Scopulus curalii
Scopulus curalii[2] vel corallinus est structura submarina carbonato calcii a curaliis effecto. Scopuli curalii sunt coloniae perparvorum animalium vivorum quae in aquis marinis pauca alimenta continentibus habitant. Plurimi scopuli curalii ex curaliis saxosis aedificantur, qui vicissim in polypiis in gregibus coalescentibus consistunt. Polypi perparvorum actiniariorum similes sunt, quibus ei sunt arte cognati; dissimiles autem actiniariorum, polypi curalii dura exosceleta carbonati efficiunt quae sua corpora sustinent et defendunt. Scopuli in aquis calidis, humilibus, claris, apricis, agitatis optime crescunt.
Scopuli curalii, saepe "marinae silvae pluviales" appellati, nonnulla ex diversissimis orbis terrarum oecosystematibus aedificant. Minus quam 0.1 centesimam superficiei oceanicae occupant (fere dimidium areae Franciae), sed habitationem pro 25 centesimis omnium specierum maritimarum praebent,[3][4][5] inter quas pisces, mollusca, vermes, crustacea, echinodermata, spongiae, tunicatae, et alia cnidaria.[6] Quod est admirabile contraque opinionem omnium, scopuli curalii florere possunt quamquam ab aquis oceanicis quae pauca nutrimenta praebent cingantur: saepissime inveniuntur in altitudinibus humilibus in aquis tropicis, sed curalia aquae altae et aquae frigidae etiam in numeris minoribus aliter existunt.
[recensere | fontem recensere]Tria principalia scopulorum genera sunt:
- Fimbria: scopulus plerumque ad litus adligatus, vel id attingit cum humili canale vel lacuna interiacente.
- Obex: scopulus a continente vel litore insulae a canale alto vel lacuna separatus.
- Atollum: obex plus minusve rotunda vel continua omnino circa lacunam insula in medio carentem patet.
[recensere | fontem recensere]-
Una ex Faviidis
Curalium spirale
Animalia quae scopulos habitant
[recensere | fontem recensere]Societates
[recensere | fontem recensere]Societates quae proposita refectionis atollorum vel scopulorum curalii suscipiunt, simplices propagationis plantarum rationes adhibentes:
- Coral Cay (Situs publicus)
- Coral Restoration Foundation: Adopt a Coral (Situs publicus)
- Counterpart International[8]
- Foundation of the peoples of the South Pacific (Situs publicus)
- National Center for Coral Reef Research
- National Coral Reef Institute (Situs publicus)
- Reef Ball
- Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative
- U.S. Coral Reef Task Force
- U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Coral Reef Conservation Program
- WorldFishCenter: rationes promovet mariculturae sustentabiles? ad crescendas Tridacnidas, organismos scopuli
Societates quae studium promovent, scientiam de vita scopulorum curalii praebent, et actiones ad protegendos et reficiendos scopulos curalii promovent:
- Australian Coral Reef Society
- Biosphere Foundation (Situs publicus)
- Chagos Conservation Trust
- Conservation Society of Pohnpei
- Coral Cay Conservation
- Coral Reef Care
- Coral Reef Alliance (Situs publicus)
- Coral Reef Targeted Research and Capacity Building for Management
- Coral Restoration Foundation
- Coral Triangle Initiative
- Cousteau Society
- Crusoe Reef Society
- CEDAM International
- Earthwatch
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Environmental Solutions International
- Friends of Saba Marine Park
- Global Coral Reef Alliance (Situs publicus)
- Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network[9]
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
- Green Fins
- ICRAN Mesoamerican Reef Alliance
- International Coral Reef Initiative (Situs publicus)
- International Marinelife Alliance
- International Society for Reef Studies
- Intercoast Network
- Kosrae Conservation and Safety Organization
- Marine Conservation Group
- Marine Conservation Society
- Mesoamerican Reef Tourism Initiative
- NSF Moorea Coral Reef Long-term Ecological Research (NSF Situs publicus)
- Nature Conservancy
- Ocean Voice International
- Planetary Coral Reef Foundation (Situs publicus)
- Practical Action[10]
- Project Reefkeeper
- ReefBase
- Reef Check
- Reef Relief (Situs publicus)
- Reefwatch
- Save Our Seas Foundation (Situs publicus)
- Seacology
- Singapore Underwater Federation
- Society for Andaman and Nicobar Ecology
- Tubbataha Foundation
- Wildlife Conservation International
- World Wide Fund for Nature
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ Animation of coral atoll formation NOAA Ocean Education Service.
