utilissimum fieri")
- OED a1759 W. Collins in Trans. Royal Soc. Edinb. (1788) 1 ii. 73 Along th' Atlantic rock undreading climb, And of its eggs despoil the Solan's nest
- OED 1808 W. Scott Marmion iii. iii. 136 The rafters..Bore wealth of winter cheer; Of sea-fowl dried, and solands store.
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 醋摟魚 = Fish Embraced with Vinegar, 魚片 = Fish Slices, 魚圓 = Fish Balls, 魚脯 = Fish Jerky)
- 1671 : Li Yu, Xianqing ouji
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] vide indicem p. 680)
- ante 1374 : Ni Zan, Yunlintang yinshi zhidu shi (Teresa Wang, E. N. Anderson, "Ni Tsan and his Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating" in Petits Propos Culinaires no. 60 (1998) pp. 24-41)
- whitebait
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 海蝘 = whitebait)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 黃姑魚 = Huangu Fish)
- Etiam Nostoc commune
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 葛仙米 = Pearl Algae)
Cf. Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 186
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] pp. 312, 551 et alibi)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 155, cf. 176
- 1953 : Gaynor Maddox, "Allan Shivers Gives Venison Chili Recipe" in Reporter-News (Abilene Texiae, 19 Martii 1953) p. 15A fide Popik (2007)
- Frank X. Tolbert, A Bowl of Red: A Natural History of Chili con Carne (2a ed. Garden City Novi Eboraci: Doubleday, 1972) p. 14 Exemplar mutuabile
- Barry Popik, "Venison Chili (Deer Chili; Deer Meat Chili)"
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 土步魚 = Dark Sleeper)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 124
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 124
- J. P. Londo et al., "Phylogeography of Asian wild rice, Oryza rufipogon, reveals multiple independent domestications of cultivated rice, Oryza sativa" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 103 (2007) pp. 9578–9583
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 177
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 183
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) p. 266 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
Pachychilus sp.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 156
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 93, 162
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 514)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 邊魚 = White Amur Bream)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 134, 166
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 187
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 381-319 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 159
- softshell turtle
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., Recipes from the Garden of Contentment [Great Barrington Massachusettensium: Berkshire Publishing, 2018] (p. 21 apud Google Books) et Scaleless Aquatic Creatures 4-9)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 124
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 31
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- Casimiro Gómez Ortega, Historia natural de la malagueta, ó pimienta de tavasco, y noticia de los usos, virtudes y exención de derechos de esta saludable y gustosa especia, con la lámina de su árbol. Matriti, 1780 Textus
- Franciscus Hernandez; Nardus Antonius Recchus, scriba, De materia medica Novae Hispaniae, Philippi Secundi Hispaniarum ac Indiarum regis invictissimi iussu (manuscriptum, ante 1595) "xocoxochitl" (reference and later editions not verified)
- Paulina Machuca et al., "Past and present of allspice (Pimenta dioica) in Mexico and Guatemala" in Revue d'ethnoécologie vol. 18 (2020)
- Francesco Redi, Esperienzie intorno a diverse cose naturali, e particolarmente a quelle, che ci son portate dall'Indie (Florentiae, 1671) pp. 116-119
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 185
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) p. 4889 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 188
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 349-350 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 165
- lasca, streggio etc.
- 1552 : Formula:Baldo
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 387)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 蕨菜 = Fiddleheads)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 429, 519 et alibi)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] vide indicem p. 675)
- ante 1374 : Ni Zan, Yunlintang yinshi zhidu shi (Teresa Wang, E. N. Anderson, "Ni Tsan and his Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating" in Petits Propos Culinaires no. 60 (1998) pp. 24-41)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 豬油煮蘿蔔 = Radish Cooked in Lard, 蘿蔔 = Radishes)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 413 et alibi)
- 1548 : William Turner, The Names of Herbes in Greke, Latin, Englishe, Duch and Frenche. Londinii: John Day, 1548 (s.v. "Vua crispa" apud Google Books)
- Florike Egmond, The World of Carolus Clusius: Natural History in the Making, 1550-1610 (Londinii: Pickering & Chatto, 2010) p. 32 Textus versionis praeliminaris
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 389)
- fortasse et Salanx prognathus
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 銀魚 = Icefish)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 楊花菜 = Yanghua Greens)
- 1810 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 7 (1810) pp. 18-25 ("Des sardines confites de Nantes")
Italiane scardola vel scardova
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 2.189, 2.271 ("scardovella, scardova")
- Enci Dant
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 430)
- saec. XIII : La Bataille de Caresme et de Charnage (Grégoire Lozinski, ed., La Bataille de Caresme et de Charnage [Lutetiae: Honoré Champion, 1933])
- 1544 : Guilielmus Turnerus, Avium praecipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincta historia. Coloniae (Textus apud Google Books) sig. E4 r ("Capitur apud Anglos diluculo potissimum et crespusculo in sylvis, retibus in loco arboribus vacuo suspensis, et veniente ave demissis")
- Grith Lerche, "The woodcock and royal game" in Alexander Fenton, Janken Myrdal, edd., Food and drink and travelling accessories: essays in honour of Gösta Berg (Edinburgi: John Donald, 1988) pp. 68-75
- Lozinski (1933) "witecoc, widecoc"
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 38, 93, 163, 165
- Alexandra K. Schnell et al., "Episodic-like memory is preserved with age in cuttlefish" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B (18 Augusti 2021) situs venalis
- Katherine J. Wu, "The Best Kind of Aging Brain" in The Atlantic (Augusti 2021)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 513)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
Sphenarium spp.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- en:Chapulines
- Mexico, as in Kennedy, Art ... Mexican ... intro.
- 1598-1600 : Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (2a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1598-1600) voll. 1-2 vol. 3 p. 752
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 煨鵪鶉,黃雀 = Braised Quail and Siskin)
tecuilatl (sunt qui cum Spirulina platensis coniungunt)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 100-101
- Franciscus Hernandez (citatio verificanda)
- Venundat tamalia e carne, pastilla e gallopavonina, tamalia simplicia, tamalia craticulá cocta, tamalia ollá cocta (intus ardentia), grana maizii e capsicis, tamalia e capsicis (intus ardentia), tamalia e piscibus, pisces cum granis maizii, tamalia e ranis, ranas cum granis maizii, ambystomata cum granis maizii, tamalia ex ambystomatibus, ranulae cum granis maizii, tamalia ex ranulis, fungos cum granis maizii, tunam cum granis maizii, tamalia e sylvilagis, sylvilagos cum granis maizii, tamalia e zygogeomyibus; sapida, sapidissima, semper sapida, saporosa, aromatica, aromaticissima, aromate suavo confecta, saporosissima. Venundat tamalia cineribus temperata, aqua cocturae tamalium, tamalia e maizio nixtamalizato, tamalia stricta, tamalia e fructibus, tamalia e phaseolis coctis, phaseolos granaque maizii, phaseolos fractos granaque maizii, phaseolos fractos concisosque granaque maizii; tamalia lata salsa, tamalia acuta, tamalia alba, cibos promptos, tamalia involuta, tamalia phaseolis conchatis ornata, granis maizii inspersis; tamalia confracta, tamalia contusa; tamalia maculata, tamalia acuta, tamalia e fructibus albis, tamalia e fructibus nigris, tamalia ex ovis gallipavonum, ova gallipavonum granisque maizii; tamalia e maizio tenero, tamalia e maizio viridi, tamalia argillacea, tamalia tosta; tamalia azyma, tamalia mellita, tamalia e ceris melleis, tamalia e granis maizii, tamalia confracta, tamalia e floribus maizii.[29]
- ante 1585 : Bernardinus de Sahagun, Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España (manuscriptum) lib. 2 cap. 38 imagines 202-213, lib. 10 cap. 19 imagines 102-108 (Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble, interprr., Bernardino de Sahagún: The Florentine Codex; General History of the Things of New Spain [University of Utah Press, 1950-1975] vol. 2 pp. 167-172, vol. 10 pp. 69-72)
aroma ad socolatam accommodandam
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 104, 138
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 175
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) p. 465 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 175 (Tagetes)
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 465-466 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 156
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 156
- ante 1374 : Ni Zan, Yunlintang yinshi zhidu shi (Teresa Wang, E. N. Anderson, "Ni Tsan and his Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating" in Petits Propos Culinaires no. 60 (1998) pp. 24-41)
- 1552 : Theophilus Folengus, Baldus (editio 1552) 2.184-188 ("varones")
On Tu Benjun Theobald says shiyu 鰣魚, a species of herring and equates to Tenualosa toli
- 1596 : Tu Benjun, Minzhong haicuo shu (Ulrich Theobald, "Minzhong haicuo shu 閩中海錯疏" apud ChinaKnowledge
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 鰣魚)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 421)
- 1865 : Herbert Byng Hall, The Queen’s Messenger; or, Travels on the High-ways and Bye-ways of Europe p. 244 ("capercailzie")
oceloxochitl, cacomitl
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 94
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 54-55
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 煨鮮菱 = Braised Fresh Water Caltrop)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 156
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 醬王瓜 = Soy-Pickled Snake Gourd)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 183-184
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 270-271 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 183-184
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 269-270 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Nic Fleming, "Puzzle of prized white truffle finally yields to science" in The Guardian (24 Iulii 2022)
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 120-122
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 184
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 194-195 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- etiam Ulva compressa
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 石髮 = Stone Hair)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 186
- Louis Girault, Kallawaya: guérisseurs itinérants des Andes (Lutetiae: ORSTOM, 1984) pp. 101-102 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 149
maize smut, huitlacoche
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 94
- "Native Indian foods and farkleberries" in Frank X. Tolbert, A Bowl of Red: A Natural History of Chili con Carne (2a ed. Garden City Novi Eboraci: Doubleday, 1972) pp. 165-175 Exemplar mutuabile
- Holger Rasmussen, "The collecting of seagulls' and lapwings' eggs" in Alexander Fenton, Janken Myrdal, edd., Food and drink and travelling accessories: essays in honour of Gösta Berg (Edinburgi: John Donald, 1988) pp. 61-67
- fortasse et Meretrix lusoria
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 蛤蜊 = Venus Clams)
Adzuki bean
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 517)
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] pp. 514-518 [verificanda])
Mung bean
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] p. 518 et alibi)
- Surculi vignae radiatae
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 豆芽 = Bean sprouts)
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) p. 162
Zanthoxylum piperitum
[recensere | fontem recensere]Japanese sanshō
- 1603 : Vocabulario da lingoa de Japam, com adeclaração em portugues, feito por alguns padres e irmaõs da Companhia de Jesu. Em Nengasaqui [Nagasaki], 1603 s.v. (exemplar mutuabile)
Zanthoxylum schinifolium
[recensere | fontem recensere]Japanese inuzanshō
- 1603 : Vocabulario da lingoa de Japam, com adeclaração em portugues, feito por alguns padres e irmaõs da Companhia de Jesu. Em Nengasaqui [Nagasaki], 1603 s.v. (exemplar mutuabile)
- The "migrating ... doves ( ... huilotas )" of Kennedy, Art ... Mexican ... intro.
