Apodyterium (Graece ἀποδυτήριον) est conclave thermarum antiquarum, ubi vestimenta induebantur sive deponebantur. Etiam in palaestra gymnasii Graeciae antiquae talia conclavia exstabant.
Notissimum est apodyterium sic dictarum Thermarum suburbanarum Pompeiis propter imagines amatorias ibi inventas.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- John R. Clarke: Look Who's Laughing at Sex: Men and Women Viewers in the Apodyterium of the Suburban Baths at Pompeii. In: David Fredrick (Hg.): The Roman Gaze. Vision, Power, and the Body. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore & Londinii 2002, p. 149–181