- ↑ "Maximum stationis aquarium est exemplar scopuli curalii Caribici." [ Glosbe
- ↑ M. D. Spalding et A. M. Grenfell, 1997, "New estimates of global and regional coral reef areas,"[nexus deficit] Coral Reefs 16(4): 225–230. doi:10.1007/s003380050078
- ↑ Spalding, Mark, Corinna Ravilious, and Edmund Green (2001). World Atlas of Coral Reefs. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press and UNEP/WCMC ISBN 0520232550.
- ↑ M. Mulhall Saving rainforests of the sea: An analysis of international efforts to conserve coral reefs, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum 19 (2007): 321–351.
- ↑ Hoover, John (November, 2007). Hawaiʻi's Sea Creatures. Mutual. ISBN 1-5854702902
- ↑ "Coral reefs around the world". 2 September 2009
- ↑ Vide The Coral Gardener, documentarium de Austin Bowden-Kerby, perito Counterpart International, apud
- ↑ Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network Status of Coral Reefs of the World 2008.
- ↑ Practical Action coral reef restoration Practical Action. Retrieved on 2011-11-08.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Butler, Steven. 1996. "Rod? Reel? Dynamite? A tough-love aid program takes aim at the devastation of the coral reefs". U.S. News and World Report, 25 Novembris 1996.
- Clifton, Julian. 2003. Prospects for Co-Management in Indonesia's Marine Protected Areas. Marine Policy 27(5): 389–395. doi 10.1016/S0308-597X(03)00026-5.
- Courtney, Catherine, et Alan White. 2000. Integrated Coastal Management in the Philippines. Taylor and Francis.
- Fox, Helen. 2005. Experimental Assessment of Coral Reef Rehabilitation Following Blast Fishing. The Nature Conservancy Coastal and Marine Indonesia Program. Blackwell Publishers/
- Gjertsen, Heidi. 2004. Can Habitat Protection Lead to Improvements in Human Well-Being? Evidence from Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines.
- Moyle, P. B. , et J. J. Cech. 2003. Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology. Ed. quinta. Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 978-0-13-100847-2.
- Sadovy, Y. J. Ecological Issues and the Trades in Live Reef Fishes, Part 1
- Coral Reef Protection: What Are Coral Reefs?. US EPA.
- UNEP. 2004. Coral Reefs in the South China Sea. UNEP/GEF/SCS Technical Publication No. 2.
- UNEP. 2007. Coral Reefs Demonstration Sites in the South China Sea. UNEP/GEF/SCS Technical Publication No. 5.
- UNEP, 2007. National Reports on Coral Reefs in the Coastal Waters of the South China Sea. UNEP/GEF/SCS Technical Publication No. 11.
Nexus interni
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]
Verba quae insequuntur vicificanda sunt ut rationibus qualitatis et Latinitatis propositis obtemperent. Quaesumus ut paginam emendes. |
Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad scopulos curalii spectant. |
- How Coral Reefs Work, apud
- International Coral Reef Initiative, apud
- International Year of the Reef (2008), apud
- Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research Site, apud
- Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, apud
- Coral-List Listserver for Coral Reef Information and News, apud
- Coral Reef Conservation Program, apud
- Exhibition of the Mexican Caribbean coral reef biodiversity aquarium in Xcaret Mexico, apud
- Imagines Scopuli Curalii Sinus Kutch, apud
- Coral Reef Information System, apud
- Marine Aquarium Council, apud
- Microdocs, apud
- Quattuor genera scopulorum, apud
- Structura scopulorum, apud
- National Coral Reef Institute apud
- NCORE National Center for Coral Reef Research, University of Miami, apud
- A Global Information System on Coral Reefs, apud
- Science and Management of Coral Reefs in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand, apud
- NBII portus de scopulis curalii, apud
- fontes, imagines, educatio, pericula, solutiones
- Scopuli curalii, apud
- Seminar on Corals and Coral Reefs by Nancy Knowlton (Smithsonian), apud
- "In The Turf War Against Seaweed, Coral Reefs More Resilient Than Expected". Science Daily. 3 Iunii 2009