- c. 1250 : Lin Hong, Simplicia montani victualia (Françoise Sabban, "La diète parfaite d'un lettré retiré sous les Song du Sud" in Études chinoises vol. 16 (1997) pp. 7-57)
- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., 豆芽 = Jiaobai, 茭瓜脯 = Dried Jiaogua)
Homines et loci
[recensere | fontem recensere]Vide en:List of foods named after people
Acme Oyster House
[recensere | fontem recensere]Nova Aurelia
- De hac popina
- Trillin 1978 (1994 p. 158)
Carolus, marchio de Aigrefeuille
[recensere | fontem recensere]membrum société des mercredis Grimod ab anno fere 1780, deinde a cenatione iuxta Cambaceres
- 1803-1804 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. vii-viii; plenius (pp. vi-viii et p. 172 editionis 3ae); vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) p. vii
- 1809? : Baronne de Saint Estève, Bruits de Cour et Potins Mondains 1805-1809
- Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût meditatio 4.24
- 1859 : Eugène Woestyn, "Physiologie du dîneur" in Charles Monselet et al., La Cuisinière poétique (Lutetiae: Lévy, 1859) p. 171
- Journal épicurien
Ambassador East (Sicagum)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Vide etiam en:The Pump Room
- Lucius Beebe, The Provocative Pen of Lucius Beebe (Franciscopoli, 1966) pp. 227-229, 236-238
Armenonville (Paris)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) p. 168
[recensere | fontem recensere]"Aquae Marianae s. Teplenses" (p. 31 apud Google Books)
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 336-338
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) p. 184
Iosephus Baum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Adam Reiner, "Getting Lost in the World’s Largest Stack of Menus" in Taste (1 Ianuarii 2023)
- "Joseph Berchoux, inventeur", "L’étrange monsieur Berchoux" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 12, 21 (2012-2015?)
Bleeck's (Novum Eboracum)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Lucius Beebe, The Provocative Pen of Lucius Beebe (Franciscopoli, 1966) pp. 231-234
Le Boeuf à la Mode (popina)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 42-43
- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) p. 101
Maria Brizard
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1810 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 7 (1810) pp. 16-21
Brown's (Londinium)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Lucius Beebe, The Provocative Pen of Lucius Beebe (Franciscopoli, 1966) pp. 240-242
Barthélemy-André Camerani (Ferrara, about 1735; Paris, 1816), comedian and member of Grimod de la Reynière’s gastronomic jury. At the Café Anglais in 1802 he first made for his friends a chicken and macaroni soup, Potage Camerani, “delicious dish that has caused a great many cases of indigestion” said Grimod. Urbain Dubois (Trets, Provence, 1818; Nice, 1901). Trained with his uncle Jean Dubois (who had cooked for Napoleon in exile) then in Paris at the Café Anglais and Le Rocher de Cancale.
- 1842 : Jacques Arago, Comme on dîne à Paris (Lutetiae: Berquet & Pétion, 1842) pp. 181-188
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 6-9
- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 18-19, 36-37, 60, 74
Café de la Paix
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) [ p. 214
Café de Paris
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 147-149
Café de la Régence
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 215-217
Cafe des Beaux-Arts
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Liebling, Between Meals pp. 66-72
- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. vi-vii, 3a ed. p. 158; vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) p. 73
- Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût meditatio 4.24
- 1833 : "À Lady Morgan" in Maria Antonius Carême, L'Art de la cuisine française au dix-neuviême siècle vol. 1 pp. vii-xix
- eadem fere res titulo "La Table de M. le prince archi-chancelier Cambacérès" in C. F. A. Fayot, ed., Les Classiques de la table: édition usuelle (Lutetiae, 1846) pp. 522-524
- 1859 : Eugène Woestyn, "Physiologie du dîneur" in Charles Monselet et al., La Cuisinière poétique (Lutetiae: Lévy, 1859) p. 171
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) p. 42
- "Le portrait d'Alain Chapel" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 6 (2011)
Chateau de Madrid (Paris)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 166-167
Chez Panisse
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Paul Freedman, Ten Restaurants That Changed America (Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton, 2016) pp. 365-406
- 1927 : Pedro Chicote, El bar americano en España. Matriti: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra Textus. Cf. 1928
- 1928 : Pedro Chicote, Cocktails. Matriti: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra Textus; cf. 1927
- 1930 : La ley mojada Textus
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 142-144
Craig Claiborne
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 3-5,
- Craig Claiborne, The New York Times Cookbook. Novi Eboraci: Harper & Row, 1960
- Dionysius Iosephus Vuillemot
- François Callais, "Alexandre Dumas et Vuillemot à l'Hôtel de la Cloche" in Bulletin: Société de l'Histoire de Compiègne no. 28 (1980) pp. 183-195
Cotton Club
[recensere | fontem recensere]Dai Jianjun (戴建军)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1804-1810 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) pp. 46-48; vol. 5 (1807) pp. 335-337; vol. 7 (1810) pp. 135-142
- Charles G. D. Littleton, "Delaune, Gideon (1564/5–1659)" in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography edd. H. C. G. Matthew, Brian Harrison (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2004) Situs venalis
- Thompson Cooper, "[[:s:en:Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Delaune, Gideon|Delaune, Gideon (1565?–1659)" in Dictionary of National Biography edd. Leslie Stephen, Sidney Lee. 63 voll., 3 voll. suppl. (Londinii, 1885-1901 ~)</ref>
- [3]
- imago
- frater (vide et ODNB)
- Paul Freedman, Ten Restaurants That Changed America (Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton, 2016) pp. 3-48
- Deshler Welch, The Bachelor and the Chafing Dish (1896) (Textus apud Google Books)
- Deshler Welch, ""Del’s:" Interesting Reminiscences of Charles Delmonico" in The Fra, For Philistines and Roycrofters no. 16 (1916) pp. 208-210
- Alessandro Filippini, The Delmonico cook book: How to Buy Food, How to Cook It and How to Serve It (Londinii, 1891) Gutenberg = The Table. How to Buy Food, How to Cook It and How to Serve It (Novi Eboraci, 1890) (Textus apud Google Books)
- Paul Freedman, "American Restaurants and Cuisine in the Mid—Nineteenth Century" in New England Quarterly vol. 84 (2011) pp. 5-59 JSTOR
- Michael A. Meer, "The Forgotten Chef at Delmonico's: Alessandro Filippini (1849-1917)" in Digest vol. 6 (2017) p. 45- (can be downloaded)
- Leopold Rimmer, A history of old New York life and the house of the Delmonicos. 1898 Textus (mentions Ranhofer, Wenberg,
- Karl Schriftgiesser, Oscar of the Waldorf. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1943
- Lately Thomas [Robert V. Steele], Delmonico's: a century of splendor. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967 review
- de morte
- Deshler Welch, ""Del’s:" Interesting Reminiscences of Charles Delmonico" in The Fra, For Philistines and Roycrofters no. 16 (1916) pp. 208-210
Cf. Charles Ranhofer
- Alessandro Filippini, The Delmonico cook book: How to Buy Food, How to Cook It and How to Serve It (Londinii, 1891) Gutenberg = The Table. How to Buy Food, How to Cook It and How to Serve It (Novi Eboraci, 1890) (Textus apud Google Books)
