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Ewan MacColl

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Peggy Seeger

Ewan MacColl (natus James Henry Miller Broughton in urbe Salfordiae Lancastriensis Comitatus die 25 Ianuarii 1915; mortuus Bromptoniae Londinii die 22 Octobris 1989) fuit cantor vulgaris, compositor carminum, communista, activista laboris, histrio, poeta, scriptor scaenicus, et productor discographicus Anglicus. Ter uxorem duxit: Ioannam Littlewood, directricem theatricam; Ioannam Newlove, quae ei duos liberos peperit, ex quibus una est Kirsty MacColl, cantrix et compositor carminum; ac Peggy Seeger (Margaritam Seeger), cantricem vulgarem Americanam, quae ei peperit tres liberos, Kitty, Calum, et Neill. Cum Littlewood in theatro, Seeger in musica vulgari collaboravit.


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  • Goorney, Howard, et Ewan MacColl. 1986. Agit-Prop to Theatre Workshop, Political Playscripts, 1930–1950. Mancuniae: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719022118.
  • Grosvenor Myer, Michael. 1972. The Radio Ballads Revisited. Folk Review Magazine, September.
  • Harker, Ben. 2007 Class Act: The Cultural and Political Life of Ewan MacColl. Londinii: Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745321653.
  • Littlewood, Joan. 1994. Joan's Book: Joan Littlewood's Peculiar History as She Tells It. Londinii: Methuen. ISBN 0413773183.
  • MacColl, Ewan. 1963. Ewan MacColl–Peggy Seeger Songbook. Novi Eboraci: Oak Publications.
  • MacColl, Ewan. 1990. Journeyman: An Autobiography. Praefatio Peggy Seeger. Londinii: Sidgwick & Jackson. ISBN 0283060360.
  • MacColl, Ewan. 1998. The Essential Ewan MacColl Songbook: Sixty Years of Songmaking, ed. Peggy Seeger. Novi Eboraci: Oak Publications.
  • O'Brien, Karen. 2004. Kirsty MacColl, The One and Only: The Definitive Biography. Londinii: Andre Deutsch. ISBN 0233000704.
  • Pegg, Carole A. 1999. British Traditional and Folk Musics. British Journal of Ethnomusicology 7:193–198.
  • Samuel, Raphael, Ewan MacColl, et Stuart Cosgrove. 1985/ Theatres of the Left, 1880–1935: Workers' Theatre Movements in Britain and America. Londinii: Routledge & Kegan Paul. ISBN 0710009011
  • Vacca, Giovanni, et Allan F. Moore. 2014. Legacies of Ewan MacColl: The Last Interview. Farnham: Ashgate. ISBN 9781409424314.

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