Eduardus Lear
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Nativitas: 12 Maii 1812; Highgate
Obitus: 29 Ianuarii 1888; Villa Matuciana
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum
Obitus: 29 Ianuarii 1888; Villa Matuciana
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum
Eduardus, vulgo Edward Lear (iuxta Holloway Middelsexiae natus die 12/13 Maii 1812; ad Villam Matutiam Italiae die 29 Ianuarii 1888 mortuus) fuit poëta, musicus et pictor avium Anglicus, tempore suo et apud posteriores Carminum Limericorum ludicrorum compositor laudatissimus sed propter topia inter artium amatores celeber.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Opera ab ipso divulgata
- 1832 : Illustrations of the Family of the Psittacidae, or Parrots. Londinii: R. Ackermann, E. Lear Textus alius
- 1841 : Views in Rome and Its Environs. Londinii: Thomas McLean
- 1846 : Illustrated Excursions in Italy. Londinii: Thomas McLean
- 1846 (E. Gray, ed.) : Gleanings from the Menagerie and Aviary at Knowsley Hall Textus
- 1846 : A Book of Nonsense, by Derry Down Derry. Londinii: Thomas McLean
- 1855 : 2a ed.
- 1861 : A Book of Nonsense, by Edward Lear. 3a ed. Londinii: Warne & Routledge, 1861 textus
- 1851 : Journals of a Landscape Painter in Albania, &c. Londinii: Richard Bentley Textus
- 1852 : Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria, &c. Londinii: Richard Bentley Textus
- 1853 : Poems and Songs by Alfred Tennyson, set to music and inscribed to Mrs Alfred Tennyson by Edward Lear. Londinii: Cramer, Beale & Co.
- 1859 : editio aucta
- 1863 : Views in the Seven Ionian Isles. Londinii
- 1870 : Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica. Londinii: Robert Bush Textus
- 1871 : Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany and Alphabets. Londinii: Robert Bush textus
- 1872 : More Nonsense, Pictures, Rhymes, Botany, etc. Londinii: Robert Bush textus
- 1877 : Laughable Lyrics. A Fourth Book of Nonsense Poems, Songs, Botany, Music, &c. Londinii: Robert Bush textus
- Editiones operum postumae
- Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson; illustrated by Edward Lear. Boussod, Valadon & Co., 1889
- Nonsense Books by Edward Lear in unum congessi. 1894? apud apud
- Edward Strachey, ed., Edward Lear: Nonsense Songs and Stories. Londinii: Frederick Warne, 1895 Praefatio
- "A Leaf from the Journal of a Landscape Painter: Edward Lear in Petra" in Macmillan’s Magazine vol. 75 (1897) pp. 410-30
- Lady Strachey, ed., The Letters of Edward Lear. Londinii: T. Fisher Unwin, 1907 Textus apud
- Lady Strachey, ed., The Later Letters of Edward Lear. 1911 Textus apud
- Lady Strachey, ed., Queery Leary Nonsense. Londinii: Mills & Boon, 1911 textus
- J. St. Loe Strachey, ed., The Lear Coloured Bird Book for Children. Londinii: Mills & Boon, 1912
- Lady Strachey, ed., Edward Lear: The Complete Nonsense Book. Novi Eboraci: Duffield, 1912
- Facsimile of a Nonsense Alphabet Drawn and Written by Edward Lear. Londinii: Frederick Warne, 1926 Textus apud
- R. L. Mégroz, ed., The Lear Omnibus. Londinii: Nelson, 1938
- Granville Proby, ed., Lear in Sicily. Londinii: Duckworth, 1939 textus
- B. Reade, Edward Lear's Parrots. 1949
- H. van Tal, ed., Edward Lear: Journals: a selection. Londinii: Arthur Barker, 1952
- Ray Murphy, ed., Edward Lear's Indian Journal. Londinii: Jarrolds, 1953