- Alessandro Filippini. 1892. One Hundred Ways of Cooking Fish. New York: C. L. Webster
- Alessandro Filippini. 1892. One Hundred Ways of Cooking Eggs. New York: C. L. Webster
* Alessandro Filippini. 1893. One Hundred Desserts. New York: H.M. Caldwell
- Alessandro Filippini, The International Cook Book. New York: Doubleday, 1906
- Michael A. Meer, "The Forgotten Chef at Delmonico's: Alessandro Filippini (1849-1917)" in Digest vol. 6 (2017) p. 45- (can be downloaded)
- Karl Schriftgiesser, Oscar of the Waldorf. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1943
- Tschirky menu collection
David DeWitt
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Alfred Richard, ed., Les Oeuvres de Jean Drouhet. Pictavii: Druineaud, 1878 (Textus apud Google Books)
- Opera
- 1661? : Dialogue poictevin de Michea, Pérot, Jouset, huguenots, et Lucas, catholique, sur ce qui s'est passé à la conversion de monsieur Cotibi. Pictavii editio aucta
- 1661 : La Moirie de Sen-Moixont. Pictavii Textus
- 1662 : La Mizaille à Tauni toute birolée de nouveâ. Textus
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 47-49
- ante 1674 : "A character of a belly god" in Thomas Flatman, Poems and songs (Londinii: Benjamin Took, 1674) Recensio interretialis
- Scripta
- 1807 : "Des cafés de Marseille" in Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 5 (1807) pp. 222-231
- Bibliographia
- 1804-1807 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) p. 125; vol. 5 (1807) pp. 241-242
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 52-53
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 30-33
- Marjorie Worthington, The strange world of Willie Seabrook (1966) pp. 107-109
- VoiceMap
- Amal Naj, Peppers: a story of hot pursuits (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 1992) pp. 45-66 Exemplar mutuabile (verificanda)
- Rick Hendricks, "New Mexico’s Chile Kings: Fabián García and Roy Nakayama
- Florike Egmond, "A European Community of Scholars" in Anthony Molho et al., ed., Finding Europe: Discourses on Margins, Communities, Images (Novi Eboraci: Berghahn Books, 2007) pp. 159-183
- Florike Egmond, The World of Carolus Clusius: Natural History in the Making, 1550-1610 (Londinii: Pickering & Chatto, 2010) p. 32 et alibi Textus versionis praeliminaris
- Valentina Pugliano, "Specimen Lists: Artisanal Writing or Natural Historical Paperwork?" in Isis vol. 103 (2012) pp. 716–726
- Richard Pulteney, Historical and biographical sketches of the progress of botany in England, from its origin to the introduction of the Linnæan system pars 1 (1790) cap. 9
- H. R. Trevor-Roper; Blair Worden, ed., Europe's physician: the various life of Sir Theodore de Mayerne (Novo Portu: Yale University Press, 2006) p. 106 et nota 16
- Leon Galatoire, Galatoire's Cookbook. 1994
- Necrologia
- Histoire
Chez Garin
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 42-43
Le Grand Vatel
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) p. 154
olim Café de Chartres
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) p. 5
- David Downie, A Taste of Paris: a history of the Parisian love affair with food (Novi Eboraci: St Martin's Press, 2017 ISBN 978-1-250-08293-0) pp. 161-164 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Nicolas de Rabaudy, "Dans les assiettes de nos présidents, d'hier à aujourd'hui" (14 Februarii 2021) apud
- Camille Dorcy, ""À travers un menu, on a la photo d'une époque, d'un moment venu", Guillaume Gomez, chef cuisinier de l'Élysée" (7 Ianuarii 2021) apud
- Marie-Paule Rolin, A la table du président: un siècle de menus. Exposition. Divione: Bibliothèque municipale, 2018 hic accessibilis
[[Antoninus enuo ab anno 1824 usque in 1829 iuxta Iacobum de Rothschild operam dedit. Ibi anno 1829 ad cenam Sydney, domina Morgan convocata est, quae famam Carême iam cognovit.[30] Dum colloquium post cenam tenebant hic praeceptum bellariorum Plombières(fr) ad eam praebuit; quod postea ad domum Iacobi Gunter donum dederit.[31]
- 1815 : The Epicure's Almanack (Textus apud Google Books)
Hickory House (jazz club New York 1930s, etiam Miami Beach)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- G. M. Thomas, "The restaurants of Fleming and Bond"
- Ephemeral New York
- imago, alia
House of the Rising Sun
[recensere | fontem recensere]Howard Johnson's
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Paul Freedman, Ten Restaurants That Changed America (Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton, 2016) pp. 129-170
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 40-41
Jouanne Aîné
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1860 : Emile de La Bédollière, Le nouveau Paris: histoire de ses 20 arrondissements. Lutetiae: Barba (p. 273 apud Google Books)
- 1883 : "Tripes à la mode de Caen" in Charles Dickens, Dickens's Dictionary of Paris, 1883. Macmillan (p. 268 apud Google Books)
- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) p. 206
[recensere | fontem recensere]Originally called Hotel du Pavillon? Kettner and Dallas mentioned: Sala
- Kettner's Book of the Table (Dulau, 1877) Textus (Textus apud Google Books); republished (Kettner's, 1912) Textus with some Kettner's menus. Written by Eneas Sweetland Dallas(en)
- 1895 : George Augustus Sala, The Thorough Good Cook p. 35 editio Neo-Eboracensis 1896
Martha King
[recensere | fontem recensere]- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015) cap. 1
- David Wondrich, "Five Unheralded Pioneers of the American Bar Who Pre-Date "Professor" Jerry Thomas" (6 Maii 2015) apud Eater
- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 50-51
- Zigzag
- Harriet Agnew, Parisian ‘house of pleasure’ eyes a new Belle Époque" in Financial Times (21 Iunii 2019)
- A. J. Liebling, Between Meals pp. 110-111
- Waverley Root, The Food of France
- Guide du gourmand à Paris
Lasserre (Lutetia)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 42-43
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) p. 59
Mamma Leone's
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Paul Freedman, Ten Restaurants That Changed America (Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton, 2016) pp. 171-208
Little's Porter House
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1825 : Ioannes Anthelmus Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût (Lutetiae, 1826) varietates 3 (vol. 2 pp. 267-276)
- W. Harrison Bayles, Old taverns of New York (Novi Eboraci: Frank Allaben Genealogical Company, 1915) pp. 377-383
- Frank Monaghan, Marvin Lowenthal, This was New York; the nation's capital in 1789 (Garden City: Doubleday, 1943) p. 23
Lutece (popina Neo-Eboracensis)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) p. 49, 81; cf. La Côte Basque p. 53
- G. M. Thomas, "The restaurants of Fleming and Bond"
- Trillin 1978 (1994 pp. 247-250)
Ma Cuisine (popina Kewensis)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Trillin 1978 (1994 p. 198)
- Web sources
[recensere | fontem recensere]- A. J. Liebling, Between meals pp. 130-135
- Guide du gourmand à Paris
- 1930: Robert Forrest Wilson, How to wine and dine in Paris p. 61 sqq.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) pp. 11-12, 198-199, 208-209; vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) p. 93 ff.; vol. 3 (1805) p. 127; vol 4 (1806) p. 183; vol. 5 (1807) p. 330
- Georgius Mardikian(en), Dinner at Omar Khayyam's (Novi Eboraci: Viking, 1944) exemplar mutuabilis
Agnes Bertha Marshall
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Agnès B. Marshall, the queen of ice" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 20 (2014?)
