
Caenozoicum[1][2] est aerathema stratigraphicum et aera geologica aeonis Phanerozoici suprema. Abhinc 65.5 centies milium annorum incepit.
Commissio Internationalis Stratigraphica terminum Cretaceum Palaeogenicum definit ab anomalia iridii qua vestigia illisionis meteoritae iuxta Chicxulub in stratis geologicis per omnem terrarum orbem inscribuntur. Hic terminus inceptum indicat aerae, periodo, seriei et stadii, videlicet aevorum Caenozoici, Palaeogenici, Palaeocaeni, Danii.
Nomen "Caenozoicum", per exemplum Palaeozoici iam nominati, Anglice sub forma Kainozoic (scil. system) anno 1840 ab Ioanne Phillips propositum est.[3] E verbis Graecis μεσός "medius", καινός "novus", ζῷον "animal" componitur.[4]
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑ Orthographiam "Caenozoicum" habes in contextu Theodisco ad caput libelli Fritz Frech, Das Caenozoicum. 2. Band. Quartär. Erste Abtheilung. Flora und Fauna des Quartärs (Lethea Geognostica, pars 3: Handbuch der Erdgeschichte mit Abbildungen der für die Formationen Bezeichnendsten Versteinerungen. 1904)
- ↑ "Kaenozoicum": Robertus Koeppel, Praelectiones geologiae et praehistoriae pars 1 iii (Romae, 1933) p. 5 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- ↑ "As many systems or combinations of organic forms as are clearly traceable in the stratified crust of the globe, so many corresponding terms (as Palæozoic, Mesozoic, Kainozoic, &c.) may be made": John Phillips, "Palæozoic series" in Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge vol. 17 (1840) pp. 153–154
- ↑ De historia nominis definitionisque vide: Mary Grace Wilmarth, The Geologic Time Classification of the United States Geological Survey Compared With Other Classifications, accompanied by the original definitions of era, period and epoch terms (United States Geological Survey Bulletin no. 769. Vasingtoniae: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1925) (p. 8 apud Google Books)
[recensere | fontem recensere]- William A. Berggren, Dennis V. Kent, John J. Flynn, John A. Van Couvering, "Cenozoic geochronology" in Geological Society of America Bulletin vol. 96 (1985) pp. 1407-1418
- William A. Berggren, Dennis V. Kent, Carl C. Swisher, Marie-Pierre Aubry, "A Revised Cenozoic Geochronology and Geostratigraphy[nexus deficit]" in Geochronology Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation: SEPM Special Publication No. 54 (Society for Sedimentary Geology, 1995. ISBN 1-56576-024-7) pp. 129-212
- William J. Bond, "Fires in the Cenozoic: a late flowering of flammable ecosystems" in Frontiers in Plant Science vol. 5 (2014) p. 749 sqq.
- Clinton Phillips Conrad, Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, "The temporal evolution of plate driving forces: Importance of “slab suction” versus “slab pull” during the Cenozoic" in Journal of Geophysical Research vol. 109 (2004) no. B10407
- Sarah J. Feakins, Peter B. Demenocal, "Global and African Regional Climate during the Cenozoic" in Lars Werdelin, W. J. Sanders, edd., Cenozoic Mammals of Africa (Berkeleiae: California University Press, 2010)
- Borja Figueirido et al., "Cenozoic climate change influences mammalian evolutionary dynamics" in PNAS vol. 109 (2012) pp. 722-727
- Alan Graham, "The age and diversification of terrestrial New World ecosystems through Cretaceous and Cenozoic time" in American Journal of Botany vol. 98 (2011) pp. 336-351 JSTOR
- Bilal U. Haq et al., "Mesozoic and Cenozoic chronostratigraphy and eustatic cycles" in Sea-Level Changes: an integrated approach (Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication no. 42) pp. 71-108
- Bonnie Jacobs, A. D. Pan, Christopher Scotese, "A review of the Cenozoic vegetation of Africa" in Lars Werdelin, W. J. Sanders, edd., Cenozoic Mammals of Africa (Berkeleiae: California University Press, 2010)
- Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni, Mark A. Richards, "Cenozoic plate driving forces" in Geophysical Research Letters (Iunio 1995)
- Spencer Lucas, "Cenozoic Tetrapod Ichnofaunas and Ichnofacies" in S. Lucas et al., Neogene Mammals (New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin no. 44, 2008) pp. 15-23
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