- Peter Quennell, ed., Edward Lear in Southern Italy. Londinii: William Kimber, 1964
- Peter Quennell, ed., Edward Lear in Greece. Londinii: William Kimber, 1965
- Lawrence Durrell, ed., Lear's Corfu. Corfu: Corfu Travel, 1965
- Peter Quennell, ed., Edward Lear in Corsica. Londinii: William Kimber, 1966
- Adrian Thorpe, ed., The Birds of Edward Lear. A Selection of the Twelve Finest Plates of the Artist. Londinii: Ariel Press, 1975
- S. Hyman, ed., Edward Lear's Birds. 1980
- The Travels of Edward Lear: exhibition catalogue. Londinii: Fine Art Society, 1983
- Rowena Fowler, ed., Edward Lear: The Cretan journal. Athenis: Denise Harvey, 1984. 3a ed.: 2012 De hoc libro
- S. Hyman, ed., Edward Lear in the Levant: travels in Albania, Greece and Turkey in Europe, 1848–1849. 1988
- Vivien Noakes, ed., Edward Lear: Selected letters. 1988
- Ruth Pitman, ed., Edward Lear’s Tennyson. Londinii: Carcanet, 1988
- Philip Sherrard, ed., Edward Lear: the Corfu years. Athenis: Denise Harvey, 1988
- V. Dehejia, Impossible Picturesqueness: Edward Lear's Indian watercolours, 1873–1875. Novi Eboraci, 1989
- Edward Lear: The family of parrots. Novi Eboraci: American Museum of Natural History, 1997
- Vivien Noakes, ed., Edward Lear: The complete verse and other nonsense. Londinii: Penguin, 2001
- De vita et opere
- Thomas Byrom, Nonsense and Wonder: the poems and cartoons of Edward Lear. Novi Eboraci: Dutton, 1977
- Susan Chitty, That Singular Person Called Lear: a biography of Edward Lear, artist, traveller and prince of nonsense. Novi Eboraci: Atheneum, 1989
- A. C. Colley, Edward Lear and the Critics. Columbia Carolinae Meridionalis, 1993
- A. Davidson, Edward Lear: landscape painter and nonsense poet (1812–1888). 1938
- W. B. O. Field [B. C. Slade], Edward Lear on My Shelves. Novi Eboraci, 1933
- P. Hofer, Edward Lear as a Landscape Draughtsman. Cantabrigiae Massachusettensium, 1967
- Corydon Ireland, "Edward Lear’s Natural History" in Harvard Gazette (27 Iunii 2012)
- P. Levi, Edward Lear: a biography. 1995
- Vivien Noakes, Edward Lear: The life of a wanderer. Londinii, 1968. 3a ed.: 1985
- Vivien Noakes, ed., Edward Lear 1812–1888: exhibition catalogue. Londinii: Royal Academy, 1985
- Vivien Noakes, The Painter Edward Lear. 1991
- V. S. Pritchett, "Lear’s Inner Landscape]" in New York Review of Books (13 Octobris 1977) textus venalis
- S. Wilcox, Edward Lear and the Art of Travel. Novo Portu: Yale University Press, 2000
- Aliae encyclopaediae
- Briony Llewellyn, "Lear, Edward[nexus deficit]" in Grove Art Online [situs venalis]
- Franklin Lushington, "Lear, Edward" in Encyclopaedia Britannica. 11a ed. (Sicagi, 1911) html djvu
- Vivien Noakes, "Lear, Edward (1812–1888)[nexus deficit]" in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography edd. H. C. G. Matthew, Brian Harrison (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2004) Situs venalis
- Charles William Sutton, "Lear, Edward" in Dictionary of National Biography edd. Leslie Stephen, Sidney Lee. 63 voll., 3 voll. suppl. (Londinii, 1885-1901 ~)
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Eduardum Lear spectant. |
- The Edward Lear Society
- Rowena Fowler, Edward Lear's Grecian Travels
- Marco Graziosi, A Blog of Bosh: the Edward Lear Home Page
- Marco Graziosi, ed., Edward Lear's Diaries
- "Edward Lear" apud Vicifontem Anglicum
- Edward Lear home page: a bibliography of Edward Lear's writings
- Edward Lear and Crete