- Leon G. Fine, "Meat Cookery for the 18th Century Female Household Cook: An Unrecognized Influence of Menon’s La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise (1746)" in International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science vol. 25 (2021) situs venalis
- "Louis-Sébastien Mercier" in Les cahiers de la gastronomie n° 3 (Maio 2010)
[[Antoninus enuo ab anno 1824 usque in 1829 iuxta Iacobum de Rothschild operam dedit. Ibi anno 1829 ad cenam Sydney, domina Morgan convocata est, quae famam Carême iam cognovit.[32] Dum colloquium post cenam tenebant hic praeceptum bellariorum Plombières(fr) ad eam praebuit.[33] Quae in libro France in 1829-30 convivium verbis generosis descripsit:
- Cena ad stationem anni, ad tempus quo vivimus, ad spiritum aevi convenit. Sapor antiquae scientiae in nullo ferculo sentitus est: afuerunt iura aromatibus plena, gravata fusca, gustus cayennae pimentaeque, tinctus kecap nucumque conditorum. Destillationes delicatissimorum ciborum, summa arte chemica extractae, fundum omnium constituit. Quaeque caro aroma sua, quaeque herba viriditatem suam praebuit.[34]
Moriarity's (Novum Eboracum)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Lucius Beebe, The Provocative Pen of Lucius Beebe (Franciscopoli, 1966) pp. 234-236
Roy Minoru Nakayama
- Seed Treatment of Legumes and Grasses (Unpublished Master’s thesis, Iowa State College, 1950)
- Verticillium Wilt and Phytophthora Blight of Chile Pepper (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Iowa State University, 1960)
- New York Times
- Amal Naj, Peppers: a story of hot pursuits (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 1992) pp. 45-66 Exemplar mutuabile
- Nancy Tod, "The Deeds of Roy Nakayama: Chile and Pecans; Research and Teaching" in Southern New Mexico Historical Review, vol. 1 (January 1994) p. 20-28
- Frank X. Tolbert, A Bowl of Red: A Natural History of Chili con Carne (Garden City Novi Eboraci: Doubleday, 1972) pp. 21, 25 Exemplar mutuabile
- Rick Hendricks, "New Mexico’s Chile Kings: Fabián García and Roy Nakayama
- ]
- F. G. Emmison, R. A. Skelton, "'The Description of Essex,' by John Norden, 1594" in Geographical Journal vol. 123 (1957) pp. 37-41 JSTOR
- Frank Kitchen, "John Norden (c. 1547-1625): Estate Surveyor, Topographer, County Mapmaker and Devotional Writer" in Imago Mundi vol. 49 (1997) pp. 43-61 JSTOR
- 1594 : John Norden(en), Speculi Britanniae pars: an historical and chorographical description of the county of Essex (Henry Ellis, ed., Speculi Britanniae pars. Londinii: Camden Society, 1840 (Textus apud Google Books)
- John Norden, Speculi Britanniae pars: a topographicall & historical description of Cornwall. Newcastle: Frank Graham, 1966.
Old Absinthe House
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1902 : James S. Zacharie, New Orleans guide (Novae Aureliae: Hansell) p. 58 editionis 1902 ("Saloons. Old Absinthe Room ... Famed for its Absinthe")
- 1949 : Harnett T. Kane, Queen New Orleans (Novi Eboraci: Bonanza Books) pp. 320-322
- Arthur 1937
[recensere | fontem recensere]Louis Paillard according to this
- Gastronomiac
- Brideshead Castle
- ceiling
- This and many other images
- Escoffier and Léopold Mounier(fr) both worked for him it seems. Lobster Thermidor named in one of his restaurants: who named, who cooked, which restaurant, what theatre and what date, all disputed
- Figaro
- 1904 : Arnold Bennett, see Old Foodie
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 13-15
- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) p. 54 (et alibi?)
- not sure yet what Nignon has to do with this
Sunt mihi bis septem praestanti corpore nymphae
- Casanova, Mémoires vol. 3 cap. 9 (ed. J. Branchu, 1968, vol. 3 pp. 175-177)
- Clément, Nouvelles littéraires (1755) (fide Branchu)
- Sade, Histoire de Juliette (fide Branchu)
- Les Cannevas de la Paris, ou mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de l'hotel du Roulle. Lutetiae Textus
Antonius Augustinus Parmentier
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "De la vie et des ouvrages d’Antoine Augustin Parmentier" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 16 (2013?)
- David Downie, A Taste of Paris (Novi Eboraci: St Martin's Press, 2017) pp. 169-176 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
Cf. Henri Soulé
- Adam Reiner, "Getting Lost in the World’s Largest Stack of Menus" in Taste (1 Ianuarii 2023)
Le Petit Moulin Rouge
[recensere | fontem recensere]Philippus Aurelianensis (dux regens)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- (p. 36 de nomine apud Google Books)
- David Downie, A Taste of Paris: a history of the Parisian love affair with food (Novi Eboraci: St Martin's Press, 2017 ISBN 978-1-250-08293-0) pp. 141-145 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Saint-Simon
- 19th century source perhaps
- sources here perhaps
- biography by Petitfils
La Pomme de pin
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Villon
- 1660 : François Colletet, Le Tracas de Paris (Charles Asselineau, ed., Le Tracas de Paris en 1660 [1854] Textus)
- 1859 : Charles Asselineau, "Le Cabaret de la pomme de pin" in Charles Monselet et al., La Cuisinière poétique (Lutetiae: Lévy) pp. 52-55
Le Pré Catelan
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 168-169
Café Procope(fr) vel Zoppi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1803 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 1 (2a ed. Lutetiae, 1803) p. 207
- Procope
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 98-100
- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 28-30
Aux quatre sergents de la Rochelle
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 193-194
Rector's (Chicago, 1884- ; New York, 1899-1913)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- George Rector (I): Niagara
- Charles Rector: Toque
- en:George Rector (II): "Anatomy ... (Author of Dining in New York with Rector; A la Rector [ia]; Home at the range, 1939; Dine at home with Rector [ia]; The girl from Rector's [ia]); two recipes on this page; obit
- Chicago
- Rector's NY
- Lobster palaces NY
- Oysters & Champagne
- Edwin C. Hill, "Ghosts of a gayer Broadway" in North American Review vol. 229, No. 5 (May, 1930), pp. 544-552 JSTOR
- Menu 1900
- menu 1913
- Origin of Alexander cocktail; cf. en:Alexander (cocktail)
- Cf. play en:The Girl from Rector's
- A later Rector's here: Menu art
Most famous customer? James Buchanan Brady = en:Diamond Jim Brady (see Hill 1930); de eo
Regency Hotel (Novum Eboracum)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Lucius Beebe, The Provocative Pen of Lucius Beebe (Franciscopoli, 1966) pp. 242-244
- 1907 : Edmond Richardin, ed., L'art du bien manger. Nova ed. (Lutetiae: Librairie Nilsson) Editio 1906 apud Gallica
- vita
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) p. 74
Hôtel Ritz (Lutetia)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 21-23
Patricius Ruthven (medicus)
[recensere | fontem recensere]Pater: en:William Ruthven, 1st Earl of Gowrie; gener: Antonius van Dyck
- Arbuckle, 1 2
- ODNB for William
- Scots Peerage
- R Ian McCallum, "Patrick Ruthven, Alchemist and Physician
- Domestic Laboratories
- Jennifer Stine, Opening Closets: The Discovery of Household Medicine in Early Modern England
- Lucy Hutchinson
- Elizabeth St. John, The Tower’s Lost Physick Garden
- Elizabeth St. John, Placing historical recipes in fiction and Lady Johanna’s Recipe
- The ladies cabinet enlarged and opened apud Wellcome
- The ladies cabinet enlarged and opened apud Michiganenses
- Keith Allison, "Spies at the Savoy" 1, 2, 3
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Paul Freedman, Ten Restaurants That Changed America (Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton, 2016) pp. 91-128
[recensere | fontem recensere]- G. M. Thomas, "The restaurants of Fleming and Bond"
Laurent Seminel
- La Gastronomie
- Menu Fretin
- Vita brevis
- 2021 : "La trahison du Michelin" in Menu Fretin
Simpson's in the Strand
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Lucius Beebe, The provocative pen ... pp. 204-205
- G. M. Thomas, "The restaurants of Fleming and Bond"
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Paul Freedman, Ten Restaurants That Changed America (Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton, 2016) pp. 251-288
[recensere | fontem recensere]Rue neuve des petits-champs
- Thackeray: Old Foodie NB Poem continues
- P. Douhaire, "Thackeray" in Le Correspondant (1864)
- 1867 : Auguste Luchet, "Les Grandes Cuisines et les Grandes Caves" in Victor Hugo, praef., Paris-Guide, par les principaux écrivains et artistes de la France (Lutetiae: Librairie Internationale) vol. 2 pp. 1538-1554
La Tête Noire (Marna)
[recensere | fontem recensere]prope Sanctus Clodoaldus (Francia)
- De Vuillemot olim ibi tabernarius
- François Callais, "Alexandre Dumas et Vuillemot à l'Hôtel de la Cloche" in Bulletin: Société de l'Histoire de Compiègne no. 28 (1980) pp. 183-195
- Gabrielle Le Brasseur; Mary Hooper, interpr., Hints on cookery and management of the table (Londinii: Spencer Blackett, 1891) pp. 27-28
Tour d'Argent
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 33-37
Jack Kriendler, Charlie Berns
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 10-13
- 1920 : Julian Street, Where Paris Dines (Garden City NY: Doubleday) pp. 41-44
Wallfleet, Wellfleet
[recensere | fontem recensere]Wallfleet in Essex Wellfleet MA; also Maryland
Orsamus Willard
[recensere | fontem recensere]1792-1876. pincerna annis 1811/1849 Novi Eboraci apud City Hotel
- 1839 : Charles Augustus Murray
- 1851 : Buffalo courier
