
![]() |
Haec formula adiuvat ad notam HTML |
![]() |
Haec formula sive transcludi ( |
Utere hac formula ut rem dissertatam scribas (per notam HTML <dfn>...</dfn>
– de hac vide infra).
Vide quoque formulas {{Res}}, {{Res de opere}}, {{Res typis italicis}}, {{Res tacita}} et {{Subres}} si argumentum |style=
forma peculiari praefers.
De usu
[fontem recensere]{{dfn|Sagittarius A*}} est foramen nigrum supermassivum in centro Viae lacteae situm.
- ↳ Sagittarius A* est foramen nigrum supermassivum in centro Viae lacteae situm.
{{dfn|Sgr A*|plene=Sagittarius A*}} est foramen nigrum supermassivum in centro Viae lacteae situm.
- ↳ Sgr A* est foramen nigrum supermassivum in centro Viae lacteae situm.
{{dfn|Sagittarius A*|style=font-style: inherit; font-weight: bold;}} est foramen nigrum supermassivum in centro Viae lacteae situm.
- ↳ Sagittarius A* est foramen nigrum supermassivum in centro Viae lacteae situm.
De argumentis
[fontem recensere]Haec formula rem dissertatam scribit.
Parameter | Descriptio | Typus | Status | |
Res | 1 | Res hic dissertata
| Content | required |
Plene | plene | Plenum lemma si |1= est forma compendiaria
| String | optional |
Ancora | ancora | Attributio HTML ‘id’
| String | optional |
Classis HTML | class | Attributio HTML ‘class’
| String | optional |
CSS | style | Attributio HTML ‘style’
| String | optional |
Tessera linguae | lingua | Attributio HTML ‘lang’
| String | optional |
De nota HTML
[fontem recensere]Consortium WHATWG sic notam HTML <dfn>...</dfn>
definivit (Anglice):
element represents the defining instance of a term. The paragraph, description list group, or section that is the nearest ancestor of thedfn
element must also contain the definition(s) for the term given by thedfn
element.Defining term: if the
element has atitle
attribute, then the exact value of that attribute is the term being defined. Otherwise, if it contains exactly one element child node and no childText
nodes, and that child element is anabbr
element with atitle
attribute, then the exact value of that attribute is the term being defined. Otherwise, it is the descendant text content of thedfn
element that gives the term being defined.
Note: If the
attribute of thedfn
element is present, then it must contain only the term being defined.The
attribute of ancestor elements does not affectdfn
element that links to adfn
element represents an instance of the term defined by thedfn
element.– HTML Standard, § Thedfn
Apud hanc formulam attributio title
appellatur |plene=
[fontem recensere]- {{Dfn}} – nomen interviciale
Vide quoque
[fontem recensere]- Auxilium:HTML in vicitextu
- Categoria:Formulae typographicae
- {{Res}}
- {{Res de opere}}
- {{Res typis italicis}}
- {{Res tacita}}
- {{Subres}}
- {{Scholium}}
- {{Indicium ostentum}}
- {{Abbr}}
- {{Var}}
Documentatio pristina transclusa est ex Formula:Definienda/doc. (recense | historiam inspice)
Quaesumus auctores experturos esse in harenarii (crea | effinge) ac periclitationum (crea) subpaginis huius formulae.
Lubet categorias et nexus in /doc subpaginam addere. Vide etiam subpaginas huius formulae.