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Formula:Double image

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Haec formula quadratum cum duobus imaginibus facit. Haec verba uti oporet:
(Anglice:) This template creates a box with two images side by side. It needs parameters like this:

{{double image|left/right/center|Left image|Left image size|Right image|Right image size|Left caption|Right caption|Left alt text|Right alt text}}
Flava charta Rubra charta
Duae chartae

Dextre cum una descriptione:
(Anglice:) To the right, with one single caption:

{{double image|right|Yellow card.svg|60|Red card.svg|60|Duae chartae||Flava charta|Rubra charta}}

Flava charta Rubra charta

Sinistre cum duobus descriptionibus:
(Anglice:) To the left. With two captions, one beneath each image:

{{double image|left|Yellow card.svg|60|Red card.svg|60|Flava|Rubra|Flava charta|Rubra charta}}