- David Wondrich, Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar (2a ed. Novi Eboraci: Perigee, 2015) cap. 1
- David Wondrich, "Five Unheralded Pioneers of the American Bar Who Pre-Date "Professor" Jerry Thomas" (6 Maii 2015) apud Eater
The White Tower (popina Londiniensis)
[recensere | fontem recensere]Condita 1939; Percy Street, John & Eileen Stais
- C. P. Snow, The new men
- John Walsh, Independent, 1994
- imago
- Mid-Century Bond
- Ian Fleming, Playboy interview, Spring 1964 (quoted in "Mid-Century Bond")
- Len Deighton, James Bond: My Long and Eventful Search for His Father (quoted in "Mid-Century Bond")
- Len Deighton, London Dossier (quoted in "Mid-Century Bond")
- roast Aylesbury duck
- Robert Carrier in The Robert Carrier Cookbook, first published in 1965
- Casey Schoenberger, "Xu Wei’s Early Modern Rhapsodies: Catalogue and Critique" in Nicholas Morrow Williams, The Fu Genre of Imperial China: studies in the rhapsodic imagination (Ledesiae: Arc Humanities Press, 2019) pp. 83-112
- Joanna Waley-Cohen, "The Quest for Perfect Balance: taste and gastronomy in imperial China" in Paul Freedman, ed., Food: the history of taste (Berkeleiae: University of California Press, 2007) pp. 99-134 (vide pp. 117-119 apud Google Books)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- IA (but there is a better link on en:)
De diaetis universalibus et particularibus
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Raphaela Veit, "Les Diètes universelles et particulières d'Isaac Israëli: traduction et réception dans le monde latin" in Revue d'histoire des textes n.s. vol. 10 (2015) pp. 229-249
The foggy foggy dew
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1591 : (遵生八牋)
- de:Gao Lian (Dramatiker)
- ChinaKnowledge
- Sumei Yi, Eugene Anderson, interprr., "Gao Lian (Ming dynasty): Essays on Drinks and Delicacies for Medicinal Eating". 2008/2015
- Brian R. Dott, The Chile Pepper in China: a cultural biography. Novi Eboraci: Columbia University Press, 2020
Guide Michelin France
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Les relations tumultueuses entre Marc Veyrat et le guide Michelin : une histoire ancienne" in Menu Fretin (2019)
- Jean-Claude Ribaut, Desclozeaux, "Cinq dates qui ont marqué l’histoire du Guide Rouge" in Menu Fretin (2020)
- Laurent Seminel, "La guerre des étoiles – ép. 1" in Menu Fretin (2020)
- Laurent Seminel, "La trahison du Michelin" in Menu Fretin (2021)
- Robert Latham, The Diary of Samuel Pepys vol. 10: Companion (Londinii: Bell & Hyman, 1983) pp. 143-149
- Wendy Wall, Recipes for Thought: Knowledge and Taste in the Early Modern English Kitchen (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Hannah Woolley, governess to children of the nobility according to Snodgrass 2004
- Considine, John (2004) "Wolley, Hannah" (b. 1622?, d. in or after 1674), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
- Hobby, Elaine (1988). Virtue of necessity : English women's writing, 1649–1688. Virago. ISBN 0860688313
- Hannah Woolley, The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet Stored with all manner of Rare Receipts (1670) and The Gentlewoman’s Companion (1675)
- Wendy Wall, Recipes for Thought: Knowledge and Taste in the Early Modern English Kitchen (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Michigan
- Laura Lunger Knoppers, "Opening the Queen’s Closet: Henrietta Maria, Elizabeth Cromwell, and the Politics of Cookery" in Renaissance Quarterly vol. 60 (2007) pp. 464-499 JSTOR
- Wendy Wall, Recipes for Thought: Knowledge and Taste in the Early Modern English Kitchen (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- saec. XIII exeunte : Tractatus de herbis(fr) (vide et Liste des simples traités dans le Tractatus de herbis(fr))
- c. 1300 : Egerton 747(fr)
- c. 1320 : Parisinus Latinus 6823(fr) (cf. catalogum; textum)
- c. 1440 : Sloane 4016(fr)
Gastronomia per locos digesta
[recensere | fontem recensere]Ars coquinaria Afganica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Cuisine de l’exil le goût de l’Afghanistan à Paris" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 17 (2013?)
Gastronomia Andecavensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]Gastronomia Angelopolitana
[recensere | fontem recensere]Cf. Sylvia Wu
- Laurie Ochoa, "Ten Years After: The Chef’s View" in Los Angeles Times (1 Ianuarii 1989)
Ars convivalis Atropatenica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Le goût des autres à Bakou" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 6 (2011)
Ars coquinaria Australiana
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Sarah Peacocke, "Australian Cuisine: Does It Exist?" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 303-311 apud Google Books)
Ars coquinaria Austriaca
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 320-339
- Sarah Kelly, "Specialty Baking in Germany, Austria and Switzerland" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 148-163 apud Google Books)
Gastronomia Aztecorum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Lib. 8 cap. 13: Here are told the foods which the lords ate.
- Hot, white, doubled tortillas; large tortillas; large, thick, coarse tortillas; folded tortillas of maize treated with lime, pleasing [to the taste]; tortillas formed in rolls; leaf-shaped tortillas;
- White tamales with beans forming a sea shell on top; white tamales with maize grains thrown in; hard, white tamales with grains of maize thrown in; read tamales with beans forming a sea shell on top; tamales made of a dough of maize softened in lime, with beans forming a sea shell on top; tamales of maize softened in wood ashes; turkey pasty cooked in a pot, or sprinkled with seeds; tamales of meat cooked with maize and yellow chili; roast turkey hen; roast quail.
- Market food: white tortillas with a flour of uncooked beans; turkey with a sauce of small chilis, tomatoes, and ground squash seeds; turkey with red chilis; turkey with yellow chilis; turkey with green chilis; venison sprinkled with seeds; hare with sauce; rabbit with sauce; meat stewed with maize, red chilli, tomatoes, and ground squash seeds; birds with toasted maize; small birds; dried duck; duck stewed in a pot; the atzitzicuilotl bird stewed in a pot; roast of meat; fried meat in a sauce of red chili, tomatoes, and ground squash seeds; pottage of yellow chili; sauces of ordinary tomatoes and small tomatoes and yellow chili, or of tomatoes and green chili; diluted [sauces] with tomatoes; white fish with yellow chili; grey fish with red chili, tomatoes, and ground squash seeds; frog with green chilis; newt with yellow chili; tadpoles with small chilis; small fish with small chilis; winged ants with savory herbs; locusts with chía; maguey grubs with a sauce of small chilis; lobster with red chili, tomatoes, and ground squash seeds; large fish with the same; a sauce of unripened plums with white fish;
- Red, rough sapotas; red plums; yellow or vermilion plums; ashen sapotas; small sapotas; manioc; sweet potato; avocado; yellow sapotas; tuna cactus fruit of many hues -- white yellow, bright red, green, orange; anonas; guamúchiles; American cherries; tender maize; green maize; string beans;
- Tamales made of maize flowers with ground amaranth seed and cherries added; tortillas of green amize or of tender maize; tamales stuffed with amaranth greens; tortillas made with honey, or with tuns cactus fruit; tamales made with honey; tortillas shaped like hip guards; tamales made with amaranth seed dough; [cakes made of] amaranth seed dough; rabbit with toasted maize; squash cut in pieces; olchicalli; green maize cooked in a pot and dried; amaranth greens cooked with dry land chili; sauce of purslain with dry land chili; green amaranth seeds with dry land chili;
- Water greens; onions; the evil-smelling herb; the eloquilite herb; the mozote herb; achochoquilitl; thistle; sow thistle; sorrel of various kinds; a water-edge plant called acuitlacpalli; squash flowers; tender, young squash; small squash; garden cress; raphanus; small tuna cactus fruit with fish eggs;
- Gophers with sauce; hot maize gruel of many kinds; maize gruel with honey, with chili and honey, with yellow chili; white, thick gruel with a scattering of maize grains; sour, white maize gruel; sour, red maize gruel with fruit and chili; snall, green tomatoes with a maize gruel made with anonas; maize gruel made with amaranth and toasted maize; maize gruel with fish-amaranth seeds and honey; cold maize gruel; maize gruelw ith wrinkled chía, coverd with green chilis or small, hot chilis; white maize guel with chía, covered with yellow chilis; maize gruel with chía, covered with squash seeds and with chili; maize gruel made of tortilla crumbs, and with ordinary and wrinkled chía, covered with small chilis.
- All these foods came forth from within the house of the ruler.
- And daily a man, the majordomo, set out forthe ruler his food -- two thousand kinds of various foods; hot tortillas, white tamales with beans forming a sea snell on top; red tamales; the main meal of roll-shaped tortillas and many [foods]: sauces with turkeys, quail, venison, rabbit, hare, gopher, lobster, small fish, large fish; then all sweet fruits.
- And when the ruler had eaten, then all the food was divided ...
- Then, in his house, the ruler was served his chocolate, with which he finished -- green, made of tender cacao; honeyed chocolate made with ground-up dried flowers -- with green vanilla pods; bright red chocolate; orange-colored chocolate; rose-colored chocolate; black chocolate; white chocolate.
- The chocolate was served in a painted gourd vessel ...
