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Xenocles (orator saec. 4 a.C.n.)

E Vicipaedia

Xenocles (Graece Ξενοκλῆς) fuit orator Atheniensis saeculi 4 a.C.n. exeuntis. In Cena Attica a poëta parodico Matrone Pitanaeo scripta Xenocles ut hospes cenarum depingitur. Idem fortasse fuit ac "Xenocles politicus impuri patris f. Cholargeus" quem refert scholiasta in Aristophanis Ranas 86.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • J. Kirchner, Prosopographia Attica (2 voll. Berolini: Reimer, 1901-1903) 1 2 vide no. 11236 (vol. 2 p. 157)
  • S. D. Olson, ed., Athenaeus, The Learned Banqueters (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006- ) vol. 2 p. 144 nota 60
  • S. D. Olson, A. Sens, Matro of Pitane and the Tradition of Epic Parody in the Fourth Century BCE: Text, Translation, and Commentary. Atlantae: Scholars Press, 1999; Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-7885-0615-3
  • J. Traill, ed., Persons of Ancient Athens (Toronto, 1994- ) no. 732385
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