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Libri picturati A 16-30

E Vicipaedia
Mandragora officinarum. Libri picturati A 30 f. 85 (Bibliotheca Iagellonica universitatis Cracoviensis)

Libri picturati A 16-30, olim sub hoc siglo apud bibliothecam civicam Berolinensem servati, denuo in bibliotheca Iagellonica universitatis Cracoviensis reperti, sunt series voluminum saeculo XVI manu pictorum et scriptorum quae imagines plantarum animaliumque comprehendunt. Inter confectores Carolus Clusius eminet.

Bibliographia[recensere | fontem recensere]

Salicornia europaea et Suaeda maritima. Libri picturati A 24 f. 31 (Bibliotheca Iagellonica universitatis Cracoviensis)
  • St. A. Aumüller, "Erste Durchsicht und erster Plan einer wissenscheftlichen Auswertung der Libri picturati von Clusius in Krakau" in Bürgenlandische Heimatblätter vol. 45 (1983) pp. 97–105
  • Jan de Koning et al., Drawn After Nature: The Complete Botanical Watercolours of the 16th-Century Libri Picturati. Lugduni Batavorum: KNIV Publishing, 2008 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books) index capitulorum
  • Florike Egmond, "Clusius, Cluyt, Saint Omer. The origins of the Sixteenth-Century botanical and zoological watercolours in Libri Picturati A. 16–30" in Nuncius vol. 20(2005) pp. 11–67
  • L. Ramòn-Laca, "Charles de l'Ecluse and Libri Picturati A. 16–30" in Archives of Natural History vol. 28 (2001) pp. 195–243
  • C. Swan, The Clutius Botanical Watercolors. Plants and flowers of the Renaissance. Novi Eboraci: H. N. Abrams, 1998
  • Andrea Ubrizsy Savoia, "Relationship between Libri Picturati A. 16–30 and printed Renaissance botanical work; some new data on Clusius Codex and the mycological Cesi Codex" in M. Kokowski. ed., The Global and the Local: The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd ICESHS (Cracow, Poland, September 6-9, 2006)
  • Andrea Ubrizsy Savoia, L. Ramòn-Laca, "The Libri Picturati illustration in 16th century printed works" in J. de Koning, A. Zemanek, B. Zemanek, edd., Botanical illustrations of the 16th century. An enquiry into the Libri Picturati A 18–30. Lugduni Batavorum: NHM
  • H. Wegener, "Das grosse Bilderwerk des Carolus Clusius in der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek" in Forschungen und Fortschritte vol. 12 (1936) pp. 374–376
  • Alicja Zemanek, Andrea Ubrizsy Savoia, Bogdan Zemanek, "The beginnings of ecological thought in the Renaissance: an account based on the Libri picturati A. 18–30 collection of water-colours" in Archives of Natural History vol. 34 (2007) pp. 87–108

Nexus externi[recensere | fontem recensere]

Phaseolus vulgaris (?) Libri picturati A 23 f. 87 (Bibliotheca Iagellonica universitatis Cracoviensis)