- ante 1585 : Bernardinus de Sahagun, Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España (manuscriptum, ante 1585) lib. 8 f. 22v sqq. (Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble, interprr., Bernardino de Sahagún: The Florentine Codex; General History of the Things of New Spain pars 9 [University of Utah Press, 1954] pp. 37-40)
- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 66-119
Gastronomia Balcanica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Nourriture" in Ami Boué, La Turquie d'Europe (4 voll. Lutetiae: Bertrand, 1840) vol. 2 pp. 234-258
- Maria Johnson, "North Balkan Food, Past and Present" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 122-133 apud Google Books)
Ars convivalis Batavica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 165-173
Ars convivalis Belgica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 133-164
Gastronomia Bellicensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1825 : Ioannes Anthelmus Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût (Lutetiae, 1826) vol. 1 vol. 2 apud Gallica; vol. 1 vol. 2 apud Internet Archive
- 1892 : Lucien Tendret, La Table au pays de Brillat-Savarin. Belley: Louis Bailly fils, 1892 Textus
Ars coquinaria Brasiliensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- C. Cerdan et al., "La mise en politique des Indications géographiques et du terroir au Brésil : principaux défis et perspectives" in Claire Delfosse, ed., La mode du terroir et les produits alimentaires (Lutetiae: Indes Savantes, 2011)
- Claire Delfosse, "La patrimonialisation des produits dits de terroir: quand « le rural » rencontre « l'urbain » ?" in Anthropology of Food vol. 8 (2011)
- Marc Favreau, "Le palais de Monseigneur : approche de la gastronomie et de l'art de la table à Bordeaux sous le règne de Louis XIV" in Annales du Midi (2003) 115-241 pp. 51-68
- Philippe Meyzie, "À la table des élites bordelaises du XVIIIe siècle" in Annales du Midi (2003) 115-241 pp. 69-88
- Dalby, Taste of Byzantium
- Alice-Mary Talbot, "Byzantine Monastic Horticulture: the textual evidence" in Antony Littlewood et al., ed., Byzantine Garden Culture: Papers Presented at a Colloquium in November 1996 at Dumbarton Oaks (Vasingtoniae: Dumbarton Oaks, 2002), pp. 37–67
Gastronomia Cambrica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Bobby Freeman, "Is Welsh Cookery Really There?" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp.221-230 apud Google Books)
Ars coquinaria Canadensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Michael E. Eliot Hurst, "Vestiges of Colonial and Post-Colonial Food in Regional English-CXanadian cooking" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 231-242 apud Google Books)
Gastronomia Chicaginiensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Morrison Wood, "A half century of the culinary arts in Chicago" in Chicago History (Spring 1972) pp. 18-25
- 1849 : Manual de cocinero y cocinera
- Alejandra López Camacho, "La ciudad de Puebla y su identidad culinaria. Manuales, recetarios, cocina y vida cotidiana. Siglo XIX"
Gastronomia Catalana
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Rudolf Grewe, "Catalan Cuisine in an Historical Perspective" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 170-178 apud Google Books)
Ars convivalis Chilensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- John Bartlett, "‘Coffee with legs’: inside Chile’s risque and antiquated cafe culture" in The Guardian (11 Aprilis 2023)
Gastronomia Chicaginiensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]Gastronomia Civitatum Meridianarum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Raymond Sokolov, "Sunbelt Food: southern cooking, the major surviving native cuisine in the U.S.A." in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 243-246 apud Google Books)
Ars convivalis Dacoromanica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 346-351
Ars coquinaria Danica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Copenhague, la carte et le territoire" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 5 (Novembri 2010)
Gastronomia Formosana
[recensere | fontem recensere]Categoria iam creata
- Sota Yamamoto, Eiji Nawata, "Use of Capsicum frutescens L. by the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan and the Batanes Islands" in Economic Botany vol. 63 (2009) pp. 43-59 JSTOR
Ars coquinaria Francica mediaevalis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Alain Dierkens, Liliane Plouvier, edd., Festins mérovingiens. Bruxellis: Le Livre Timperman, 2008. Recensio huius operis
- Liliane Plouvier, "A la table des premiers mérovingiens" in Laurent Verslype, ed., Villes et campagnes en Neustrie sociétés, économies, territoires, christianisation; actes des XXVe Journées Internationales d'Archéologie Mérovingienne de l'AFAM (Montagnac, 2007) pp. 121-138
- Joseph Henry Jackson, "Introduction" in Georgius Mardikian(en), Dinner at Omar Khayyam's (Novi Eboraci: Viking, 1944) pp. 3-14
Ars coquinaria Gambiensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- P. K. Murphy, "The Foods and Cooking of Rural Gambia" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 290-298 apud Google Books)
Ars coquinaria Germanica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 174-231
- Sarah Kelly, "Specialty Baking in Germany, Austria and Switzerland" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 148-163 apud Google Books)
Ars coquinaria Graeca
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Elise Morton, "‘A unique culinary repertoire’: What makes food and drink in Thessaloniki so special?" in The Guardian (8 Februarii 2022)
- Diana Kennedy, Oaxaca al gusto: el mundo infinito de su gastronomía. San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León: Plenus, 2008 (versio Anglica: Oaxaca al Gusto: An Infinite Gastronomy. Austinopoli, 2010 mutuabilis)
Ars coquinaria Guianae Francicae
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1888 : A. Delteil, "Souvenirs de voyage: moeurs créoles et nourriture à la Guyane" in Annales de la Société Académique de Nantes 6a ser. vol. 9 (1888) (pp. 229-244 apud Google Books)
Ars coquinaria Helvetica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 310-319
- Sarah Kelly, "Specialty Baking in Germany, Austria and Switzerland" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 148-163 apud Google Books)
- E. Thévenod-Mottet, S. Boisseaux, D. Barjolle, "Suisse: la reconnaissance des terroirs" in Claire Delfosse, ed., La mode du terroir et les produits alimentaires (Lutetiae: Indes Savantes, 2011)
Ars convivalis Hispanica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1865 : Herbert Byng Hall, The Queen’s Messenger; or, Travels on the High-ways and Bye-ways of Europe pp. 337-346
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 273-301
Gastronomia Hunanensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Fuchsia Dunlop, The Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook
- Mao, a Hunan native ... told them [Edgar Snow and George Hatem] that he had discovered the "scientific" rule that those who enjoyed hot peppers made the best revolutionaries, and this was why so many revolutionaries came from Hunan province. Without hot pepper, he said, he could not eat, and without eating he could not make revolution.[35]
Ars coquinaria Iaponica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Le mangeur et les écrivains nippons" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 15 (2013?)
- Jane Cobbi, "Terminologie culinaire au Japon: des modes de préparation aux mets consommés" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 9-30 apud Google Books)
- Justin McCurry, "Diners in Japan arrested for dipping own chopsticks in communal bowl of ginger" in The Guardian (5 Aprilis 2023)
Ars coquinaria Imperii Hispanici
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 228-246
Ars coquinaria Incarum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 169-229
Ars coquinaria Indica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Le thé en Inde" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 21 (2015)
- Divya Narayanan [Schäfer], Cultures of Food and Gastronomy in Mughal and post-Mughal India (dissertatio Heidelbergensis, 2015)
- Joyce Pamela Westrip, "Some Persian Influences on the Cooking of India" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 67-95 apud Google Books)
Ars coquinaria Iranica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Irani Chai, les cafés iraniens de Bombay" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 19 (2014?)
Ars coquinaria Italica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1580 : Michael Montanus, Essais lib. 1 cap. 51 (cook to en:Carlo Carafa probably: hence see Gastronomia Neapolitana)
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 232-272
- Monica Balestrero, La dieta nel medioevo italico. Roma: Aracne, 2006 Textus
- Giovanni Rebora, La cucina medievale italiana tra Oriente ed Occidente. Genuae, 1996
- Giovanni Rebora, ed., La cucina medievale italiana tra Oriente ed Occidente in Miscellanea storica ligure vol. 19 (1987) no. 7
Ars convivalis Macedonum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- E. N. Borza, "The symposium at Alexander's court" in Αρχαία Μακεδονία = Ancient Macedonia III (Thessalonicae, 1983) pp. 45-55
- Elizabeth D. Carney, "Elite Education and High Culture in Macedonia" in W. Heckel, L. Tritle, edd., Crossroads of History: The Age of Alexander (Claremont: Regina Books, 2003) pp. 47–63; reimpressum cum additamentis in E. D. Carney, King and court in ancient Macedonia (Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2015) pp. 191-206
- Elizabeth D. Carney, "Symposia and the Macedonian elite: the unmixed life" in Syllecta classica vol. 18 (2007) pp. 129-180; reimpressum cum additamentis in E. D. Carney, King and court in ancient Macedonia (Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2015) pp. 225-264
- Andrew Dalby, “Hippolochus: The wedding feast of Caranus the Macedonian” in Petits propos culinaires no. 29 (1988) pp. 37-45
- Andrew Dalby, “De Philippe II à Ptolémée II: le syncrétisme culturel des banquets royaux” in Catherine Grandjean, Anna Heller, Jocelyne Peignot, eds, A la table des rois: luxe et pouvoir dans l’oeuvre d’Athénée (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013 [a]) pp. 129-147
- Thomas Harrison, “A Persian marriage feast in Macedon? (Herodotus 5.17–21)” in Classical quarterly vol. 69 (2019) pp. 507–514
- Angeliki Kottaridi, “The royal banquet: a capital institution” in Heracles to Alexander the Great (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 2011) pp. 167-180
- Frances Pownall, “The symposia of Philip II and Alexander III of Macedon: the view from Greece” in Elizabeth Carney, Daniel Ogden, eds, Philip II and Alexander the Great: father and son, lives and afterlives (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010) pp. 55-65
- Bruno Tripodi, “Il banchetto di nozze del Macedone Karanos (Athen. 4, 128a– 130d): considerazioni preliminari” in Ancient Macedonia vol. 6 ii (1999) pp. 1219–1226
- Konrad Vössing, Mensa regia: das Bankett beim hellenistischen König und beim römischen Kaiser. Munich: K. G. Saur, 2004
Gastronomia Martinicensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Yves-Marcelle Richer, "La Martinique : de l’île sucrière à l’île-terroir" (2021) apud Géoconfluences
Gastronomia Massiliensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1792 : Grimod de la Reynière, Lettre d’un voyageur à son ami, ou réflexions philosophiques sur la ville de Marseille 2a ed. apud Gallica
- 1807 : Alphonsus de Fortia de Piles, "Des cafés de Marseille" in Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 5 (1807) pp. 222-231
- 1858 : Manuel de la cuisinière provençale. Massiliae: Chauffard, 1858 Textus
Ars coquinaria Mayarum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 120-168
Ars convivalis Minoa
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Barbara Montecchi, "Planning a Feast in Neopalatial Crete: a Look at the Linear A Evidence" in Annuario della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene (2011)
- Barbara Montecchi, "Linear A Banqueting Lists?" in Kadmos (2012)
Gastronomia Mumbaiensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Irani Chai, les cafés iraniens de Bombay" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 19 (2014?)
