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Ecclesia cathedralis Wigorniensis

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Ecclesia cathedralis Wigorniensis

Ecclesia cathedralis Wigorniensis in urbe Vigorniae Angliae occidentalis visitatur. Dioecese Hwicciorum vel Wigorniensi anno fere 679 constituta, vestigia neque de ecclesia eo aevo confecta neque de illa ab Oswaldo episcopo anno 983 aedificata tempore nostro distinguuntur. Ecclesiam hodiernam Wulstanus episcopus anno 1084 construere coepit, cuius finis occidentalis anno circiter 1160 perfecta est.

Aevo recentiori restitutionem ecclesiae Georgius Gilbertus Scott inter annos 1863 et 1874 curavit.[1]

  1. Georgius Gilbertus Scott, Personal and professional recollections (Londinii, 1879) pp. 342-345


[recensere | fontem recensere]
Ecclesia cathedralis Wigorniensis intus visa
De historia et architectura
  • Thomas Abingdon, The antiquities of the cathedral church of Worcester ... to which are added the antiquities of the cathedral churches of Chichester and Lichfeld. Londinii: Curll, 1717 Textus apud Internet Archive
  • John Britton, The history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Worcester. Londinii: Nattali, 1835 Textus apud Internet Archive
  • Richard John King, Handbook to the Cathedrals of England: Western division: Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Bristol, Lichfield. 2a ed. Londinii: John Murray, 1874 Textus apud Internet Archive
  • John Noakes, The monastery and cathedral of Worcester. Londinii: Longman, 1866 Textus apud Internet Archive
  • Nikolaus Pevsner, Alan Brookes, The Buildings of England: Worcestershire (Nova ed. Novo Portu: Yale University Press, 2007) pp. 672–702
  • G. Popper, ed., Medieval art and architecture at Worcester Cathedral. 1978
  • Edward F. Strange, The cathedral church of Worcester, a description of the fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. Londinii: Bell, 1900 Textus apud Internet Archive
  • Elijah Aldis, Carvings and sculptures of Worcester Cathedral. Londinii: Bemrose, 1873 Textus apud Internet Archive
  • Ivor Atkins, The early occupants of the office of organist and master of the choristers of the Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Worcester. Worcestershire Historical Society, 1913 Textus apud Internet Archive
  • E. Ophelia Browne, ed., The register of Worcester Cathedral, 1693-1811. Worcestershire Historical Society, 1913 Textus apud Internet Archive
De bibliotheca
  • J. Harvey Bloom, ed., Original charters relating to the city of Worcester : in possession of the dean and chapter and by them preserved in the Cathedral Library. Oxoniae: Parker, 1909 Textus apud Internet Archive
  • John Kestell Floyer; Sidney Graves Hamilton, ed., Catalogue of manuscripts preserved in the chapter library of Worcester Cathedral. Oxoniae: Parker, 1906 Textus apud Internet Archive
  • R. M. Thomson, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts in Worcester Cathedral Library. Woodbridge: D. S. Brewer, 2001. ISBN 978-0-8599-1618-9

Nexus externi

[recensere | fontem recensere]
Situs geographici et historici: Locus: 52°11′19″N 2°13′15″W
Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad cathedralem Wigorniensem spectant.
Ecclesiae cathedrales Angliae Cambriaeque mediaevales