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International Journal of Greek Love

E Vicipaedia

International Journal of Greek Love fuit academicum libellum periodicum editum in Civitatibus Foederatis inter Ianuarium 1965 et Novembrem 1966 a numismatista Walter Breen, amori inter viros et adolescentes (interdum "amor Graecus" nuncupato) dicatum.[1][2] Licet parva circulatio, habebat insignis auctoritas inter homosexuales academicos.[3]

  1. De locutione "Amor Graecus" vide e.g. titulum in Classical Review n.s. vol. 53 (2003) p. 468
  2. Norton, Rictor; Crew, Louie. "The homophobic imagination: an editorial" (anglicae). College English, vol. 36, nr. 3 (Novembri 1974), pp. 272-290.
  3. Drake, Jonathan. ""Le Vice" in Turkey" (anglicae). International Journal of Greek Love. Oliver Layton Press, vol. 1, no. 2 (Novembri 1966), pp. 13-27

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[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • International Journal of Greek Love: editio interretialis duorum voluminum libelli (Anglice)