Gastronomia Neapolitana
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1580 : Michael Montanus, Essais lib. 1 cap. 51 (cook to en:Carlo Carafa probably: Neapolitan family)
Ars coquinaria Norvegica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- V. Amilien, "Du territoire cultivé au territoire culturel: « Terroir-isation » et produits locaux en Norvège" in Claire Delfosse, ed., La mode du terroir et les produits alimentaires (Lutetiae: Indes Savantes, 2011)
Gastronomia Novae Angliae
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Lorna Sass, "New England Cookery" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 255-261 apud Google Books)
Gastronomia pagi Pertici
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Tantam copiam butirri faciunt [Bretones] quod usque ad partes satis distantes defertur, videlicet ad Pitaviam, ad patriam Andagavensem, Turonensem, etiam ad Normandiam ... Rep[p]eri etiam [caseos] satis bonos in patria Argentonis, sed non sunt ita pingues. Bonos etiam reperi ala Freta Bernard et delicatos.[36]
Gastronomia Polynesia
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Helen M. Leach, "Cooking Without Pots: aspects of prehistoric and traditional Polynesian cooking" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 312-321 apud Google Books)
Ars convivalis Portugallensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 302-309
Gastronomia Provincialis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1830 : "La cuisine provençale" in Le Gastronome (13 Iunii 1830) pp. 4-6
- 1858 : Manuel de la cuisinière provençale. Massiliae: Chauffard, 1858 Textus
- Geneviève Bresc-Bautier et al., "L'équipement de la cuisine et de la table en Provence et en Sicile (XIVe-XVe siècles). Etude comparée" in Manger et boire au moyen âge. Actes du colloque de Nice (15-17 octobre 1982) (Nicaeae, 1984) vol. 2 pp. 45-58
- Yvonne Knibiehler, "Essai sur l'histoire de la cuisine provençale" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 184-190 apud Google Books)
- Roger Lassalle, "Le dit et le non-dit culinaires dans la littérature narrative de langue d'Oc" in Manger et boire au moyen âge. Actes du colloque de Nice (15-17 octobre 1982) (Nicaeae, 1984) vol. 1 pp. 441-449
- Liliane Plouvier, "Regards nouveaux sur la cuisine provençale du bas moyen âge: le témoignage des livres de cuisine"
- Louis Stouff, La table provençale. Boire et manger en Provence à la fin du Moyen Âge. Avignon, 1997
- Louis Stouff, Ravitaillement et alimentation en Provence aux XIVe et XVe siècles. Lutetiae, 1970 Textus venalis; recensio huius operis; alia
- Louis Stouff, "Y avait-il à la fin du moyen-âge une alimentation et une cuisine provençales originales?" in Manger et boire au moyen âge. Actes du colloque de Nice (15-17 octobre 1982) (Nicaeae, 1984) vol. 2 pp. 93-99
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Marie-Christine Grasse, "L'ALIMENTATION EN PROVENCE ORIENTALE A LA FIN DU MOYEN-AGE"
Gastronomia Quebecensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- C. Chazoule, F. Jouve, R. Lambert, "Le marché des produits du terroir au Québec: de multiples formes d’échange en construction" in Claire Delfosse, ed., La mode du terroir et les produits alimentaires (Lutetiae: Indes Savantes, 2011)
Gastronomia Romae urbis
[recensere | fontem recensere]Cf. Sciomachia ab Ioanne Bellaio anno 1549 celebrata
- David Downie, Cooking the Roman Way
Ars coquinaria Russica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1865 : Herbert Byng Hall, The Queen’s Messenger; or, Travels on the High-ways and Bye-ways of Europe pp. 236-253
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 380-400
- Natalia M. Kolb-Seletski, "Gastronomy, Gogol, and His Fiction" in Slavic Review vol. 29 (1970) pp. 35-57 JSTOR
- Lesley Chamberlain, "Ideology and the Growth of a Russian School of Cuisine" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 140-147 apud Google Books)
- R. E. F. Smith, "Russian Diet" in Alan Davidson, ed., National and Regional Styles of Cookery: Proceedings: Oxford Symposium 1981 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1981) (pp. 134-139 apud Google Books)
Gastronomia Sabauda
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Serge Bourgeat, Catherine Bras, "Entre ancrage local, mondialisation culturelle et patrimonialisation… Une géographie de la tartiflette" (2021) apud Géoconfluences
- Marc-Jérôme Hassid, "Le terroir, un territoire hybride. L’exemple des fromages des Alpes du Nord" (2005) apud Géoconfluences
Gastronomia Sino-Americana
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1904
- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 67-70, 86-94
Gastronomia Siciliana
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Histoire de la gastronomie sicilienne" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 12 (2012?)
- Geneviève Bresc-Bautier et al., "L'équipement de la cuisine et de la table en Provence et en Sicile (XIVe-XVe siècles). Etude comparée" in Manger et boire au moyen âge. Actes du colloque de Nice (15-17 octobre 1982) (Nicaeae, 1984) vol. 2 pp. 45-58
Ars convivalis Suecica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1865 : Herbert Byng Hall, The Queen’s Messenger; or, Travels on the High-ways and Bye-ways of Europe pp. 37-48
- 1911 : Nathaniel Newnham-Davis, The Gourmet's Guide to Europe (3a ed. Londinii: Grant Richards, 1911) pp. 371-377
Gastronomia Turonensis
[recensere | fontem recensere]
Gastronomia Zingarica
[recensere | fontem recensere]Categoriam iam habemus
- "Buvons, mangeons avec les roms" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 20 (2014?)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1808 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 6 (1808) pp. 1-8 ("Des ambigus")
Cena nocturna
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Fontes antiquiores
- 1804 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 2 (2a ed. 1804) pp. 65-74
[recensere | fontem recensere]Cibus infantilis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Evangelia Grammatikaki, Jan Wollgast, Sandra Caldeira, "High Levels of Nutrients of Concern in Baby Foods Available in Europe That Contain Sugar-Contributing Ingredients or Are Ultra-Processed" in Nutrients vol. 13 (2021) p. 3105 sqq.
