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Disputatio Usoris:UV/2022

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E Vicipaedia

Vide etiam disputationes annorum 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 et 2021.

Pellicula mensis

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Salve! Possis me adjuvare ad creandum formulam novam ad pelliculas mensis, similiter ut formula imagibus mensis? Sunt iam multae pelliculae Latinae in 'Communes' Wikimediae. Multas gratias, Iacobus. --JimKillock (disputatio) 15:46, 2 Ianuarii 2022 (UTC)[reply]

UV Iacobo s.p.d. Libenter formulas creavi, vide Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis. Nonne potes tu duodecim pelliculas proponere (pro duodecim mensibus anni 2022) et in formulas Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis/Ianuarii 2022, Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis/Februarii 2022, …, Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis/Novembris 2022 et Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis/Decembris 2022 inserere?
Tum possumus pelliculas mensium anni 2022 in Vicipaedia:Taberna proponere, deinde libenter paginam primam mutabo ad pelliculam mensis monstrandum (sub imaginem mensis? infra imaginis mensis?).
Ut valeas optime! --UV (disputatio) 21:40, 2 Ianuarii 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Sure! I have now created Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis. Could you please propose twelve videos (one for each month of the year 2022) and enter them at Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis/Ianuarii 2022, Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis/Februarii 2022, …, Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis/Novembris 2022 and Vicipaedia:Pellicula mensis/Decembris 2022?
Then we should announce this at the Vicipaedia:Taberna (feel free and go ahead), afterwards I can update the main page so that the movie of the month is shown there (below the imago mensis? above the imago mensis?)
Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 21:40, 2 Ianuarii 2022 (UTC)[reply]

How we will see unregistered users

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You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

18:17, 4 Ianuarii 2022 (UTC)

Hi, UV. I hope you don't mind -- I reverted your recent edit to this template because, as a result of that edit, it would not display alongside an image, thus causing a big blank space on several pages. I know that your edit was desirable from other points of view: maybe you can devise a solution? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:40, 5 Februarii 2022 (UTC)[reply]

No problem, never mind - I tried to get rid of most occurrences of class="toccolours" in favour of class="wikitable" for visual consistency, but it is not that important. Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 21:24, 5 Februarii 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Salve! Creavi paginam Provocatio ad populum. A te quaeso ut Recenseres illam paginam. Vive valeque! Mehdi khazaee (disputatio) 04:07, 6 Septembris 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Recensi. Ut valeas optime! --UV (disputatio) 15:58, 8 Ianuarii 2023 (UTC)[reply]