Vita Constantini
Vita Constantini est opus ab Eusebio Caesareensis episcopo circa annum 337 conscriptum de Constantini imperatoris vita et principatu.
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Eusebii Pamphili de vita Constantini libri IV et panegyricus, atque Constantini ad sanctorum coetum oratio. Lipsiae 1830 (Textus apud Google books) (Graece)
- Über das Leben des Kaisers Konstantins ed. F. Winkelmann. Berolini 1975, 2a ed. 1992
- Eusebius, Life of Constantine interpr. Averil Cameron et Stuart G. Hall. Oxonii: Clarendon press, 1999. ISBN 978-0-19-814924-8 (Anglice) (liber hic recensus)
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]Bibliographia
[recensere | fontem recensere]- T. D. Barnes, "Panegyric, History and Historiography in Eusebius' Life of Constantine" in R. Williams, ed., The Making of Orthodoxy: Essays in Honour of Henry Chadwick (Cambridge, 1989) p. 94 ff.
- T. D. Barnes, "The Two Drafts of Eusebius' Vita Constantini" in T.D. Barnes, From Eusebius to Augustine (Aldershot, 1994) no. xii
- Averil Cameron, "Eusebius' Vita Constantini and the Construction of Constantine" in Simon Swain and M. Edwards, edd., Portraits: Biographical Representations in the Greek and Latin Literature of the Roman Empire (Oxonii 1997) p. 145 ff.
- H.A. Drake, "What Eusebius Knew: the Genesis of the Vita Constantini" in Classical Philology vol. 83 (1988) p. 20 ff.
- S.G. Hall, "The Use of Earlier Eusebian Material in the Vita Constantini, I.58-59" in Studia Patristica vol. 24 (1993) p. 96 ff.
- S.G. Hall, "Eusebian and Other Sources in the Vita Constantini, I" in Logos: Festschrift für Luise Abramowski (Berlin, 1993) p. 239 ff.