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Georgius Beverly Shea

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Georgius Beverly "Bev" Shea (Winchester Ontarionis 1 Februarii 190916 Aprilis 2013) fuit cantor musicae evangelii, compositor hymnorum, scriptor librorum pietatis Christianae et histrio. In Canada ortus, Civitatibus Foederatis habitans et tandem civis, Shea, saepe "carus Americae cantor evangelii"[1] appellatus,[2] "prima internationalis mundi evangelii 'stella' cantans"[3] habitus est ob eius cantica in expeditionibus sacris Gulielmi Graham oblata, se in radiophonia, discis, et televisione latissime exposito.[4][5]

Nexus interni

  1. Anglice: "America’s Beloved Gospel Singer."
  2. Michael Ireland, "George Beverly Shea, to Celebrate 100th Birthday," ASSIST News Service (30 Ianuarii 2009). Nexus 18 Aprilis 2013 confirmatus.
  3. Anglice: "the first international singing 'star' of the gospel world."
  4. Melvin L. Butler, "Globalization of Gospel," in Encyclopedia of American Gospel Music, ed. W. K. McNeil (Routledge, 2005), 139.
  5. Don Cusic, The Sound of Light: A History of Gospel Music (Popular, 1990), 182.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Balmer, Randall Herbert. 2004. Modesto Manifesto. In Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism, p. 462. Waco Texiae: Baylor University Press. ISBN 193279204X.
  • Balmer, Randall Herbert. 2004. Shea, George Beverly (1909– ). In Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism, p. 621. Waco Texiae: Baylor University Press. ISBN 193279204X.
  • Davis, Paul. 2009. George Beverly Shea: Tell Me the Story.
  • Gregory, Andy. 2002. "George Beverly Shea." In International Who's Who in Popular Music 2002. Ed. 4a. Routledge, p. 463.
  • Shea, George Beverly. 1968. Then Sings My Soul. Old Tappan Novae Caesareae: F. H. Revell Co. Autobiographia.
  • Shea, George Beverly. 1972. Songs That Lift the Heart: A Personal Story. Old Tappan Novae Caesareae: F. H. Revell Co. ISBN 0800704983.
  • Shea, George Beverly. 2004. How Sweet the Sound. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers. ISBN 0842370420.
  • Shea, George Beverly. 2005. Stories Behind 50 Southern Gospel Favorites. Vol. 2.

Nexus externi

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