- "Ultra-Processed Foods marketed for infants and young children in the UK"
Cibus progenitorum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Aelian, VH 3.38-39
Coctio in braza
[recensere | fontem recensere]en braise, braising
- "Item volumus quod in coena die Sabatti serviatur nobis de octo ovis in braza coctis vel in aqua": Hist. Dalphin. vol. 2 p. 313 col. 1 in Carolus Du Cange et al. (1883-1887). Glossarium mediæ et infimæ Latinitatis. Niortii: Favre ed. Niort. vol. 1 p. 739 s.v. "Braza (1)"
Collectus citrorum oppidi Sancti Iuliani
[recensere | fontem recensere]"Vergers de collection d'agrumes de l'Inra et du Cirad de San Giuliano", vide hic
- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 116-
- Guardian
- Guardian
- Guardian
- Guardian
- Guardian
- Thiemo Fetzer, "Subsidising the spread of COVID-19: Evidence from the UK’S Eat-Out-to-Help-Out Scheme" in Economic Journal vol. 132 (2022) pp. 1200–1217
- Nicolás González-Pampillón, Gonzalo Nunez-Chaim, Katharina Ziegler, "Recovering from the first Covid-19 lockdown: Economic impacts of the UK's Eat Out to Help out scheme"
- Georgina Hutton, "Eat Out to Help Out Scheme"
Gastronomia domestica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "La cuisine de la mère du paléolithique à nos jours", "Le fait maison au restaurant", "De la gamelle au bento", "Le fait maison vu à la télé", "Vers une gastronomie autarcique?", "Apprendre à cuisiner comme à la maison", "Le fait maison dans les plats préparés" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 21 (2015)
Gastronomia molecularis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "La cuisine moléculaire est morte, vive la cuisine moléculaire !" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 8 (2011)
Gastronomia praehistorica
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "La cuisine de la mère du paléolithique à nos jours" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 21 (2015)
Historia climatis
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Joseph Fuster, Des Changements dans le climat de la France. 1845 Textus
Interpretatio cenarum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1882 : "Les Menus" in La Vie parisienne vol. 34 (1882) (pp. 433-435 apud Google Books)
Magister hospitii
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1806 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 5 (1807) pp. 57-64, cf. vol. 4 p. 216, vol. 8 p. 43
Navis piscatoria
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Caes. B. C. 2, 4; Liv. 36, 27
- "World's Oldest Planked Boats"
- Andrew Kawker, "Report of Oldest Boat Hints at Early Trade Routes"
Negro Motorist Green Book
[recensere | fontem recensere]- NYPL
- Adam Reiner, "Getting Lost in the World’s Largest Stack of Menus" in Taste (1 Ianuarii 2023)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Gilles Fumey, "Manger tue !" in Libération (10/11 Septembris 2020)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1796 : Yuan Mei, Suiyuan shidan (Sean J. S. Chen, ed. et interpr., "小菜單 = Side Dishes" cum [ serie paropsidum)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1808 : Grimod de la Reynière et al., Almanach des gourmands vol. 6 (1808) pp. 18-25 ("Des sommeliers")
- 1825 : Ioannes Anthelmus Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût (Lutetiae, 1826) vol. 1 vol. 2 meditatio 28
- fr:Le Quart d'heure de Rabelais (film)
Servitium Russicum
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Raymond Sokolov, Steal the menu: a memoir of forty years in food (Novi Eboraci: Knopf, 2013) pp. 132-135
Tabula cenatoria
[recensere | fontem recensere]- recensio libri Menus that Made History
- Janet Clarkson, Menus from History"
Thynnorum venditor
[recensere | fontem recensere]- commons:Category:Name vase of the Painter of the Tuna Salesman
- Trendall, A. D. (1983). The Red-figured Vases: Lucania, Campania & Sicily [suppl. 3]. (Bulletin Supplement No. 41). London: University of London, Institute of Classical Studies
- Apparently Trendall said Lipari? Commons has it at Museo Mandralisca, Cefalu
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Christophe Caillaud, "Vinalia, fête du vin et de la cuisine antiques" in Territoires du vin no. 8 (2019)
Ritus gastronomici
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Falmouth Oyster Festival 13/16 Octobris
An exsistunt?
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Sinop Lakerda Festivali (Aylin Ornek)
sine ritu
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Résistance Château de Laballe, Bas Armagnac Landais
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ Pays et gens de France no. 66 (1983) p. 20
- ↑ Diego Zancani, "Notes on the vocabulary of gastronomy in literary works from Boccaccio to Giulio Cesare Croce" in The Italianist vol. 30 suppl. 2 (2010) pp. 132-148
- ↑ Metzner (1998); Morgan (1830)
- ↑ W. H. Dixon, ed., Lady Morgan's memoirs (Londinii: Allen, 1862) vol. 2 p. 428
- ↑ It was in season ... it was up to its time ... it was in the spirit of the age .. there was ... no trace of the wisdom of our ancestors in a single dish; no high-spiced sauces, no dark-brown gravies, no flavour of cayenne and allspice, no tincture of catsup and walnut pickle ... Distillations of the most delicate viands, extracted ... with chemical precision ... formed the fond of all. Every meat presented its own natural aroma, every vegetable its own shade of verdure: Morgan (1830) pp. 415-416
- ↑ Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
- ↑ Pays et gens de France no. 66 (1983) p. 20
- ↑ "Agresta": Arnaldus de Villa Nova, Regimen sanitatis ad regem Aragonum
- ↑ "Ass flesh, Equus asinus L. Caro asinina": George Pearson, Arranged catalogues of the articles of food, seasonings and drinks (Londinii, 1821) p. 13
- ↑ "Capreolina inter ferinas alias summe delicata est, grata & tenera omniúmque minus noxia, ad cuius bonitatem proximè accedit damarum caro": Iosephus Quercetanus, Diaeteticon polyhistoricon (1607) (p. 311 apud Google Books)
- ↑ "Cuniculina caro cognata est leporinae": Helius Eobanus Hessus, De tuenda bona valetudine (1551) (f. 40v apud Google Books)
- ↑ "caro cuniculina": Georgius Pictorius, Sanitatis tuendae methodus carmine elegiaco conscripta (1561?) (in indice apud Google Books)
- ↑ "De damulina": Georgius Pictorius, Sanitatis tuendae methodus carmine elegiaco conscripta (1561?) (p. 12 apud Google Books)
- ↑ "Capreolina inter ferinas alias summe delicata est, grata & tenera omniúmque minus noxia, ad cuius bonitatem proximè accedit damarum caro": Iosephus Quercetanus, Diaeteticon polyhistoricon (1607) (p. 311 apud Google Books)
- ↑ Kenelm Digby; George Hartman, ed.? The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened. Londinii: Henry Brome, 1669 (pp. 117-118 apud Google Books)
- ↑ "Caro leporina": Polybi De diaeta salubri sive de victu privatorum libellus (1561) (f. 58r et index apud Google Books)
- ↑ "Leporina satis boni nutrimenti vividum et floridum faciei colorem conciliat": Iosephus Quercetanus, Diaeteticon polyhistoricon (1607) (p. 311 apud Google Books)
- ↑ Jean-Antoine-Claude Chaptal et al.; Iosephus Voltiggi, interpr., Tractatus de vitis cultura arteque parandi vinum. Viennae [i.e. Vindobonae] 1808 (vol. 1 p. 76)
- ↑ Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
- ↑ ... parquoy furent tous ces princes à Bruges sans pouvoir tomber en aucun accord. Auquel lieu ils sejournerent tout cest hyver, et y tint le duc de Bourgogne grand estat, où ne furent épargnés les bons vins de Beaune, Arboys, et chasteau Charlon, voulant bien monstrer que le duc de Bourgogne est le prince des bons vins, tant au duché qu'au comté: Paradinus (1566); versio Latina e Salins (1702) p. 9 dempta, admodum emendata
- ↑ Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
- ↑ Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
- ↑ "vinea plantata vitibus monovasiae; planta de malvassia; vinea de malvassia; vites malvasiae": fontes apud Anagnostaces pp. 121, 135, 136, 139-141, 144, 145
- ↑ Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
- ↑ "nomina ... Malacitanum, Toccaium, Cyprium, Creticum, Urbevetanum, Politianum ... suaviter sonant" (p. 62 apud Google Books)
- ↑ Alec Waugh, Wines and Spirits (Time-Life Books, 1975) textus e versione Francogallica Latine versus
- ↑ Edouard de Pomiane, Radio cuisine (1920-1929) no. 66, fide Menu fretin
- ↑ Way of Eating
- ↑ Quinamaca quauhnextamalli, tamalatl, in tenextamalli, in tamalpitzaoac, in xocotamalli, in epaoaxtamalli, in epaoaxtlaoio, in exixilquitlaoio, tlaoioputztic, tlaoioxixitic, popoiec tamalpatlachtli, tamalhuitzoctle ichcatamalli, tlacatlaqualli, tamalmimilli, quatecuicuilli, tlatzincuitl, tlapactamalli, tlamaquauilli, ocelotamalli, tamaluizoctli, iztac xocotamalli, chilchiltic xocotamalli, totoltetamalli, totoltetlaoio, xilotamalli, elotamalli, santamalli, tlecoiutl, iotamalli, necutamalli, xicotamalli, tlaoltamalli, aiôtamalli, tlapactamalli, miaoatamalli: Sahagún vol. 10 cap. 19
- ↑ Metzner (1998); Morgan (1830)
- ↑ W. H. Dixon, ed., Lady Morgan's memoirs (Londinii: Allen, 1862) vol. 2 p. 428
- ↑ Metzner (1998); Morgan (1830)
- ↑ W. H. Dixon, ed., Lady Morgan's memoirs (Londinii: Allen, 1862) vol. 2 p. 428
- ↑ It was in season ... it was up to its time ... it was in the spirit of the age .. there was ... no trace of the wisdom of our ancestors in a single dish; no high-spiced sauces, no dark-brown gravies, no flavour of cayenne and allspice, no tincture of catsup and walnut pickle ... Distillations of the most delicate viands, extracted ... with chemical precision ... formed the fond of all. Every meat presented its own natural aroma, every vegetable its own shade of verdure: Morgan (1830) pp. 415-416
- ↑ Edgar A. Porter, The People's Doctor: George Hatem and China's Revolution (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997) p. 76
- ↑ Panthaleo de Conflentia (1477)