Ioannes Ford
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Ioannes (vulgo John) Ford (natus anno 1586; mortuus post annum 1638) fuit scriptor praecipue tragoediarum Anglicus.
Ioannes Ford baptizatus est Ilsingtoniae in vico Devoniae die 17 Aprilis 1586, Thomae Ford Elisabethaeque Popham filius natu alter. Londinium iuvenis profectus est. Sodalis Templi Medii receptus, aliquot opera litteraria scripsit usque ad annum 1620. Deinde cum Thoma Dekker, Ioanne Webster, Gulielmo Rowley collaborare coepit ad ludos scaenicos perficiendos. Celeberrimum operum eius omnium est Tis Pitty Shees a Whore ('Eam esse scortum male accidit'), tragoedia anno 1629 fortasse docta, anno 1633 edita.
Ludi scaenici: The Spanish Gypsy (ed. 1623) • The Sun's Darling (ed. 1624) • The Lover's Melancholy (ed. 1629) • The Broken Heart, Love's Sacrifice, 'Tis Pity She's a Whore (ed. 1633) • The Chronicle History of Perkin Warbeck (ed. 1634) • The Fancies Chaste and Noble (ed. 1638) • The Lady's Trial (ed. 1639) • The Witch of Edmonton (ed. 1658)
Ludi deperditi: An Ill Beginning Has a Good End (scr. 1613) • Sir Thomas Overbury's Ghost (scr. 1615) • The Bristol Merchant, The Fairy Knight, A Late Murder of the Son upon the Mother (scr. 1624) • The Royal Combat, Beauty in a Trance, The London Merchant, Keep the Widow Waking
Alia opera: Fame's Memorial, Honour Triumphant, The Monarchs' Meeting (ed. 1606) • Christ's Bloody Sweat, The Golden Mean (ed. 1613) • A Line of Life (ed. 1620)