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"Google Translate does not produce real Latin, but you can ask for help in the Taberna."[fontem recensere]

Dear PEDCPR, I don't want to offend you, but may I ask: What Are You Doing? You've proven many times that your knowledge of Latin isn't very profound and yet you've tried to "correct" words in some of Vicipaedia's articles by giving them non-Latin forms and the like. And obviously you create new articles using Google Translate and publish them as they are: uncorrected, unchecked, unwikified. For instance, have a look at the English Wikipedia article on Epigenetics and let Google translate it: you'll get exactly that gobbledygook you just published.
I simply don't get it. Years ago, when I was already somewhat good at Latin (obviously not as good as I am today, even if I'm still struggeling to get the best result each time I'm writing something in Latin), I'd never have dared to publish an article on a public encyclopedia that might be anything but reasonably good. So again: What is your goal? How much experience with Latin do you really have? Petrus Tectander (disputatio) 21:06, 6 Iulii 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Caríssimo, encare então as traduções automáticas que vou deixando, como um desafio para sua excelência se dedicar a corrigir. Certamente, que tais correcções, fá-lo-ão ser um aprimorado contribuinte para a Vicipaedia. O prezado Petrus Tectander, conhecendo Latim útil, ser-lhe-á fácil a leitura desta resposta que lhe deixo. Cumprimentos. PEDCPR (disputatio) 22:08, 7 Iulii 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Normalmente, a tradução automática não é permitida na Vicpaedia, não é? Talvez um magistrado possa comentar sobre isso. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 00:09, 8 Iulii 2022 (UTC)[reply]
It's permitted, up to now, but the user is required to correct the Latin manually, and may ask politely on the Taberna for help: others may help if they wish. It's not permitted to make a mess on Vicipaedia and challenge others to clear it up. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:32, 8 Iulii 2022 (UTC)[reply]