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Soloista (ballatio)

E Vicipaedia
Dryas mala, persona a soloista acta. Adumbratio Leonis Bakst, qui scaenam et circa trecentos vestitus duos menses excogitavit pro Pulchra Dormiente Djagileviana Londinii anno 1921 habita.

Soloista in ballatione est saltator in grege ballationis supra gradum corporis ballationis sed infra saltatorem principalem.[1] Saltatores huius gradus plurimas personas solas minoresque agunt, sicut Mercutius in Romeo et Iulietta et una ex dryadibus in Pulchra Dormiente. Secundus soloista excellens ad primum soloistam promoveri potest.[2]

Nexus interni

  1. Horst Koegler, Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ballet, ed. 2a (Oxoniae: Oxford University Press, 1982, ISBN 978-0-19-311330-5.
  2. "Learn about Ballet," The National Ballet of Canada: "A dancer who excels in the Corps de Ballet may be promoted to a Second Soloist and be asked to perform smaller group dances and some solo roles. Demonstrating their talent and strength as a Second Soloist, can lead a dancer to being promoted to First Soloist. As a First Soloists, dancers are given more solo roles to perform and are groomed for principal roles."