Christina Hastorf
Christina Anna Hastorf, nomine usitato Christine A. Hastorf, est archaeologa et archaeobotanista. Alumna est universitatis Californiensis Berkeleiensis, ubi postea docet. De palaeoethnobotania Erythroxyli cocae generisque Capsici victualiumque Andinum necnon ciborum luxuosorum operam dedit. Duos libros de novis methodis archaeologicis et archaeobotanicis edidit, videlicet Current Paleoethnobotany (1989), The Uses of Style in Archaeology (1990). Effossiones inquisitionesque conduxit praesertim ad litora lacus Titicaca. Anno 1999 opera archaeologorum qui Chiripa iuxta hunc lacum exploraverunt, a se directa, divulgari curavit (ibi habitabant homines aevi formativi inter annos circiter 1400 et 850 a.C.n.). Saepe de evolventibus regionis Andinae antiquae civitatibus scripsit.
Scripta selecta
[recensere | fontem recensere]- 1985 (cum M. J. DeNiro) : "Reconstruction of prehistoric plant production and cooking practices by a new isotopic method" in Nature vol. 315 p. 489
- 1987 : "Archaeological evidence of coca (Erythroxylum coca, Erythroxylaceae) in the upper Mantaro valley, Peru" in Economic Botany vol. 41 (1987) pp. 292–301
- 1989 (editor cum V. S. Popper) : Current Paleoethnobotany: Analytical Methods and Cultural Interpretations of Archaeological Plant Remains. Sicagi: University of Chicago Press
- 1990 (editor cum M. W. Conkey) : The Uses of Style in Archaeology. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press
- 1991 : "Gender, space, and food in prehistory" in J. M. Gero, M. Conkey, edd., Engendering Archaeology: Women and Prehistory (Cicestriae: Wiley) pp. 132–159
- 1993 : Agriculture and the Onset of Political Inequality before the Inka. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press
- 1999 (editor) : Early Settlement at Chiripa, Bolivia: Research of the Taraco Archaeological Project. Berkeleiae: University of California Archaeological Research Facility
- 1999 : "Recent research in paleoethnobotany" in Journal of Archaeological Research vol. 7 pp. 55–103
- 1999 : "Cultural implications of crop introductions in Andean prehistory" in Chris Gosden, Jon G. Hather, edd., The Prehistory of Food: Appetites for Change (Abingdoniae: Routledge, 1999) pp. 35-58 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- 2001 (cum T. N. D'Altroy) : Empire and Domestic Economy. Novi Eboraci: Springer
- 2003 : "Andean luxury foods: special food for the ancestors, deities and the élite" in Antiquity vol. 77 pp. 545–554
- 2003 : "Community with the ancestors: Ceremonies and social memory in the Middle Formative at Chiripa, Bolivia" in Journal of Anthropological Archaeology vol. 22 pp. 305-332
- 2006 (cum S. Atalay) : "Food, meals and daily activities: The habitus of food practices at Neolithic Çatalhöyük" in American Antiquity vol. 71 pp. 283-319
- 2008 (cum Denise Y. Arnold) : Heads of State: Icons, Power, and Politics in the Ancient and Modern Andes. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- 2009 : "Agriculture as Metaphor of the Andean State", in Steven E. Falconer, Charles L. Redman, edd., Polities and Power: Archaeological Perspectives on the Landscapes of Early States (Tucson: University of Arizona Press) pp. 52-72
- 2014 (cum Katherine L. Chiou) : "A Systematic Approach to Species-Level Identification of Chile Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Seeds: Establishing the Groundwork for Tracking the Domestication and Movement of Chile Peppers through the Americas and Beyond" in Economic Botany vol. 68 (2014) pp. 316-336 JSTOR
- 2017 (cum Lin Foxhall) : "The social and political aspects of food surplus" in World Archaeology vol. 49 pp. 26–39
- 2017 : The Social Archaeology of Food. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- "Hastorf, Christine Ann" apud Wenner-Gren Foundation
- "Christine A. Hastorf[nexus deficit]" apud National Geographic