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Frome (oppidum Somersetense)

E Vicipaedia
Wikidata Frome (oppidum Somersetense)
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Civitas: Britanniarum Regnum
Locus: 51°13′40″N 2°19′17″W
Numerus incolarum: 28 567
Situs interretialis


Procuratio superior: Mendip


Superficies: 832 chiliometrum quadratum

Coniunctiones urbium

Urbes gemellae: Castrum Gontherii, Murrhardt

Frome est oppidum Somersetensis comitatus in Anglia occidentali situm. Ibi nundinae tenebantur ab anno 1029, mercatus autem ab anno 1270.[1] Oppidum saeculo XVIII ineunte frequentatissimum commercio lanae locupletatum est. Daniel Defoe sic descripsit:

The town of Froom ... is so prodigiously increased within these last twenty or thirty years, that they have built a new church, and so many new streets of houses, and those houses are so full of inhabitants, that Frome is now reckoned to have more people in it, than the city of Bath, and some say, than even Salisbury itself, and if their trade continues to increase for a few years more, as it has done for those past, it is very likely to be one of the greatest and wealthiest inland towns in England.[2]
Cheap Street (via mercatoria) in oppido Frome

Ecclesia S. Ioannis saeculo XII incepta, usque in saeculum XV aucta, medio saeculo XIX magna parte restructa est. Ecclesiae haud modestae Congregationalistarum anno 1707, Baptistarum anno 1813, Methodistarum anno 1834 aedificatae sunt. Anglicanorum ecclesia S. Trinitatis anno 1837 ab Henrico Goodridge architecto Bathoniensi designata est, vitris ab Eduardo Burne-Jones additis; ecclesiam autem Christi Georgius Allen Underwood, Bathoniensis et ille, anno 1844 designavit, vitro a Carolo Kempe addito.

Incolae notabiles

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  • "Frome" in John Collinson, The History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset (3 voll. Bathoniae, 1791) vol. 2 pp. 185-198
  • "Frome, or Frome-Selwood (St. Peter)[nexus deficit]" in Samuel Lewis, ed., A Topographical Dictionary of England (7a ed. 1848. ~)
  • Sam Moorhead, "The Frome Hoard: how a massive find changes everything." In: Bruno Callegher, ed., Too Big to Study? / Troppo grandi da studiare? Polymnia. Numismatica antica e medievale. Studi 11 (2019) pp. 281-304
  • "Frome" in Nikolaus Pevsner, The Buildings of England: North Somerset and Bristol (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958) pp. 195-200

Nexus externi

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Situs geographici et historici: Locus: 51°13′40″N 2°19′17″W • OpenStreetMap • 7294103 GeoNames • Vision of Britain • Open Domesday
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